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Myconians -New Format, New Paragon Path!

AMP Productions

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Update released!

Now with option of "Rotting Growth"

Also thanks to Morrus for pointing out some grammical errors and 4E wording.

If anyone else see's anything, please let me know!

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Ok just one question they used to be creatures of the underdark but no lowlight or darkvision?

Besides that I love them, and I would love to see more races from you.
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AMP Productions

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Rpgraccoon said:
Ok just one question they used to be creatures of the underdark but no lowlight or darkvision?

Besides that I love them, and I would love to see more races from you.

Well we are talking from ages ago... many many ages.

It's the same thing with the photosynthesis. They have lived above ground for so long, they have adapted to the normal light condidtions of above ground. Seeing other plants that were able to live off of the light of the sun, they slowly changed to become the race they are now.

Thats why I felt justified calling them Myconians, rather then myconids. They are not the mushrooms we all know so well...

Also the next order of business, A Myconian Racial Paragon Path!
Then perhaps my conversion of the Bullywug. :) but we will see what happens.

Thanks for the praise!


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AMP Productions said:
Seeing other plants that were able to live off of the light of the sun, they slowly changed to become the race they are now.

Sort of like Lamarck and the giraffe, eh? :)

But beyond that, mushrooms aren't plants, either. I think the standing-meditating-in-the-sun image is cool, but for some different actually-plant race. Really, this whole thing is great, but having this bit in there even as an option hurts my inner nerd so much that I can't have it anywhere near my game table. :)

I also agree that the rotting flesh thing is a bit, ew. I think I'd rather not have either.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
AMP Productions said:
Update released!

Now with option of "Rotting Growth"

Also thanks to Morrus for pointing out some grammical errors and 4E wording.

If anyone else see's anything, please let me know!

Nice, but your addition has the there/their problem, too. There's still one in the third line of the Physical Qualities, plus another towards the end of that paragraph. Another at the bottom of that column under "Playing a Myconid". There may be others.

Other than that, it's great! Just do a find on all instances of "there" and check them. :)


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Question. The +5 bonus to Poison saves, does this mean the Mushroom man saves on a 5 instead of 10 on his flat d20 saving throws to end the effect or should that be +5 to Fort Defense?


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ReeboKesh said:
Question. The +5 bonus to Poison saves, does this mean the Mushroom man saves on a 5 instead of 10 on his flat d20 saving throws to end the effect or should that be +5 to Fort Defense?

A bonus to saving throws applies to the "flat d20 save" against effects that allow such saves.

If the bonus applies only to poison effects (such as the dwarven racial bonus), then you would apply it to any ongoing effects that are specified as poison. Your normal saves would not be affected.

So, barring other conditions, a myconid gets a unmodified saving throw against a Sleep effect or the Slowed condition. This is a d20 (1-9 fail and 10-20 success) roll.

Against the 15 ongoing poison damage of a very poisonous plant, a myconid would roll the same d20 (1-9 fail, 10-20 success) but would add 5 to its roll before determining failure or success.

Edit: OP: You have written "falvor" in the title instead of "flavor" ;)


First Post
Fantastic work.

¿It could be possible to have two races underdark/sunlight?

One with "Rotting Growth" and the other with "Photosynthesis".
The underdark ones are the original Myconians, they are grey in apparence and have poison related feats.
The sunlight ones escape from the underdark and developed a simbiotic relationship with algae to survive in the surface world, so their colorfull apparence and "Photosynthesis" trait. It could be possible to have a more poison and/or defensive feat tree? Or something like "Comtemplative Musshroom Man Relaxing Plume" that gives bonuses or heals your team mates?

I just add that for using "Photosynthesis" myconias should be watered. In a desert without water, life is difficul even for a myconian ;)

Please excuse my english, and my no-knwolegde of 4º ed. I am still waiting for my books to arrive.

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