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Mysterious power IC thread


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Taliz said:
What did they vote on? I did not realize a proposal was yet on the table. But please, let me say my piece before anyone more votes.

The leader, in the back:

"That was the purpose of their leaving -- showing that they refuse to consider whatever proposal you would suggest."

Taliz said:
I appreciate that offer of aid. I will take it to heart, though we all know that Orcs destroy - perhaps there current preference is for men, but such beasts are not known for the discriminant taste. They are, however, known for some base cunning - one should not underestimate them.

One of the elves near the leader who hasn't spoken yet:

"Their cunning is in their blood -- indeed, their elven blood. How could we underestimate our own?"

Taliz said:
If, however, you feel men are your greatest enemy, I am both heartened and worried. I do not think that Vanchild bears you Elves malice - though I say again I am not from this place. However, I know as well as you that men will destroy for no other reason the fun, profit, or opportunity. Still, this means they will not come at you with sword and lance. Of this I am quite sure.

"No, with axe and pitch, with torch and scythe. Men are flighty; they speak out of both sides of the mouth at once."

Taliz said:
There is still room for talk. But as to your charge regarding the treaties - I have no answer. I am simply an intermediary, and an informal one at that. I can only offer you this - give me copies of those treaties, and I will take them to the Prince and ask him that question on your behalf.

(I'll talk a deep breath and than continue, speaking slowly and carefully.) As one of you observed - I am not human. As I have told you, I am not from this kingdom. I know how terrible men can be - how stupid, how weak, and how innocently, as well as purposefully, cruel, malicious, and evil. Despite my experiences, recent events have lead me to have a certain measure of respect for some of the humans in this area - and I came before you with their interests in mind. However, my mind is now recalling the wisdom of some of my earlier views.

The leader motions, and a messenger departs.

"The men are but children. They have not the benefit of our years, and as such bear less responsibility for their actions. When they pose a threat, though, action may be required."

Taliz said:
I got involved in this mess . . . well even I am not sure how. But it is becoming more and more apparent to me - that the only true interest I have in all this is finding peace. My peace. I come from tainted stock - and I think even my peace, therefore, is tainted and doomed to be bloody. But that is my own thing - it need not concern you. What does concern you is this - I seek peace, and I am willing to fight and kill for it, but also to not fight for it. Regardless, I, though this is a new thing to me, find myself desiring to ensure that whatever fighting I do is for the right side.

Give me those scrolls, and let me go ask the prince which side that is. I offer little, and promise nothing. But . . . something in me I have never felt before compells me to act in this way. I do not know its nature exactly - but it feels right.

"Scribes have been summoned.

If you have a particular suggestion, a course of action, then we would consider it; if you have more to tell us, tell it; if you have questions, ask them. Once that is done, we will discuss the issues privately."

I was serious about the rolling -- I don't mind rolling myself, but I also wouldn't mind you doing it.

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First Post
Please, continue rolling on my behalf. When I know I have something coming up - a Gather Info or somesuch, I will probably do it just for convenience. But in general I would appreciate you rolling for me.

"I must admit, I came here looking more for information as to the state of things than with a specific proposal in mind. I do have some questions though. I have heard rumors of some . . .
Being here in the forest. Something like an Elf, but more somehow. Will you tell me anything of this? I also wonder, what exact threat and and what retaliation do you speak of in relation to the humans?

Also, I would know what exactly do you want. What assurances, what actions, do you want form the humans so that there will be peace? In short - what proposals do YOU have. I am not an emissary, come with treaty in hand and preconceptions in the other. I am here to listen to you - to ensure that all sides are heard fairly. I offer you answers to any questions you might have.

Though I have no official proposal, there is an idea tickling my mind. Help the humans destroy the orcs. I would guess I could persuade them to attack the orcs, and to ask your aid. I think perhaps both peoples need a reminder that there are worse creatures out there who would love the chance that strife between human and elves would represent. The camaraderie of joint military action can be a powerful thing - especially if someone (I indicate first myself and then them with a nod) ensures that warriors with both strong arms AND open minds are chosen to fight.
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Taliz said:
"I must admit, I came here looking more for information as to the state of things than with a specific proposal in mind. I do have some questions though. I have heard rumors of some . . .
Being here in the forest. Something like an Elf, but more somehow. Will you tell me anything of this? I also wonder, what exact threat and and what retaliation do you speak of in relation to the humans?["]

Taliz said:
Also, I would know what exactly do you want. What assurances, what actions, do you want form the humans so that there will be peace? In short - what proposals do YOU have. I am not an emissary, come with treaty in hand and preconceptions in the other. I am here to listen to you - to ensure that all sides are heard fairly. I offer you answers to any questions you might have.

Though I have no official proposal, there is an idea tickling my mind. Help the humans destroy the orcs. I would guess I could persuade them to attack the orcs, and to ask your aid. I think perhaps both peoples need a reminder that there are worse creatures out there who would love the chance that strife between human and elves would represent. The camaraderie of joint military action can be a powerful thing - especially if someone (I indicate first myself and then them with a nod) ensures that warriors with both strong arms AND open minds are chosen to fight.

The leader:
"Our numbers are few. We could not field a single legion, not even if we sent every able-bodied elf in this forest. Even if we sent what we have, leaving our land undefended, we could not bring even a tenth of what the humans would bring for such a mission.

Still, if Renemer saw fit to support us, we could bring more, perhaps enough to make a difference. But even so, with so many miles between the orcs and our forest..."


First Post
Men will not send legions to start with either - they already sent one scouting mission, which I myself led. We tracked the orcs that attacked the city back to the desert, but were unable to find anything within the desert. However, we stayed at the fringes. If I were to tell the men of Brightstone that the Elves of the Forest think the orcs remain a threat, and that the Elves are willing to join in a attempt to find out the exact nature of threat - even though it means a deep desert mission - that would hold great weight.

Additionally, know that I am convinced that SOMETHING must be happening in that desert - else why would 50 orcs come so far? Perhaps human and elven eyes, together, can spy it out, and either destroy it, or bring word back so that a sufficient force can be raised.

The initial group would need not be large - 10 or 15 lightly mounted men, and as many elves - scouts and archers are primarily what would be needed here. The mission could be under joint leadership - the human position would likely be filled by me, especially if I imply that is your wish. I will ensure that the humans are of an open minded sort, with perhaps some knowledge of your customs and language. You would merely have to do the same.

This could, possibly, see that one evil is finally eradicated, and perhaps another stopped before it truly had the chance to begin. What say you?
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The leader:

"A scouting mission may accomplish little, but it is little enough effort that the Council may well send one on your recommendation.

As to the orcs... it is hard to determine their motives. They are no longer the strong, united people they once were; now they are a thousand nations, with no common goals or ideas save hate. If I was to guess, I would say that the mission of the orcs you mention is no different from the mission you recommend."


First Post
If the orcs mission was a probing one - it succeeded. They know they can move through our territory with ease. They also know we are not easy meat. But any information is a success. If it was an attempt to unite orc nations, then I am frighetened indeed - for the way those orcs were repulsed - have you heard the tale yet? - would be exactly what a intelligent leader could use as a rallying point.

And thus, I wonder, why do you say it will accomplish little? If it finds that the orcs are or are not a threat - it is a success. If it ends that threat or, gods forbid, is destroyed by it - still, in my book, though I might very well be one of its leaders - its will be a strategic success. Because - this mission's purpose is not truly to find or destroy anything. That is secondary. Its purpose is to unite two peoples. And even the chance of that is good enough reason, in my mind, to put out the little enough effort required. Some orcs destroyed is merely some extra gold in the purse.


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The leader continues:

"I have not heard how the orcs were driven out. Would we benefit from its telling?

As to our scouting... it is hard to tell what council the orcs keep; indeed, it is hard even to find them. Most are nomadic, and those that settle do so far from your northern borders. I doubt that great success will be had finding much about their plans, and I doubt that it will bring our people together."

Several of the councilmemebrs turn to look at the leader, but he does not meet their eyes and they turn back.


First Post
As to the finding of orcs, I am sure it can be managed - If I cannot find them, I have thoughts as to how to force them to come to us. To the way the raiding party was driven from Brightstone, perhaps you would be interested. It seems that Heironeous has named a champion, and armed him as well. He is mighty indeed and it is he, single handedly, who drove away the orcs. He is a humble man, of good heart, but his faith is strong and he will do anything for his god.


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The leader nods his head, acknowledging your story and advice.

"If that is all...?"

He waits to see if you have anything to add to the Council, then makes the farewell gesture.

Voidrunner's Codex

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