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Mid-level Xen'drik Expedition (Recruiting Closed)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
gabrion said:
Stonegod - The Beguiler/Unseen Seer is fine and you can use the second roll for stats.
Thanks. Working on him now.

Quick two questions: Unseen seer gives +1d6 'bonus damage'; I assume that defaults to sneak attack of you don't have a levels in Scount/Ninja? And, it also gives Silent Spell as a bonus feat. Since Beguiler gives that as well, should I just choose a different feat of the same flavor of just loose that bonus?

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First Post
stonegod said:
Thanks. Working on him now.

Quick two questions: Unseen seer gives +1d6 'bonus damage'; I assume that defaults to sneak attack of you don't have a levels in Scount/Ninja? And, it also gives Silent Spell as a bonus feat. Since Beguiler gives that as well, should I just choose a different feat of the same flavor of just loose that bonus?

Yes, that damage would be SA since that would be most beneficial for the character.

You can replace the redundant silente spell with something else appropriate - just post what you want to use here for approval. For instance, still spell is fine, but power attack isn't. :)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
gabrion said:
You can replace the redundant silente spell with something else appropriate - just post what you want to use here for approval. For instance, still spell is fine, but power attack isn't. :)
Still Spell is what I would suggest (its the next up on the Beguiler's free feat list).


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Damen Torralyn Lonadar (32000 xp)
Male gnome beguiler 6/unseen seer 2
N Small humanoid
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Listen +3, Spot +12
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Giant, Gnome, speak with animals (burrowing animals only, 1 min)
AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 19; +6 armor, +2 Dex, +2 deflection, +1 size; Combat Expertise
hp 50 (8 HD)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +9; +2 vs. illusions
Speed 20 ft.
Melee +1 rapier +6 (1d4/18-20) or
Ranged mwk light crossbow +8 (1d6/19-20)
Base Atk +4; Grp +0
Atk Options Cloaked casting (+1 DC), Combat Expertise, sneak attack +1d6
Special Actions Improved Feint, surprise casting
Combat Possessions eternal wand of unseen servant, potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of darkvision, wand of cure light wounds
Beguiler Spells Known (CL 8 (CL 9 divinations), +7 ranged touch, +5 melee touch, DC 15+lvl):
- 4th (4/d)—arcane eye plus standard beguiler spells
- 3rd (6/d)—standard beguiler spells
- 2nd (7/d)—standard beguiler spells
- 1st (7/d)—Nystul's magic aura plus standard beguiler spells
- 0 (6/d)—standard beguiler spells
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1):
- 1/d—dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 13), prestidigitation, speak with animals (burrowing animals only, 1 min)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 16
SQ armored mage (light), trapfinding
Feats Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Magic Sensitive, Silent Spell (B), Still Spell (B)
Skills Balance +4, Bluff +12, Decipher Script +12, Diplomacy +5, Disable Device +12, Gather Information +10, Hide +16, Intimidate +5 (+3 Medium), Jump +2, Knowledge (history) +7, Knowledge (local) +9, Move Silently +10, Open Lock +10, Search +15, Sense Motive +5, Spot +12, Spellcraft +8, Tumble +7, Use Magic Device +12
Possessions +1 rapier, mwk light crossbow with 20 bolts, glamered mithral shirt +2; arcane thieves' tools, augmented hat of disguise (Int +2), bedroll, 2 belt pouches, everfull mug, everlasting rations, heward's handy haversack, jewelry (100 gp), potion bracer, ring of protection +2, spell component pouch, 10 sunrods; 745gp 9sp; 16.25 lbs; Light Load
Armored Mage (Ex) Damen does not suffer arcane failure casting spells in light armor.
Cloaked Casting (Ex) The DC's of Damen's spells increase by 1 if the target would be denied its Dex bonus.
Surprise Casting (Ex) Damen may feint in combat as a swift action.

[sblock=Advancement]L1->Beguiler 1 HP 7 (1d6+1) SP: 36 (6x4+3x4)
• Bluff +2, Decipher Script +2, Disable Device +2, Hide +4, Gather Information +2, Knowledge (local) +2, Move Silently +2, Open Lock +2, Search +4, Sense Motive +2, Spot +4, Spellcraft +2, Tumble +2, Use Magic Device +4
• Abilities: Str 13 -2 racial, Dex 14, Con 11 + 2 racial, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 16
• Feats: Combat Expertise
• Other: armored mage, trapfinding, racial traits
L2->Beguiler 2 HP 5 (1d6+1) SP: 9 (6+3)
• Disable Device +1, Hide +1, Move Silently +1, Open Locks +1, Search +1, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +1, Spot +1, Use Magic Device +1
• Other: cloaked casting (+1 DC), surprise casting
L3->Beguiler 3 HP 6 (1d6+1) SP: 9 (6+3)
• Bluff +1, Decipher Script +1, Hide +1, Gather Information +1, Search +1, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +1, Spot +1, Use Magic Device +1
• Spell: Nystul's magic aura
• Feat: Improved Feint
• Other: advanced learning
L4->Beguiler 4 HP 5 (1d6+1) SP: 10 (6+4)
• Bluff +1, Disable Device +1, Hide +1, Gather Information +1, Move Silently +1, Open Locks +1, Search +1, Spot +1, Tumble +1, Use Magic Device +1
• Abilities: Int +1
L5-> Beguiler 5 HP 6 (1d6+1) SP: 10 (6+4)
• Bluff +1, Disable Device +1, Hide +1, Gather Information +1, Move Silently +1, Open Locks +1, Search +1, Spot +1, Tumble +1, Use Magic Device +1
• Feat: Silent Spell (B)
L6-> Beguiler 6 HP 5 (1d6+1) SP: 10 (6+4)
• Bluff +1, Disable Device +1, Hide +1, Knowledge (local) +1, Move Silently +1, Open Locks +1, Search +1, Spot +1, Tumble +1, Use Magic Device +1
• Feat: Magic Sensitive
• Other: surprise casting (free action)
L7->Unseen Seer 1 HP 4 (1d4+1) SP: 10 (6+4)
• Bluff +1, Decipher Script +2, Hide +1, Knowledge (history) +1, Knowledge (local) +2, Move Silently +1, Search +1, Spot +1
L8->Unseen Seer 2 HP 12 (1d6+9) SP: 10 (6+4)
• Bluff +2, Decipher Script +2, Hide +1, Knowledge (history) +2, Move Silently +1, Search +1, Spot +1
• Feat: Silent Spell (B)
• Abilities: Con +1
• Spell: arcane eye
• Other: advanced learning[/sblock]

Considering his constant state of disguise, no one really knows.

For a Zil, truth is that which you say, that which you hear, and that which you think, all of which may be different at the same time. When you are small, knowledge and secrets keep you alive. A big bully with a weakness for Mrorr wines is nothing but a lush; a nation's whose leaders are hiding something are nothing more than a blackmailed friend.

This is the life of a Zil, and they accept it. Information is prime, and the preservation and acquisition of it a way of life. So it is with Damen Torralyn Lonadar. The Lonadar family is well known for its familial connections, and Damen was slated from an early age to be trained at the best schools in Zilargo. Eschewing artificing or elemental binding, Damen focused on the traditional Zil pastime---information gathering. This lead to the refinement of his gnomish natural heritage for illusion magic, and soon new beguiler was born.

During the course of the last stages of the war, Damen stayed far from the front line. A continent away, in fact. After an earlier job with a Korrenberg investigative team attached to Stormreach, Damen stayed. The thrill of the savage unknown, all the secrets everyone wanted, and the smugness in knowing that he finished the job---even if someone else started it---was the currency of his life. Soon, he developed a reputation for getting things done or finding things out. No questions asked.

And that's when the new job came in.
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First Post
Actually, I finally got a handle on Maighan and how I want to play her... I think, as a member not only of a secretive order (druids and their secret language) but an exclusive order WITHIN the secretive order (Gatekeepers), Maighan will be a mysterious sort...friendly and polite, but always a bit distant. The sort of person who never says more than she needs to, and for whom everything is on a need to know basis... Benelovent, but has her own agenda and doesn't spread it around.

For those who've read Jordan, think Moiraine...only not so inclined to manipulate, and with a softer exterior.

Inventory essentially done, pending review and approval. Some mundane stuff needs buying, but none of that will make or break the character. :)
[sblock=Maighan the Hierophant]Name: Maighan
Class: Druid 8
Race: Elf
Alignment: NG
Age: 125
Weight: 110 lbs
Height: 5’5”
Gender: Female

HP: 72/72

STR 10 (+0)
DEX 18 (+4)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 13 (+1)
WIS 18 (+4)
CHA 14 (+2)

AC 17 (10 + 4 Dex + 3 armor)
Buffed AC 20 (+3 natural)
FORT +9 (7 Base, +2 Con)
REF +8 (4 Base, +4 Dex)
WILL +11 (7 Base, +4 Wis)

Speed: 30ft
INIT +4 (+4 Dex)

Melee +6/+1
Ranged +10/+5

1 Gatekeeper Initiate
3 Spell Focus: Conjuration
6 Natural Spell

Racial Features
+2 Dex, -2 Con
Low Light Vision
Immune to magic sleep
+2 save vs Enchantment
+2 Spot, Listen, Search
Detect Secret Doors
Weapon Proficiencies

Class Features
Animal Companion
Nature Sense
Wild Empathy
Woodland Stride
Trackless Step
Resist Nature's Lure
Wild Shape 3/day (Small - Large)

Skills 20+35
Concentration (Con) 11 ranks
Handle Animal (Cha) 5 ranks
Heal (Wis) 5 ranks
Knowledge (nature) (Int) 5 ranks
Knowledge (history) (Int) (cc) 1 ranks
Listen (Wis) 4 ranks
Spellcraft (Int) 5 ranks
Speak Language (cc) 2 ranks
Spot (Wis) 4 ranks
Survival (Wis) 10 ranks

Common, Elvish, Druidic, Sylvan, Terran, Auran

Spellcasting (Druid: Caster level 8, DC 14+lvl)
0 -
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -

Money 375

MW Longbow, 375gp
Ring of Mighty Summons, 14k (Complete Mage: Summoned creatures have max HP per HD, 3/day)
Bracers of Lightning, 11k (MIC: Swift action grants +1d6 elec dmg to all attacks for 1 rnd, works in wildshape, part of item set)
Wilding Clasp, 4k
Leafweave Armor +1, 1750gp
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First Post
@Shayuri - One piece of useful information I like to know about potential druid players - what wildshapes would you plan to use and what kind of animal companion?


First Post
gabrion said:
@Shayuri - One piece of useful information I like to know about potential druid players - what wildshapes would you plan to use and what kind of animal companion?

Excellent questions!

My favorite wildshapes are generally based on mobility or combat utility. In no particular order:

- Eagle.
- Dire Bat
- Dire Wolf
- Brown Bear
- Rhino
- Octopus (giant or otherwise)

Now, a native of Aereni who's lived in Eldeen for a long time may not have seen rhinos before... I don't think she'd be familiar with dinosaurs either, so no clawfeet or fastieths. At least not until we encounter some. :)

Animal companion is something I intended to ask YOU about. A lot depends on her primary role in the party. If we have plenty of bruisers, I'd probably go with either an eagle (for scouting) or a medium viper (good mobility, decent combat, easily portable). If we need some muscle, I'd probably go for a dire wolf, even though it wouldn't have much in the way of abilities.

I'm certainly open to input or suggestions though! Is there anything you particularly loathe or love, for shapes or companions?


First Post
Shayuri said:
Excellent questions!

My favorite wildshapes are generally based on mobility or combat utility. In no particular order:

- Eagle.
- Dire Bat
- Dire Wolf
- Brown Bear
- Rhino
- Octopus (giant or otherwise)

Now, a native of Aereni who's lived in Eldeen for a long time may not have seen rhinos before... I don't think she'd be familiar with dinosaurs either, so no clawfeet or fastieths. At least not until we encounter some. :)

Animal companion is something I intended to ask YOU about. A lot depends on her primary role in the party. If we have plenty of bruisers, I'd probably go with either an eagle (for scouting) or a medium viper (good mobility, decent combat, easily portable). If we need some muscle, I'd probably go for a dire wolf, even though it wouldn't have much in the way of abilities.

I'm certainly open to input or suggestions though! Is there anything you particularly loathe or love, for shapes or companions?

Those things all sound fine. I mainly just ask because if a player responds with a list of uber animals that make no sense for their character to use, it makes me a tad skeptical. So if this was a test...you pass. :)


First Post
Current Submissions (Plz inform me if I missed you!)

Voda Vosa – Golem, Warforged Fighter 6/Horizon Walker 2
Mellubb – Randall Bluebrim, Human Conjurer 3/Master Specialist 5
Delusion – Roth Mac Lyr, Human Barbarian 6/Bard 1/War Chanter 1
Isida Kep’Tukari – Buran d’Jorasco, Halfling Cleric 4/Dragonmark Heir 2/Sovereign Speaker 2
Erekose13 – Logran Hallis, Human Warblade 8
EvolutionKB – ???, Human Cleric/High Elemental Binder (Feats/Equipment)
Bloodweaver1 – Marotsel Rostoveskyi, Kineticist 8
Avalon – Wulfram ir’Hellekanus, Human Ex-Pally 2/Hexblade 3/UP 2/ Bone Knight 1
ShaggySpellsword – Sir Drego ir’Corus, Human Paladin 4/Monk 2/Argent Fist 2
Stonegod – Damen, Gnome Beguiler 6/Unseen Seer 2
Shayuri – Maighan, Elf Druid 8
Bootmobile - Klar Riven, Shifter Ranger 1/Fighter 3/Warshaper 2/Weretouched Master 2

Along with this I have a big request for all of you. Please follow the link for your particular character, and make sure it is actually the post you want me to be looking at when I decide who's in the game. Likewise, if you have some crucial character info in another post that you really want me to see, please move it to the post linked above so that I can look at one post for each character when I'm trying to make my decision tomorrow. Thanks!
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