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Mysterious power IC thread


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Taliz said:
"Promises take time to fulfill - I would trust the Prince if I were you. Atleast as much as one can ever trust a Prince - he seems different than other nobles. compromises? I am not sure - I am not diplomat. Guarenteed, legal sovereignty over the forest, perhaps. Reparations, perhaps. I don't know - those are your job to work out. They should be possible.

As to the other things, is there an outside threat? What do you know of these things? Or perhaps this Great Elf is the one to ask? If there is, we would but have to prove it to the Prince to make this whole process easier. I have another idea, that may help your cause. But I fear I must consult Aldrik upon it before I can say anymore. I do not know as much of this situation as you - but it seems resolvable, and without overmuch bloodshed, if any."

"If only it were that easy. First, there is no hegemony among the elves as there is among the men of this country. The Prince does not understand that we are not a nation as Vanchild -- the elders represent us, in a way, but they do not speak for all of the elves, not even those in Glithimem. Most elves have trouble understanding the concept of the human government and human monarchy; our council and Speaker hardly compare.

If I knew of a great outside threat, it would be simple enough to use it to stop any immediate conflict. I have no such information. Vultures circle only once their prey is weakened, and threats, like vermin, come from many places unseen when their opportunity comes.

The Eldest is in no position to answer questions. Indeed, I do not know if he is yet able to walk or speak. Certainly, I would not be the first to know, nor the hundreth. Diplomats have never had great power, though they once had great prestige. Now they have neither as dark times approach."

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Come up with some demands - or compromises. I have thoughts on how to get the Prince to agree. But you must tell me what you want first. Perhaps I should phrase it this way . . . if you went to war tomorrow and won the next day - what would you have gained. What prizes, what freedoms? Would you simply slaughter all men? Or would you bind them to some contract? What would the contract say. Tell me these things, and then we can see about getting at least some of them done.


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Taliz said:
Come up with some demands - or compromises. I have thoughts on how to get the Prince to agree. But you must tell me what you want first. Perhaps I should phrase it this way . . . if you went to war tomorrow and won the next day - what would you have gained. What prizes, what freedoms? Would you simply slaughter all men?

"I would not go to war, not if I could help it. There are those that advocate wholesale butchery of the humans, but they are thankfully a minority -- albeit a vocal one. Most would make the 'reasonable' demand of the evacuation of Vanchild: from the eastern fringe of Sheriel to the Isames. This has basis in history, even recent history among the elves, but humans would not consider moving even from Brightstone.

The more reasonable would ask less: land left to nature, a buffer if you will, between the elves and the men; an oath of nonviolence. Of course, the phrase (elven: the oath of a man is as lasting as a ripple on a stream), 'men break promises as rivers flow', is popular among many in Glithimem..."

Taliz said:
Or would you bind them to some contract? What would the contract say. Tell me these things, and then we can see about getting at least some of them done.

"The elves wish no reparations beyond freedom: freedom to live in their land without fear of conquest. We desire no gold, no 'prizes', and no promises but one: to not bear arms against our people.

Unfortunately, a lasting peace will require an agreement not with me but with the most radical of the elves, those that would start conflict."

(OOC: Yes, I did just commit a grammatical sin, but it's defensible and best that way. If it's intentional, I can do it, right?)


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So are you saying that peace is impossible then? Because Elves will not accept the word of men? And because Elves will not accept anything but the most radical of solution, to which Men will never agree? I think Men gunuinely want to resolve this without bloodshed. It does not sound like Elves want the same. But, unless you want to be forced to slaughter all men, you must at some point offer something they will agree too, lest they fight till the last drop of blood, and you must at some point trust that agreement. If that point is not yet, and the Elves are simply driven by fate to war, tell me - so I can prepare myself to fight on the right side.


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Taliz said:
So are you saying that peace is impossible then? Because Elves will not accept the word of men?

"Most would accept a promise, and peace would be possible for most, but I know of no way to appease the warmongers."

Taliz said:
And because Elves will not accept anything but the most radical of solution, to which Men will never agree? I think Men gunuinely want to resolve this without bloodshed.

"Once more, friend, most are unwilling to fight without provocation from the men. Some are unwilling to settle for less than they deserve, making the job of the diplomat hard and the position precarious.

"I do not pretend to see into the hearts of men better than a man could, but I see no more sincerity in Brightstone than here.

The Prince is even harder to read than most. As best I can tell, working with him for these five weeks past, his façade is carefully constructed. Under it, I do not know what lies... he seems true, and certainly refreshing for a royal. Still, he is too practiced a polititian for me to pretend to understand him. Surely, war is not in his interests, so I can count on him to oppose it and work toward peace... but I suspect that he will move too slowly."

Taliz said:
It does not sound like Elves want the same. But, unless you want to be forced to slaughter all men, you must at some point offer something they will agree too, lest they fight till the last drop of blood, and you must at some point trust that agreement. If that point is not yet, and the Elves are simply driven by fate to war, tell me - so I can prepare myself to fight on the right side.

"I am in no position to speak for the elves as a whole. I can only cede to the humans what the Council allows, and they, like the humans, move more slowly than I feel is needed."
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First Post
So what you tell me is that all this talk is useless until the Council makes its decision? Once we know what They want, we can attempt to make compromises and plans. Have you any thoughts on how to influence them?
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Taliz said:
So what you tell me is that all this talk is useless until the Council makes its decision?

"The Council must approve each treaty I negotiate, each term I approve. I have little flexibility in the matter."

Taliz said:
Once we know what They want, we can attempt to make compromises and plans. Have you any thoughts on how to influence them?

"If conflict breaks out, it will not be at the behest of the council, which does not favor conflict -- surely no rational mind can! -- but at the hands of those less wise and disinterested.

I could, of course, request audience with the Council; they have granetd me leave in the past on occasion. Anyone can request to be heard. Some are heard. Few change the decisions of the Council, regardless of their talent for rhetoric or the merit of their words.

If you wish to understand this situation fully, you may decide to speak with them yourself. They may hear you if you claim to represent your city. If you go, do not expect to gain more than knowledge.

Failing that, you could talk with the comopn folk here, to understand our situation more accurately. Some speak the Trade Tongue; you would not be lost."


First Post
Knowledge is what I am seeking to gain, initially at least. Yes - I would like to schedule a meeting with the Council. Can you arrange it, or take me to the one who can? I would also like to, as you say, see what the people think.

Taliz will meet with the Council, as the Emissary of Brightstone and a concerned citizen, etc. He will continue to keep it under wraps he speaks Elvish. He would like the meeting ASAP, of course, but will spend the intervening time mingling amongst the Elves (I'll let you roll the Gather Information checks).


Community Supporter
Taliz said:
Knowledge is what I am seeking to gain, initially at least. Yes - I would like to schedule a meeting with the Council. Can you arrange it, or take me to the one who can? I would also like to, as you say, see what the people think.

Taliz will meet with the Council, as the Emissary of Brightstone and a concerned citizen, etc. He will continue to keep it under wraps he speaks Elvish. He would like the meeting ASAP, of course, but will spend the intervening time mingling amongst the Elves (I'll let you roll the Gather Information checks).

"You must request audience, but I can write a letter of introduction for you. Hopefully they will accept your request."

Denelmir finds ink and parchment and dashes of the letter. He then seals it with ink and a ring -- apparently, he's the sort to keep a signet ring in his pocket, because you didn't see it before.

You present your request unceremoneously to a ward (Elvish: lit. 'council-keeper'), who informs you that the Council will call you within two days if they are to hear from you.

Taliz spends his time getting a general feeling for the attitude of the elves here.

Gather Information: 9 + 2 - 4 (circumstance) = 7; 19 + 2 - 4 (circumstance) = 17

The elves are somewhat wary around you, but with some effort you are able to glean their feelings, especially with the aid of strong elven wine. Most are disspirited, expecting their territory to shrink again, as a matter of time. Others are fierce advocates of defending their boundaries:

"When the forest started to fall, we used ambassadors and gifts, logic and rhetoric. It stopped the approach of men... for a decade, perhaps less. As more of our home was used to graze animals or grow wheat, we finally learned to do as our ancient forebearers: draw a line, and shoot anything past it. For most of my life this has worked, but now I worry: there's talk about elven blood on human hands."

The elf pauses and glances at Taliz's hands.

"The humans are training more soldiers, raising their walls, and preparing for battle. We've increased patrols, I've heard, and traded broadheads for narrow. It may come to nothing, I don't know. I just wish I was with them, waiting..."

The elf raises a drink to his lips. You notice that the elf's far (right) arm is larger than the other; you didn't think he was strong before, but it comes into place. He must be an archer, or a former archer, in the military -- or whatever equivilent the elves have. Sizing him up quickly, you can see the muscle under his outer layer of flabby skin, the grace in his movements. He finishes his drink and eyes you up and down.

"You'll be the same as the rest of them, I'm sure. I always got a bad feeling around your type, and I'm getting it now."

He tosses back the last of his drink and sits back quietly.

Edit: Yes, two days have passed. No, the Council hasn't called for you.
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First Post
Many people don't like my type. Many people get a bad feeling around me. But as to the same as "the rest of them?" Do not insult me. (In Elvish) I know what it is to draw a line in the earth and kill whatever crosses it. Humans gird for war to protect themselves - they think not of Elves, who don't come out of their forest even when 50 orcs camp within miles of their trees.

I will send another letter to the Council - I'll write it myself, in Elvish.

To the Elven Council,
I know not the forms and pleasantries so forgive my bluntness. I seek a dialogue with you as the Emissary of Brightstone. I have much information you would find useful, as, at the Prince's behest, I also served as Brightstone's Military Advisor. You also have much information Brightstone, and indeed the Human race, needs, if peace among the good races of the world is to be maintained. I am no stranger to battle - I have killed and will no doubt kill again. But I would far rather kill the orcs that attempted to invade Brightstone but a few short days ago, than ever raise arms against the Elves. The Prince and Mayor of Brightstone agree with this sentiment.

I'll seal it with wax, but put no sigil (as I lack a ring)
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