Midnight: A Lost Faith's Shadow. Book 1, The Awakening. Chapter 3, Baden's Bluff

Valurel also places himself between Aislinn and the Fell, opposite Lodric to cover her other flank. As soon as a target is close enough to strike, he does so, lashing out viciously with his claws.

OOC: 2 claws, +6 each to hit, 1d4+3 each for damage

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Starhl draws his blade and slices at the nearest Fell. "Down with you foul things!" He tries to stand close to his comrades and block the way to Aislinn.

Bjorn's Faith: +9, 2d6+6/19-20


First Post
OOC: To get the game moving, I am taking basic actions for Kaela and maddmic. I assume maddmic would attack with his greataxe. I don't know what Kaela would do, but for now, Lodric and Valurel are between Aislinn and the Fell. I assume Kaela is with Aislinn. Thornir, it is hard to tell the Fell numbers in the dark. At least as many Heroes in the first wave and the way the water is churning, more are rising as well.

Quickly the Heroes move to protect their charge Aislinn. Valurel and Lodric stand in front of Kaela and Aislinn, their back to the wall, a horrified look on both their faces. Behind even Aislinn crouches Fallax, whimpering in terror.

Blast! They must have swam up from the bay! Jodya spits in anger.

With a gurgling hiss, the Fell rise from the dark water, clambering up on the thick alley boards near the ruined building. Quickly the Wolf moves between Starhl and a bloated Fell, tearing into it reluctantly. The Fell strikes back and the Wolf cries in pain, but Starhl brings Bjorn's Faith down on the Fell's head, splitting it like a ripe mellon. Quickly the body sinks as more Fell clamber up over it, seeking to get at warm flesh.
OOC: The Wolf takes 4 points of damage. Bjorn's Faith now acts as a +1 weapon. Please record that on your character sheet, Krug and factor it into your attack bonus next time.

With amazing power, another Fell pulls itself up rapidly in front of Lodric. Striking with terrible force, Lodric's fist smashes through its chest. The Fell does not seem to notice as it grabs Lodric's shoulder and begins to gnaw into flesh with its blackened teeth.
OOC: Lodric takes 5 points of damage.

Valurel does not wait for the Fell to come to him. Sinking his talons into the neck of a clambering Fell, the Ghost rips and tears undead flesh. The Fell swings at Valurel, its filthy nails coming within inches of Valurel's face.

Herger's axe has no equal. As a Fell clambers into the alley, it is sheared in half by the great axe, its arms still flailing as its torso sinks beneath the churning waters.

Jodya also fights, one of her fists smashes into the skull of a Fell, a loud snap indicating its neck breaking. Still, the undead creature fumbles past Jodya to swing at Herger with its claws, but missing.

From the street at the end of the alley, a cry of alarm goes up. A battle rages! Ready your axes, Bloods!

OOC: Next round, with the rate the Fell are clambering up, Herger, Valurel, Starhl, and Lodric will each gain one additional Fell attacker to any they are fighting now with one Fell for each still clambering out of the water to get at them the following round.

Thornir Alekeg

They continue to come at us, and it sounds like orcs will soon join the fray. Things are quickly becoming too dangerous to remain here, we must prepare to flee!
Lodric continues to strike at the Fell while also looking for an escape route.

ooc: Unarmed +3 (1d6+1, x2) and possible escape routes, please.


I appologize for my lack of consistant posting. Vacation is almost over.

Herger sees the swarm of fell keep coming from the water. Hearing the black speak and Lodric he nods. "We must make haste. We cannot fight two enemies!"

Herger looks for possible escape routes as well as keeping an eye out for any orcs who might show up.


Starhl raises his blade and swings it at the Fell. "Taste the blade and know your end!" He is worried about the Wolf, and fights next to her as much as possible.

Bjorn's Faith: +10, 2d6+7/19-20; using Cleave.

Valurel also begins to look for a possible opening and a way for them to escape while at the same time lashing out again at the Fell he had wounded earlier.

OOC: 2 claws, +6 each to hit, 1d4+3 each for damage


First Post
OOC: I'll give Bobitron one more day before I reply. The alley runs almost directly east-west. The west direction leads to a lighted street, maybe forty feet or so and that is where the orc speech was heard. To the east, it stretches into darkness with the channel running down its center. The channel is approximately 5-7 feet wide with five feet on either side serving as floorboards next to the buildings. Another possible direction is the ruined building the Heroes clambered through from the north.


"Lodric and Herger have the truth of the matter," Kaela says. "We must flee." Lowering her voice to a whisper that the orcs won't hear, she decides on a meeting place. "The ruined building to the north! Quickly! Herger, carry Aislinn. I will follow you. My magic will cover our retreat!"

Raising her arms, she focuses for a moment, calling a rolling bank of fog from the water to envelope the Heroes. "We will fight another day, Starhl. Protect the Hope!"

ooc: Cast Fog Cloud, reducing my Spell Points to 8 and covering a 20' area to block all vision beyond 5'.

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