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Mortal Kombat!!

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Since he arrived, Azrim has spoken/been spoken to by several people. Two in particular seem to be working together, though he hasn't seen them speaking to each other. They have both told him seperately that they would like to combine forces with one such as him. Azrim hasn't gotten any bad vibes off of them, and before the tournament finally began, was informed by each of them seperately that if they wished to work together, to meet them 1 mile to the north.
One of them is an unarmed black man in a vest and trousers, with no *apparent* magical gear, who moves with a fluid grace, and the other is an elf, so ancient his age is actually showing, yet when it seems like nobody's looking, his posture is straight and strong. He is armed with a pair of long swords, and dressed in fine elven silver chain.[/sblock]

The first to cross the barrier is a small man, his form blurring with speed as he dissapears from sight into the woods, probably to set up some sort of ambush. Two half dragons - One silver, one Green - Fly out, notice each other, and instantly begin battling with their huge greatswords, just outside the zone, a hundred feet in the air.
Caltrop leaves the area right behind an 11 foot tall Ogre (Surprise Round & Initiative)
Tenneth flies out, arrows knocked, and notes a trio of Drow 'good' range (300').
Grugg walks out, and barely notices that there seems to be nobody within a couple hundred feat of him as he enters the surrounding forest.
5 great dragons spring up from the ground... 3 of them Silver, though one of the silvers is rust-pitted. (1 NPC, Macrisse, Azrim), one Red, and one Black.
Iapetus lands in a branch out in the woods and waits until he sees a lone human knight in plate-mail wielding a large axe trots by underneath, looking around but not up. (Surprise Round & Initiative)
Tehrazhon erupts, revealing his true monstrosity and floating into the forest, where 2 orcs take a look at him and start fleeing(currently 200' away).(Initiative)

[sblock=OOC] Lotta stuffs going on, so read carefully. Unless specifically noted otherwise, I'm assuming PC's are not within nominal combat range of each other, but rather NPC's (At least to start).
Also, I need to know which direction you're all leaving by (North/south/east/west/etc) and how far off the ground you are (if flying). This is so I know where you're going and what other PC's are gonna be there, and what you see.

Anybody I miss? Any PC's who haven't posted leaving are assumed to be staying in the safe-zone for now.[/sblock]


First Post
Caltrop will use the surprise round to attack his foe with his tail, and then use climb aboard (I won't roll the climb check unless you want me to, I beat the DC by 82 without rolling) to get onto him. The tail hits AC 80 and I'm pretty sure he is flatfooted as well since he hasn't acted yet (also assuming i'm the one getting the surprise round). The damage dealt is 86 including sneak attack damage if it applies. He must also make a fort save DC 52 vs Sleep Poison.

My initiative is 36


The ogre is stung in the shoulder, and turns roaring, raising his club before slamming into the ground, dead asleep.

*OOC: Most.. Anticlimactic.. Beginning...

Brother Allard

First Post
Grugg wanders off to the East, seemingly oblivious to the various combats taking place behind him. Balancing his enormous club on his shoulder, he ambles off into the woods as though on a pleasant stroll. He whistles a little ditty a bar-lgura once taught him while on campaign in Avernus.

He figures he'll take a look around - maybe find one of these "problems" the speaker mentioned. There'll be plenty of time to smash the competition later.


First Post
OOC: I was going to mention that I forgot to add 2 str damage from crippling strike but hey, I'm down with this.

Caltrop wraps his tail around the Ogres foot and carries him back into the circle to turn him in for 2 points.


As Caltrop returns mere seconds after leaving, some of those remaining raise an eyebrow, seeing this tiny creature dragging such a huge, and easily downed ogre. The guard nods, though raises an eyebrow, requests your name, and then makes a note on a sheet.
"Congratulations on the first battle. You prove it is folly to underestimate your opponent, regardless of size." He nods respectfully and then motions for the sleeping ogre to be taken inside.


First Post
Caltrop has satiated his pride, being the first to down a foe. Now he searches around those still left around the safe zone in hopes of locating someone interesting to tag along with. All work and no play make Caltrop a bored Dragon.

In addition he will keep an eye out for any competitors returning with downed foes, or just returning in general.
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First Post
Keeping an eye on the other skyborne dragons, Macrisse observes the first battle with a wry croccadile grin on his snout. A pseudodragon...but still a dragon. It just went to show how time and experience could elevate even the humblest to profound heights. The show of mercy impressed him as well. The slumbering ogre could easily have been killed, and despite the point difference, a bloodthirsty foe might have done so.

He swoops low to the trees, willing the sanctuary of his Sequestering to fade as he comes near the tiny violet dragonling.

"Bravo!" he trumpets as he backwings to a landing, kicking up a storm of wind and dust. "Well done!"

"I am Macrisse, He-Who-Rises-To-The-Stars," he introduces himself. "Your display of prowess, as well as honor and mercy is most admirable."

He was clearly an elder dragon, with a body the size of a bull elephant, and wings that seemed to stretch on forever. His scales were so fine and flawless that he seemed to be made of purest cast silver...yet that moved fluidly, with none of the hardness of metal. There's something strange about his presence as well...as a dragon, Caltrop is immune to the fear other dragons inspire in others...but something in this silver dragon pierces that defense. He seems to shine with a light that cannot be seen with the eyes, but is felt with the heart, or perhaps the very soul. Though right now that light is warm and conveying comfort and hope, it's easy to see that it could be terrifying should it turn to wrath.

"What is your name?"

(OOC note - Instead of a frightful presence, Macrisse has an ability called 'awesome aura' from his prestige class...it works like a divine aura and can provide morale bonuses in addition to causing fear. :))

Voidrunner's Codex

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