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Mid-level Xen'drik Expedition (Recruiting Closed)


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After further review, I did not realize that bind elemental had a prereq of CL 9. Would you allow me to worship The Sovereign Host and take levels of the PrC Ordained champion from complete champion. This would allow me to keep my initial idea the same by taking elemental domains, but also qualify for the PrC much easer by taking the war domain?

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Marotsel Rostoveskyi is complete, I hope.
If someone wants to take the time to look him over and provide feed back, I would be much appreciative!



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EvolutionKB said:
After further review, I did not realize that bind elemental had a prereq of CL 9. Would you allow me to worship The Sovereign Host and take levels of the PrC Ordained champion from complete champion. This would allow me to keep my initial idea the same by taking elemental domains, but also qualify for the PrC much easer by taking the war domain?

Sorry, I dont have Complete Champion, so I can't really say unless I had a write up. :(


First Post
I have followed the link and that is where all my character info is. KB did you want to link your character background with ours if so let me know what if any changes I need to make.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Damen updated w/ equipment (using the stated 31.5k) and last two spell choices from advanced learning (Nystul's magic aura, arcane eye).


First Post
Here he is ... Klar Riven. Went with the shifter idea. Had to throw in a level of ranger to cover skill requirements of PrC.

[sblock=Klar Riven (stats)]Klar Riven, CN Shifter Rgr 1, Ftr 3, Warshaper 2, Weretouched Master 2

Ability Scores/Modifiers
STR: 20/+5 (28/+9 shifting) (16 roll, +2 level, +2 belt)
DEX: 18/+4 (16 roll, +2 race)
CON: 15/+2 (19/+4 shifting) (15 roll)
INT: 11/+0 (13 roll -2 race)
WIS: 13/+1 (13 roll)
CHA: 10/+0 (12 roll, -2 race)

Hit Points: 115 (131 while shifting)

Action Points: 9

Armor Class: 21 (flat-footed 17, touch 15) [+6 armour, +4 dex, +1 defection]

Initiative: +4 (DEX)

Speed: 40 ft

Attacks: BAB +6/+1; Grapple +11 (+15 shifting)
Shifting Attack Routine
2 Claws +17/+17 (1d8+12)
1 Bite +14 (1d6 +7)
1 Tail Slap (1d6 +5)

Bow +11/+6 (1d8+5/x3)
Warhammer +11/+6 (1d8+7/x3) [+4 to hit and +6 to damage when shifting]
Dagger +11/+6 (1d4+4/19-20/x2) [+4 to hit and damage when shifting]

Fort: +15 (+2 rgr, +3 ftr,+3 shaper, +3 were, +2 Con, +2 Resist)
Ref: +12 (++2 rgr, +1 ftr, +3 were, +4 Dex, +2 Resist)
Will: +4 (+1 ftr, +1 Wis, +2 Resist)

Languages: Common

Balance +8 [0 ranks, +4 dex, +2 synergy, +2 race]
Climb +12 [5 ranks, +5 str, +2 race]
Jump +19 [1 ranks, +5 str, +2 synergy, +5 boots, +2 race, +4 speed]
Know (nature) +5 [5 ranks, +0 int]
Know (etiquette) +2 [2 ranks]
Listen +6 [5 ranks, +1 Wis]
Survival +9 [8 ranks, +1 Wis]
Spot +6 [5 ranks, +1 Wis]
Swim +5 [0 ranks, +5 str]
Tumble +9 [5 ranks, +4 dex]

Track [bonus ranger]
Healing Factor [1st]
Power Attack [bonus fighter]
Shifter Ferocity [3rd]
Weapon Focus (claws) [bonus fighter]
Extra Shifter Trait (longtooth) [6th]
Shifter Multi-Attack [bonus shifter]

Gear: (76 lbs carried, 168 gp and 4 sp remaining)
[Carrying Capacity: LL =<133 lbs, ML 266 lbs, HL 500 lbs]

Worn Items:
Mighty Masterwork Composite Longbow [+5 str] [1,400gp, 3lb]
+2 Mithral Shirt [5250, 10lb]
Amulet of Mighty Fits +1 [6000gp, 0lb]
Vest of Resistance +2 [4000gp, 0lb]
Ring of Protection +1 [2000gp, 0lb]
Ring of Sustenance [2500gp, 0lb]
Belt of Strength +2 [4000gp, 0lb]
Boots of Springing and Striding [5,500gp, 0lb]
Cold Iron Warhammer [24 gp, 5lb]
60 Arrows [3 gp, 9lb]
Masterwork Silver Dagger [322 gp, 1lb]
Explorer's Outfit [10gp, 0lb]
Backpack [2gp, 2lb]

Items in Backpack:
2 Waterskins [4gp, 4lb]
Flint and Steel [2gp, 0lb]
Everburning Torch [110gp, 2lb]
Bedroll [1sp, 5lb]
7 days Trail Rations [35sp, 4 lb]
Trollgut Rope [500gp, 7lb, MIC 190]
Grappling Hook [1gp, 4 lb]

Racial Traits:
+2 Dex
-2 Int, Cha
+2 racial bonus Climb, Balance, Jump
Shifting (3/day, 11 rounds, +4 Str, 2 claws 1d8+2, 1 bite 1d6+2)

Class Traits:
Favoured Enemy (giants; +2 damage, bluff, listen, sense motive, spot, survival)
Wild Empathy
Bonus feats (Track, 2 Ftr, 1 Shifter)
Were Touched I (tiger, bigger claws,+2 str)
Morphic Immunities (immune to stun, criticals when shifting)
Morphic Weapons (gain natural weapon as a move action)
Morphic Body (+4 Str, +4 Con while shifting)

[sblock=Klar Riven (description)]Riven is unusually well groomed and well tailored for a shifter. His jet black hair is tied back in a tight ponytail. His long sideburns are neatly trimmed. His clothing, while not finery or ornamented, it is clean and well made. His face however clearly shows the feline features of his weretiger ancestry.

Riven's manner in most settings is reserved and professional. Over the years he has taken care to learn how to speak and carry himself so as to appear civilised and cultured. Most people call him by his last name Riven, because "Klar" seems too coarse for the refine soldier. Only among his closest friends, those with whom he is comfortable, will Riven let his more boisterous nature show through. Riven gives himself away as a true warrior when he moves, every motion carrying the grace of a hunting cat. In combat he is the epitome of a professional soldier, applying his bow and his hammer with skill and careful purpose.

When pressed however, the civilised veneer falls away and Klar calls upon the savage powers that are his birthright. Having spent his entire adolesence and adulthood honing his natural abilities, Klar's attacks with his natural weapons are not only savage and viscious but also skilled and precise. Few can withstand his assault and he strikes without mercy, hesitation or remorse.[/sblock]

[sblock=Klar Riven (background)]Riven was born into a nomadic tribe of hunters and trappers in the Eldeen Reaches. While he always felt the call of the woods and believes deeply in the druidic teachings of his tribe, Riven was always a restless child yearning for something more beyond the limitations of his tribes way of life. He would see the humans and other aces living at ease and in comfort in towns where it seemed his kind was never fully welcome. He would see the soldiers of the realm as they marched off to the battles of the Last War and he would see the respect and admiration these soldiers received from the people. He saw all of these things and wanted them for himself.

So when when a wandering band of adventurers and mercenaries in the war came to his tribe looking for a guide, he immediately volunteered, even though he was still little more than a boy. As part of this band of soldiers for hire he traveled the length and breadth of Korvaire, fighting for one side of the last war or another. For more than ten years he fought the battles of the Last War and learned the ways of world, or at least he thought he did.

In the last days of the war, he and his band were in the employ of the Thrane army. Following the events of the Mourning Riven and his band were sent to Cyre to investigate. The high priest of the Silver Flame who commanded them had always disliked the group, in no small part due the present of a tainted creature like Riven. The priest chose the group for the task specifically because he knew they could quite likely be killed. If the succeeded then he would have the information he wanted and if they were killed than Thrane would be spared having to deal with such scum after the war, which it was becoming clear would be coming to an early end very quickly.

Once in the Mournland, Riven and his companions encounters things so strange and horrific that to this day Riven will not speak of them. All he will say is that in that dead land the encountered something so foul that all they could do was flee. They fled for days, not able to shack free of what stalked them until they had run all the way back out of the Mournland. Only Riven and one other survived and that companion was sorely hurt. Riven carried his friend back to the army of Thrane to be cared for.

When Riven reached the army, the priest who sent them seemed only disgustd that they had faired so poorly and somewhat disappointed that they hadn't all dies. Maddened by grief and exhaustion Riven flew into a rage and nearly killed the priest eviserating the cleric with his bare claws. Riven was arrested and was to be killed for his crime. The friend he had saved managed to free him but was too sick to join Riven in his flight from Thrane-held lands. The friend was arrested and sent to prison even though it could not be proven that he had helped Riven escape.

Riven has wandered since then. It seems that there is no place for one such as him among the civilised peoples now that the war is over. During the war his heritage and occupation were overlooked due to his fighting ability. With the fighting over he now seems to find only scorn everywhere he goes, both because of his race and because he fought as a mercenany in the war. And when he does find somewhere it seems he might be accepted his crimes in Thrane seem to catch up to him.

He has accepted the Coin Lords offer to travel to try to make a new beginning and because given his current status he cannot expect any more reputable employer. He had considered returning to his tribe in the Eldeen Reaches but after his long years away that life seems much too small to go back to. Instead he turns to Xen'drik, it seems a place where a man such as he could make a name for himself through his deeds. Surely this wild frontier would be more welcoming one of his kind. And what's more, deep down in his soul he feels the jungle calling out to the weretiger within.[/sblock]
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First Post
Update. Inventory.


Bracers of Lightning from MIC...cool druid item. Boosts both ranged and melee damage and works in wildshape.

Wilding Clasp - Attached to the armor.

Leafweave armor +1 - It's basically leather armor, but elfy. It costs 750, has the same AC bonus and weight as leather, 5% arc fail, no ACP, and one more Max Dex.

For a druid, leather is hands down a better choice, but...it's LEAVES. How can I turn down the opportunity to play a druid who wears LEAF ARMOR? So, I swallow my powergamer's cries of woe, fork up the dough...leafweave it is. Wilding clasped so the animals get armory goodness.

With Barkskin and the armor, her wildshape forms approach decent AC. It's still a bit low for the level, but that's probably for the best. She's a relief hitter, not a front runner. When not wildshaped, she can heal heal heal...or do some truly nasty spontaneous summons...or, in a pinch, shoot her bow for some decent damage when charged with her bracers.

Voidrunner's Codex

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