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New Chat Site?


Bhryn Astairre

Heeeeey, they're IMPORTANT technicalities!

I still remember your first SN... wasn't it Dragona42185? Or... Dragona48125?

....Something close!!! ^_^

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Honestly, I don't think it's that big of a deal to be in two rooms at once -- I certainly don't mind it.



WotC_Mel said:
This is the item I mentioned I'd be getting back to. There are three or so serious disappointments for me in terms of what was promised for the chat before purchase and not delivered. I knew that the description field was inadequate when I saw the test version. I discussed custome work to the code being done to expand it and was told that, yes, that could be done. Well, after purchase when we get down to it, in fact it can not.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Time out! Time out!

I'm to understand we're locked into using this software because it's already been paid for and scheduled as the replacement software and it doesn't even do what you paid for it to do? Is there anything else it is supposed to do but doesn't... like I dunno... keep my private information private?

I'm also rather disturbed that Wizards chose to keep the defective software rather than simply demand their money back and get a set that worked. But hey, that's your business I suppose.

I know that descriptions are essential to RP, and thus we need a makedo. My intention is to actually create a roster or a roll (or a better, more flavorful name) for each "main" room on the chat site (CRT, Emporium, TMP) where you may create a entry/post for the character/screen name. That thread would be able to post images as well so you could include portraits along with written descriptions. PLacing the link to that individual post in the "Home Page" field would then allow others viewing your profile to click on the Home Page button and pop open the post in a separate browser.

Unfortunately that's pretty much the same as having no descriptions. Anything where I have to open up a new window, wait for it to load, then read the description is going to lose the attention of many. Plus it means changing your description means going to the web site in advance, editing that before you log in and hoping that whoever looks at it doesn't have a cached version of your description.

In short, it's not a description service, it's just a fancy way of telling us we have to use our "web page" link for our character data rather than our web page. We can already do that with the current chat but we dont' because almost nobody can be bothered opening up people's web pages when they want to get into rp headspace.

I have some hope that I canget the names of the fields in the chat changed to better reflect what is going on by using the feilds this way.

Is this one of those things that were supposed to happen but may not be possible to happen?

The WizOs were actually supposed to bring up this as a solution during open house, but of the few ISRP folks who popped in, not many of them poked around the interface to discuss it.

Well we didn't exactly have much of a carrot to try it out, and considering the "stick" is that we're going to lose our current chat soon I'm not suprised that people chose to try to get maximum use out of the old chat.

Following Dragona's idea of stating pros and cons below:

* We're all using Java, so it all looks the same to all of us.
* Boards and chat logins are the same
* Can easily open multiple chat windows without problems (if you can get it to open)
* Buttons make it easier for newbies
* Can log in with Mozilla and its the same as IE

* No descriptions and the idea of linking to one is not a vaguely acceptable compromise
* Emotes don't look like emotes, the damn "!" re-enforces the feel of the chat room over the roleplay.
* Says don't look like says, they look like IRC chat posts... again re-enforcing this is a chat room and breaking the atmosphere.
* No top frame to provide room information as you enter.
* Private messages have to go into seperate tabs which is a pain in the butt if you're holding a quiet conversation.
* Chat tabs: I hate the damn things.
* Whenever you start a PM conversation you have to click another button in order to read it.
* It takes at least a minute to load up up the chat room, before you actually get to log in.
* Java is very taxing on system requirements
* No ability to effectively format text other than things like putt * * or _ _ around your text and asking the audience to imagine it's bold or underlined.
* Recent revelation that the company software is purchased from doesn't deliver on promises.
* New skin makes us look like we should rename it to Interactive Gothic Storytelling Roleplay.
* If I want to RP in a chat that looks like IRC, I have at least three or four IRC clients on my machine... I don't benefit by Wizards providing me a forth/fifth one that only works with their site.

I'm sorry Mel but you really haven't provided us any incentive to look forward to the new chat at all other than the impending dread of the loss of the old chat... to one that isn't finished, doesn't do what was expected and isn't really tailored toward roleplaying.

Other than you're planning to remove the old chat, which while it may be out dated technology, works wonderfully for the ISRP crowd and is actually generally their first preference in chat software for reasons known only to yourself.

Forgive me if I do am not enthuastic about the changeover.


Dragona Nightsky

B> Dragona42185...and I actually still have that name!

Jardy> So I'm not the only one that finds the "!" thingy annoying...whew! And yeah, you bring up a good point about the way the text is presented kind of disrupting the Roleplay.

Hince why I say please let us keep iChat as long as we can!



First Post
Okay, first off let me say that I have NOT tried the new chat on the open weekend...I'll say why later...thus all I know is from reading here and from talking to friends on the net about what has been going on.

I have seen the explination as to why ichat is going, and even if I don't like it, and even disagree with some of the arguments...that there is no longer ANY tech support for it really is good enough alone.

However, from the reaction of people I know to the new system has been nothing short of 'spitting bile'. A little more time has passed and cooler heads are now emerging, but this is still going to be a watershed, and not in a good way.

I have made some very good friends on ISRP, seen people come and go. I have also seen over the last 2 or 3 years a drifting away of many good players. I have also seen others stay, and carry on to play here.

For the new system my two biggest concerns are the unease of viewing descriptions (and yes I admit that for several years under ichat I have been undable to alter or make descriptions, but I put up with that and a very good friend was kind enough to alter anything for me), and the security issues. Both of these are reasons people will continue to add to the drift I expect.

For me, the reason I 'may' go is more basic, my cpu is ooollddd, it makes ichat look young! I have grave worries that trying to cope with the new chat maybe too much for it. The above two issues are the icing on the cake to this. I will hold fire on any final judgement, and see what friends say after the full change happens, and if they think my cpu 'could' cope with the new system...but if things do not seem to be better than they do right now, this looks like being my last month of playing ISRP. In that case I can't convay just how much I will miss the place. I also know that even if I stay, it will never quite be what itwas...I just cross my fingers and unusualy for me, 'hope' for the best...(but expect the worst)



WotC_Mel said:
I very much want to be able to sucesfully introduce chat to new users who do not know the exits at all.
hence the whole "seperate window thing. we'll all see them anyway. but if this can be fixed my me as easy as you say, theen this shouldn't be a problem. however is this a permenant change or will I have to tear and move and resize it every time I play?



WotC_Mel said:
A Help page is in the offing to be made avialable around the time of the switch. Until then the userguide found here explains basic functions: http://www.wizards.com/community/Wizards_Chat_Guide.pdf

Yes I know....... Thanks... What about standalone chat interface integration? There is an allusion to chatspace providing integration with othwer clients, yet direct link if you would please? Time on my end has been short lately for such delving... I will of course list opinions and considerations concerning the different versions as software tsting and OS design are my thing Too bad about the username issue, but crossover is a common problem when platforms are totally different and there is no migration interface due to the parent companies inabilities and restrictions...... But so long as the service will retain the usernames once registered, unlike many Sun Java interfaces... it will be fine.... ChatMace and SigmaChunck ar two of the best I have seen and certianly the most tolerable... Ohhhhh Beloved iChat... How sorry we are to see you go.... I agree with others that things will never be the same, but time has a way about that. For now Mel.... As many of the old features as you can cram into the old interface please do...... I do not wish to leave after 9 years 3 months and 22 days of faithful patronage, but not having integration is one of the most important issues... Although new players may not have cheeta at first we continually share the old interface with others and many of us use it with much satisfaction. And I Would Suggest hosting an old installer of msjava for those who can't find it elsewhere - I have a copy if needed.....



First Post
To further Jardel's comments about PMs... what about those instances (oi, I've been getting Krys into a bunch of them lately) where you need to keep multiple people apprised of things in pms? Ichat is great for this, you do /tell name1,name2,name3... so on and so forth and all get sent at once. Now, I have to copy/paste or retype everything each time for each tab... ugh.

I'm aware there is the p2p, a half-baked fake of pms (but I don't believe they do multiples...), and something about memos..

See... here's the thing: there is such a thing as too much functionality. This new client has three different ways to essentially do pms. That's ridiculous. It's like they're sitting there and going "more bells and whistles, more bells and whistles!" Sorry, but we're not gnomes... we don't like things to be over-complicated to do simple tasks. And it's actually rather taxing on a user to have to sit there and think which of the three methods would be best for the moment.. (and also for them to have to remember how to use all three).

I really wish I had time to find some usability guidelines and do a usability review. Unfortunately, by the time my life calms down to give me the time to do some research for guidelines, and verify they are indeed good guidelines, and then apply those guidelines to the site... everything will be gone.

Good points have been made, though: If I want to irc chat, there are a half a dozen irc clients with more customizability, functionality, and just plain usability than this knock-off. And, once again... there's always yahoo...



One more thing......

The usage of a Colon ( : ) to initate an action command has been a heck of a timesaver. Please try to make it available.



I signed to the Wizzies chat again to look for the options, after finding them I could see only check boxes and buttons - the txt block was all white as was the text and there is no highlight with Punn Choka ( Sun Java ).


9yrs/3mo/23dy and counting - heh

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