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Mid-level Xen'drik Expedition (Recruiting Closed)


First Post
under construction...

Major Wulfram ir'Hellekanus
Male Human Ex-paladin 2/ Hexblade 3/ Ur-priest 2/ Bone Knight 1
Lawful Evil

[sblock=Crunch]Str 16 +1 level
Dex 13
Con 15
Int 14
Wis 16
Cha 14 +1 level

Hit Points ??
AC ??, Touch ??, Flat ??
Init +1
BAB +7, Grap +9
Speed ?? (base 30 ft, load 0/33, heavy armor)
Fort +10 (6 base +2 Cha +2 Con), Ref +4 (1 base +2 Cha +1 Dex), Will +11 (6 base +2 Cha +3 Wis)

+?? Melee, weaponname, 1d6+??, 20/x2
+??/+?? Melee, weaponname/weaponname, 1d6+??/1d6+??, 20/x2
+?? Ranged, weaponname, 1d6+??, 20/x2, 30'r
+??/+?? Ranged, weaponname/weaponname, 1d6+??/1d6+??, 20/x2, 30'r

Medium, 7'0" tall, 264 lbs, 32 yrs old
Silvery-white hair, hazel eyes, dark toned skin

Speaks Common, Halfling

+ Bluff (6)
+ Concentration (5)
+ Craft - Armorsmithing (6)
+ Craft - Weaponsmithing (2)
+ Intimidate (2)
+ Knowledge - Arcana (5)
+ Knowledge - The Planes (4)
+ Knowledge - Religion (8)
+ Ride (6)
+ Spellcraft (11)
+ Listen (0)
+ Spot (0)

-Iron Will
-Power Attack *human bonus
-Education *flaw bonus
-Spell Focus (Evil)
-Quicken Spell


Human Traits
-Medium Size
-Base land speed 30 ft.
-1 extra feat at 1st level
-4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level
-Automatic Langages: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages)
-Favored Class: Any

Paladin Abilities
*those listed below are only the ones retained as per
-Divine Grace
-Lay on Hands

Hexblade Abilities
-Hexblade's Curse 1/day (DC 13)
-Arcane Resistance

Ur-Priest Abilities
-Rebuke Undead

Bone Knight Abilities
-Bonecraft Armor
-Paladin Conversion
-Rebuke Undead

Spells Prepared
0th- Spell1, Spell2
1st- Spell1, Spell2
2nd- Spell1, Spell2[/sblock]

[sblock=Background]A prodigy from the Rekkenmark Academy, Wulfram comes from the presigious noble house of Hellekanus who have a long line of exhibiting excellence in their chosen field: war.
Coming from an old military family, he was enrolled (like his fathers) in the prestigious Rekkenmark Academy top of his class at the age of 16. While at the academy, he was indoctrinated in the ways of the Karrnathi. To serve one's country, to put the needs of Karrnath before those of one's own and to honor those that had come before.

After his graduation, he was quickly sent to the front with command of his own squad which came to fight in some of the most influential and pivotal battles of the war. One of these battles, the Battle of the Bones, led him to be inducted into the Order of Rekkenmark where he came to rub shoulders with some of the greatest military minds Karrnath had to offer.

Now, 2 years after the war has ended, Major Wulfram ir'Hellekanus was assigned to patrol the southern border of Karrnath near the Mournlands to guard against any incursion by the twisted monstrosities within. Even in this time of peace, there were rumors of war.

A month ago, he was summoned by a member of the Order, Warlord Augustus Kraal, who told him of rumors that this peace is nothing but a null period in the war. Hoping that war would come soon, he tells Wulfram of rumors coming from the continent of mysteries, Xen'drik. Wulfram learns from the warlord that there may be a weapon in that continent that would be able to prove to be invaluable to the war effort and enable Karrnath to have the upper hand when war breaks out again.

So travelling to this mysterious continent, Wulfram goes without question.

He will be more of a frontline fighter/ melee cleric.
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First Post
I changed a little from my original concept, but I think it works out well.

[sblock=Character Sheet]Name: Sir Drego ir'Corus, Fist of the Flame
Class: Paladin of the Silver Flame 4/Monk 2/Argent Fist 2
Race: Human
Alignment: LG
Age: 27
Weight: 185 lbs
Height: 5’11”
Gender: Male

HP: 83 / 83 (6d10+2d8+24)

STR 16 (+3)
DEX 18 (+4)
CON 16 (+3)
INT 14 (+2)
WIS 19 (+4)
CHA 17 (+3)


AC 25 (+6 Armor, +1 deflection, +4 Dex, +4 Wis)

FORT +16 (10 Base, +3 Con, +3 Cha)
REF +11 (4 Base, +4 Dex, +3 Cha)
WILL +14 (7 Base, +4 Wis, +3 Cha)

Speed: 30ft
INIT +4 (+4 Dex)

Melee (+6/+1 Bab, +3 Str)
+12/+7 +2 ki focus silver flame-touched iron longspear (1d8+6 dmg, x3 crit, reach) and
+4 silver unarmed strike (1d10+1 dmg) or
+9/+4 silver unarmed strike (1d10+3 dmg) or
+10/+5 +1 Mighty Composite Longbow [Str 16] (1d8+4 dmg, x3 Crit, 110 ft.) or
+7/+7/+2 silver unarmed strike (1d10+1 dmg) flurry of blows when not in armor

Combat Reflexes
Extra Turning
Knight Training (Monk)
Serpent Strike
Silver Smite
Stunning Fist (3/day, DC 18 (20 when combined with a smite))
Weapon Focus (Longspear)

Racial Features
+1 bonus feat at 1st level
+4 skill points at 1st level and +1 skill point at every level after

Class Features
Aura of Good
Detect Evil
Smite Evil 1/day (+3 attack, +8 damage)
Divine Grace
Lay on Hands (12 HP/day)
Aura of Courage
Divine Health
Turn Undead 10/day (Turning Check +5 as Cleric 2)
Bonus Feat (1 Paladin; 2 Monk)
Flurry of Blows (not when wearing armor)
Unarmed Strike
Ascetic Knight
Ki Focus
Stunning Smite (+2 DC to Stunning Fist when combed with Smite Evil)
Holy Armor
Ki Strike (silver)

Balance +6 (0 ranks, +4 Dex, +2 synergy)
Diplomacy +16 (11 ranks, +3 Cha, +2 synergy)
Jump +14 (9 ranks, +3 Str, +2 synergy)
Knowledge (Religion) +7 (5 ranks, +2 Int)
Sense Motive +15 (11 ranks, +4 Wis)
Spot +13 (9 ranks, +4 Wis)
Tumble +16 (10 ranks, +4 Dex, +2 synergy)


Equipment 34 lbs; 116.7 gp
+2 flametouched iron longspear, +1 mighty composite [Str 16] longbow, +2 mithril chain shirt with lesser clasp of Fire Protection, +1 ring of protection, gloves of dexterity +2, periapt of wisdom +2, handy haversack, 20 arrows, flametouched holy symbol of the SIlver Flame, ID papers with picture, traveling papers, belt pouch, bedroll, flint and steel, 50 ft. of silk rope, 2 sunrods, 10 days of rations, waterskin


[sblock=Background]Given over by his noble family to be a squire to the famous Silver Flame Crusader, Alestair of the Silver Cloak, Drego's life has never been his own. From a very young age he realised that he had only been given over to prove his family's devotion to the religous regime in Thrane, yet Drego never minded. In fact, he went into the experience wide-eyed and excited to be so close to the Silver Flame's true work in Khorvaire: facing down the forces of darkness wherever they could be found.

Drego's assessment of his master changed over years of serving him. In fact, Drego began questiooning his own faith in the face of some of the decisions the famous Alestair made. Whenever faced with a problem Alestair would stare it in the face and boldly chrge towards it, eliminating with the mightiest force he could manage to bring to bear. He frequently told young Drego that to do the Flame's work, you had to be more merciless than the demons you faced. Horrified by this teaching, but unable to speak out against his master without facing heresy charges, Drego silently served, learned, and waited.

Eventually, he discovered in his master that the lack of mercy left him open to demonic influence, and that his master had been quite fallen for years now, serving the causes of the Lords of Dust rather than the true Flame. Rather than tackle the problem head-on as his fallen master had taught him, Drego bided his time, and exposed his master's treachery in front of bishop of the church, freeing Drego from his servitude, foiling the plans of the Lords of Dust, and earning Drego his knightship.

Drego's first instincts were to lead a life similar to his master, traveling Khorvaire in search of evil to fight, but one knight, the Flame whispered in the back of his mind, "Listen to me, and I shall teach you my will." Drego meditated, waiting for the voice to return, and saught out the help of some very spiritual advisors within Thrane. Drego sold his fancy mount, fine sword, ornamental shield, and plate armor and gave the money to a war orphanage and spent a year and a day living on top of a mountain sacred to the Silver Flame. There he claims to have seen many things, most that he is unable to clearly remember or reveal. When he descended he was changed, clad in mithril chain armor and carrying a simple spear with a silvery head. He spoke the church of his visions, and they agreed that they were a true calling of the Flame: Equipped with some magical artifacts they could spare, Drego should travel across the sea to Xen'drik and seek out a powerful piece of Knowledge that will empower the church of the Flame forever.[/sblock]
[sblock=Appearance/Personality]Drego ir'Corus is a handsome, thin, and well-muscled man. He wears a silver shirt of chain covered by a simple red tabard, lined in cloth-of-silver. On this tabard he wears a pin that has a fairly brilliant red crystal inlaid on it. Around his neck he wears a fine silver chain with a pearl pendant. He wears a footman's helm over his face, but when he removes it his face is revealed to be handsome, if unmemorable. His eyes are so light a shade of brown, they sometimes appear orange when reflecting the sun, and his dirty-blond hair is kept cropped short. On his belt he wears the symbol of the Silver Flame, set in silvery flame-touched iron.

Drego is determined not to let the brash, outward, and merciless point of view that was his master's downfall enter into his own personality. He is determined to win friends to the faith through his actions, and rarely through his words. He is also determined to never blindly follow his own impulses, and to always listen to that quiet voice of the Flame in the back of his mind. He comes across as confident, competent, and calm, radiating calm to all of those around him.[/sblock]

I wrote my background to try and show how much I am NOT Lawful Stupid...but still, as a Paladin, would I be held to the rule that I cannot knowingly associate with an evil character? It seems to me that clause is why I have Detect Evil...not to ping every person I would meet and kill the "bad" ones, but to see to it that I only associate with those good enough to be judged by. After all, we are judged on the company we keep.

I also left a little wiggle room in my history to write in some other characters. The "lost year" on the mountain-top could easily be me wandering into a manifest zone or something, and coming out somewhere else in the world, meeting the fellow PCs. Also, the time I am working with Alestair could also have me meet some of the other PCs.
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First Post
I have updated my backgroung if VV and IDK want to take a look. LEt me know if this conflicts with anything you wanted to do. So I think I am done until I get the news of wheter or not I have been accepted.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Well, the other game I was looking at started and died within a day of each other. Is this one still recruiting?


First Post
stonegod said:
Well, the other game I was looking at started and died within a day of each other. Is this one still recruiting?

Yes, but only for another 8 hours or so. If you want to submit something though, you need to propose it first (just race, class(es), and maybe one line of backstory). If I give it a thumbs up you can go ahead and make a full submission out of it.

Edit: One tiny problem is that there's a chance I won't be around my computer for the next few hours, so it might be a pain to sit around waiting for concept approval before doing all the crunch. If you don't get a response from me soon after posting a proposal, feel free to take a chance and just write up the full submission. Chances are it will be approved so long as it isn't anything blatantly game-breaking (or from sources I don't have, which include fiendish codex II, dungeonscape, cityscape, and complete scoundrel).


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
gabrion said:
Yes, but only for another 8 hours or so. If you want to submit something though, you need to propose it first (just race, class(es), and maybe one line of backstory). If I give it a thumbs up you can go ahead and make a full submission out of it.
Noted. I'll have something w/in the hour concept-wise (need to get off work, look @ the thread again, etc.)

Voda Vosa

First Post
Great Mellubb, heres mine as well.

Golem, as his human battalion fellows called him, was one of the new light warrior type warforged, and served during the war in several battalions. Too much fights, too much enemies defeated. Golem got sick of murdering. Even with his construct behavior, he became aware of suffering and pain, although he doesn't had those feelings.
After war was over, Golem found himself fighting a more powerful foe than before. Now he have time to think about his kind, about life and its meaning.
He started wondering through dense forest and extenuating plains, until he was to damaged to continue. Still, with his damaged body, his head kept working. He was exposed to all the power of the weather, plants grew over the dirt that accumulates over him. Insects made holes in his wooden parts, even a little mice made a home in Golems body. One day, an academic, Randall Bluebrim discovered him, in his terrible state.
After many dangers, Randall took to a blacksmith who could be able to repair the warforged body. Upon reactivated, Golem was very grateful with Randall and the blacksmith that repaired him. Golem, Randall and Burans formed a lasting friendship and have been adventuring together ever since. Golem learned many thing about his peers, mostly about what was life, and emotions. He developed an inquiring nature after been deactivated for so long. Burans and Randall wanted to go to Xen’drik and Golem agreed to accompany his friends on the journey.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
How about this: Gnome beguiler 6/unseen seer 2 (PHBII, Complete Mage respectively). A 'independent researcher' who tends to do work for Korrenberg, Morgrave, or whoever will pay the bills. Focuses on historical retrevials, and is not above letting others do the work for him. Sort of a Belloq-like personality, which is perfect for a Zil gnome. Gives the party skill-monkey and extra arcane magic (it may not be an intrigue heavy game, but illusions and compulsions are always fun :))

How's that?

Edit: More of a BG:

For a Zil, truth is that which you say, that which you hear, and that which you think, all of which may be different at the same time. When you are small, knowledge and secrets keep you alive. A big bully with a weakness for Mrorr wines is nothing but a lush; a nation's whose leaders are hiding something are nothing more than a blackmailed friend.

This is the life of a Zil, and they accept it. Information is prime, and the preservation and acquisition of it a way of life. So it is with Damen Torralyn Lonadar. The Lonadar family is well known for its familial connections, and Damen was slated from an early age to be trained at the best schools in Zilargo. Eschewing artificing or elemental binding, Damen focused on the traditional Zil pastime---information gathering. This lead to the refinement of his gnomish natural heritage for illusion magic, and soon new beguiler was born.

During the course of the last stages of the war, Damen stayed far from the front line. A continent away, in fact. After an earlier job with a Korrenberg investigative team attached to Stormreach, Damen stayed. The thrill of the savage unknown, all the secrets everyone wanted, and the smugness in knowing that he finished the job---even if someone else started it---was the currency of his life. Soon, he developed a reputation for getting things done or finding things out. No questions asked.

And that's when the new job came in.

Totally willing to provide other ties to potential PCs
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