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Midnight: A Lost Faith's Shadow. Book 1, The Awakening. Chapter 4, Pursuit


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Mardo's searches the village, looking for anything of use. Whomever destroyed the village were very thorough: food, weapons, clothing - all gone. However, it is in the last destroyed sod home that Mardo finds something possibly useful. Several smooth small stones, probably from the River Orh's stream bed, sit in a small, thatched basket. One edge of the stone is thin and sharp. Holding the stones in his hand, Mardo is surprised by the obvious way they just "fit". These stones were probably the weapons of some halfling warrior now lost to Shadow. Valurel's hiss snaps Mardo's attention back to the danger of the situation. Running quickly, the gnome climbs the hill to warn Herger and Kaela.

At Mardo's warning, Herger strides toward the battle, panic rising in his chest. Reaching the village, a quick glance reveals no stones, but there are large heavy clumps of sod that might suffice as a projectile.

OOC: Since I never made the distance between Herger and Kaela and the rest of the Heroes clear, I will rule that Herger can join the battle in two rounds.

Starhl's stealth is undone. As the big northman launches himself at the massive horror, the creature spins with incredible speed to face Starhl, its face twisted into a grin of satisfaction. Still, Starhl's charge is relentless. Slamming into the creature, Bjorn's Faith bites deep through the creature's heavy hide, blood spurting on the parched ground. Emitting a surprised shriek of pain, the creature swings its heavy claws at the northman, grabbing and rending the northman. OOC: Starhl takes 21 points of damage. Ouch! That could have been much worse!

Valurel flies to Starhl's aid, leaping onto the creatures back, tearing at the heavy hide with claw and fang. The putrid gray hide turns aside Valurel's claws. The creatures head leans back and snaps at Valurel with its gaping, tooth-filled maw, narrowly missing the Snow Elf.

Lodric patiently waits for an opening before launching through the air to crash into the creatures leg. The massive horror lets out a howl as its left leg wobbles awkwardly. Its red eyes blaze as it looks at Lodric with absolute hatred.

OOC: End of round 1. Remember to give me attack bonuses, potential damage, and any feats you want your character to use.

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Thornir Alekeg

Lodric's fist strike's out at the monstrosity's midsection, then he dances back trying to lure the creature away from the trapped woman.

ooc: Unarmed attack +7 1d6+3 damage (Precise Strike: ignore 3 points of DR if applicable) followed by a 5 foot step away from where the woman is trapped.

21 points to Starhl, and it could have been worse? Yikes! We need to stop this thing quickly or we'll start dropping like flies.

Uttering an Erunsil curse, Valurel activates his ability to make his natural weapons more potent, and then rakes his claws across the creature's back again, hoping for more success.

OOC: Activate heroic path Magic Fang power and attack. 2 Claws, +8/+8 to hit, 1d4+4 damage, crit on 20x2.


Badly hurt, Starhl rages, and tries to cut the horror with his blade.

Atk: +10 Greatsword +1 (Bjorn's Faith) +10 2d6+7 19-20/x2
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Mardo takes off running toward the fray, trying to stay as unseen as possible, in order to not draw any attention toward himself.
As he runs, Mardo pulls a strap tied around his torso, just inside his jacket, and out whips long leather lines. As he gets one of the stones ready it's obvious that the strap is actually a sling.

As Mardo hides behind some rubble he takes a good look at the situation, trying to determine the state of the girl that the beast would have eaten had these vagabonds he's with not thrown themselves at it.

OOC: The monster is Mardo's Dodge opponent (AC 16).

Once Mardo is close enough (50 ft.), he is going to stay hidden (Hide +10) and take a good look at the situation. Is the girl able to get up and run? Is there anything Mardo can do to get her to safety?

If not:
In the round where Mardo can get a clear shot he's going to peg the beast (sling +5, 1d3, crit x2, range 50 ft.) hoping to catch it off-guard.


Kaela calls out to the embattled heroes, making an impassioned plea for valor.

"Do what you can to stall the beast! We will not let her fall! Mardo, get her from the wagon and to safety! We will do what we can to destroy the mostrosity! Keep your hope around you like armor! We will win this fight!"

ooc: Use Inspire Fury, +1 morale bonus on initiative rolls, attack rolls, and weapon damage rolls to allies within 60 feet once I am close enough to include everyone.


Herger passes up the dirt clods, unsure if they will be as effective in battle as a large rock. Instead, he opts for continued running towards the fray, hoping to close the distance and help in melee.

If it's a straight line, I would like Herger to run a full 4x this round. I know you hadn't figured the distance before the combat, but I figured if this would help, he'd do it. He will also ready his axe as he runs towards the fray.


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Starhl's Northman rage makes him difficult to contain. Struggling free of the beast's clutches, the Northman's thews plunge his heavy blade into the horror's gut, the fell creature screaming in agony and surprise.

Valurel's sharp claws glisten red as he plunges them deep into the heavy skin folds of the monster's neck. One claw is able to penetrate the heavy skin of the creature, covering the Elf in crimson.

Lodric's next attack quick and controlled, much like the Erenlander. A quick step, a lightning fist, and a sharp SMACK as his fist contacts the creature's midsection. Unfortunately, a quick twist by the creature minimizes the damage from Lodric's dangerous punch.

Mardo races back to the top of the steep, surveying the battle unfolding below. Eyeing the overturned wagon, Mardo spies the woman, not hidden under the wagon in fear at the terrifying battle, but standing on her feet, a heavy rock raised above her head, surveying the battle. Dressed in a torn, short dress, her strong, lithe form is tensed, ready to spring either on the monstrous creature or her would-be rescuers. In the Age of Shadow, trust is a very precious thing.

To make it to the woman would require precious time (OOC: 1 round of running). Loosing a smoothed rock, Mardo smiles in satisfaction when the projectile hits the creature with a dull slap, making the creature buck in pain. Mardo's smile vanishes as he clenches his eyes against a storm of dust and heavy grass; Herger the Giant comes sweeping by, his axed clutched in his tight grip. Striding down the hill, Herger heads straight for the creature, a massive horror even bigger than Herger.

OOC: Herger can attack next round. Does Herger charge?

Striding up next to Mardo and looking down the steep, Kaela again weaves the threads of Aryth's diminishing magic to strengthen her companions for war. Gone is the naive young girl from Caft. In her place is a woman, dangerous as any Shadow minion, able to shape the very fabric of Aryth to kill, or to give life.

OOC: The spell goes off and everyone will have its benefits for next round.

The beast's eyes blaze with murderous intent at the puny humans, Elf, and gnome that have dared to attack it. Reaching back with its black claws, it swipes at Valurel, knocking the Elf to the ground. One claw rends the Efl's chest and stomach, the second luckily gets caught in the folds of the Elf's clothing. Bending low, the massive maw of the creature crunches on the Elf's shoulder, blood spurting from dozens of wounds caused by the creature's teeth. The taste of Elf blood and sight of its hurt quarry elicites a gibbering laugh from the creature.

OOC: Valurel takes 14 points of damage from the claw rake and bite.

Thornir Alekeg

Lodric darts back in and strikes at the creatures wounded gut.

OOC: Unarmed attack +8 1d6+4 damage (Precise Strike: ignore 3 points of DR if applicable)


Herger continues and charges into the fray. His concern for his friends outweighs his concern for himself, especially as he sees the beasts size and watches as it tears apart Valurel.

Knowing that he will need all the help he can get, he calls upon Herger's Pain to help him fight off any fatigue that he may be experiencing.

Herger is going to use Bear's Endurance for the day from the spike. Should be a +4 to CON bringing the total to 19 (+4) so he should gain an additional +8 HP & +9 Fort save.

I am guessing that this is a free action? If this is a move action, then Herger wouldn't do it. If it is a standard action, then Herger wouldn't do it yet either. I would've had Herger do this as he was running to get into the fray, but I figured it was a free action and that it could wait. Please let me know the ruling, but in short it activating it will deter him getting involved in the combat, then he'll wait until he needs it. I'm also guessing that Herger is going to get spanked as he provokes an AoO from the beast when he closes.

Greataxe +13 (3d6 + 9, x3) (+4 BAB, +4 St, +1 WF, +1 Dorn melee 2handed, +2 charging, +1 Kaelas spell, +2 dmg (weapon specialization), +1 dmg Kaelas spell)

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