Need help creating a stand up comedy routine in a fantasy setting


When I posted it on the WotC boards some time ago, I got grief from someone who had to point out that Aasimar couldn't fly in some editions... < rolls eyes >
Change the aasimar to a solar if necessary.

I simply assumed that, as a high-level adventurer living in Sharn, he had some form of flying item or spell.

I don't think I quite got the joke, though - maybe it's the censorship filter killing the punchline?

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Yeah, it's a recycled Superman joke. But Aasimar are humans descended from celestial beings, and are supposed to basically be Superman-types: all blonde, blue-eyed, goodness and light (their preferred character class is paladin).
And, at least in certain editions, they can fly.
The humor of the joke is predicated on finding out that Gariel was an Aasimar and knowing that they can fly.

aramis erak

How many kings does it take to rule well?
— Nobody knows yet!

How can you tell a good orc from a bad one?
— The bad ones are still breathing!

What should you buy when a Tinker Gnome comes to town?
— A coach ticket out of town.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
DON'T use any material from the movie "Punch Line"; it wasn't funny, despite being advertised as a comedy.

I could see some of the classic Saturday Night Live material being usable.
- Older PCs would know who President Ford was, the NPCs would recognize "Lord Lathameer", and the fact that he falls down every stairway can be the Bard's shtick to arrive on-stage.
- Two bards giving sly commentary on current events or noble gossip / politics. One expounds at length about fashion, rumors of trysts, &c. The other begins, "Jane you ignorant..."
- "I am Gumby d-----t" from a person dressed as a pompous noble who nobody else in the act recognizes.
- The Pathological Liar
- Belushi's samauri
- Dennis Miller's "Weekend Update"


Staff member
Paraphrasing my favorite lawyer joke:

Q: How many stinky Orc jokes are there?

A: Only one- all the rest are true stories.

Hear about the new gnome automatic ring of feather falling? Activates on impact!

Did you hear about the new Waterdeep Navy ships? They have glass hulls, to see the old Waterdeep Navy!


Staff member
I was eating lunch in the pub yesterday, and at the next table, I saw this guy in red robes, mumbling something.

So I asked him, "So, what are you? Thayan?"

He shoots me a nasty look, "I wasn't talking to YOU!"

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