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Niobe's Dilemma (Manzanita Judging)


"Hmm...I did not know that you played music as well, Troi Delmontes--are all males in the western lands versed in music? How very contrary to the ways to which I am used."

Troi nods, then sets the lute aside.

"Yar, I play. Haven' picked somethin' musical up in a long time, though... four, maybe five years now. Oirhandir an' Carsis sorta encouraged me ta pick it up again, wi' their playin' an' that at th' festival. I'm a bit rusty after all these years, but I'm pickin' up on it again..." He smiles. "Might even be able ta play somethin' decent by th' time we get back."

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Jaan Saaresar, male human Servant of the Greenman

"Your culture sounds like it is quite different to mine," Jaan says to Lasair. "I must admit that I am curious to learn more about where you come from."


The man with the probe
OOC: Update tonight, was just making sure Wilhelm didn't want to do any shopping here. Don't let me interupt any intra-party RP though :)


LEW Judge
Wilhelm thanks the coachman and steps out a short distance from the carriage to get some air. The warrior-priest takes a sweeping glance of his surroundings whilst those with him speak. At once, the knight in him takes over and he assesses the situation martially, scanning for hostility and routes of attack.

It had been many years since that fateful day of his salvation, but the shadow of an ambush occasionally plagued his thoughts. He turns his perceptions back to his comrades, with whom he would be sharing the road for a while longer.

I must learn to protect these folk, though the differences among us are great.

To all eyes but those learned in the hearts of Men, it seemed that Wilhelm of House Irontower had cast a gaze that swept the yard and returned to his companions. Those who know better would perhaps catch a glimpse of the farthest depth of his thoughts and the breadth of their content. Wilhelm enters within range of the conversations, but does not add to them except as a silent audience.


Troi looks to Wil, and notices the gaze of a man lost in his thoughts.

Hmm... wonder what he's pondering. Might as well go find out, got nothing better to do at the moment.

Troi hops out of the carriage, grabbing his lute and slinging it across his back in a fluid motion. He then wanders over to Wil.

"Couldn' help but notice ya lookin' 'bout." He says quietly. "Th' look a somebody lost inner thoughts. What'cha thinkin' bout?"

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Your culture sounds like it is quite different to mine. I must admit that I am curious to learn more about where you come from."

"It is...I can never return there until I find the one I seek. And Fate has conspired against me and weaved a powerful prophecy that ensures I shall never find him."

"Couldn' help but notice ya lookin' 'bout. Th' look a somebody lost inner thoughts. What'cha thinkin' bout?"

"Indeed. Wilhelm Irontower, your ziivash seems...intent, flickering shadow cast over the edges of a shining light...and the strongest connection to a benign emotional parasite that I have ever seen, even including Michael Grannion, I think."


LEW Judge
"Our journey of seeking is already afoot, but it feels like we are just beginning. The similarities among us, they are uncommon when compared to our own differences. What twists and turns await us on our road, I wonder? And when comes the Fire, how well will we temper its heat together?"

There is no trepidation and no anxiety in his voice. But the jade in Will's eyes flicker with excitement at the prospect of adventure and glory in Her name.

"Emotional parasite--? Oh. I believe I understand what you meant, good lady. I am the parasite here, not the Fire Sister. It is to Her that I cling to and not She to me" He pauses. "Then again, perhaps you see not as I do, but as your folk instead, whomever they may be to call the Holy as parasites. Odd that."

Rystil Arden

First Post
"These things you westerners call 'gods'...they act as benign emotional parasites, but it is a symbiotic relationship with the host, much as those seen in nature, where the host gains myriad benefits in exchange for providing sustenance to the parasite. It seems as if your culture has wrapped itself around this idea until it is so intrinsic that it seems odd that an outsider like me would not consider it commonplace. I suppose the same is perhaps true for some of my customs as well."


The man with the probe
OOC: feel free to continue your discussion if you wish :)

As the party returns the carriage, there are indeed four new horses attached to the carrage. The driver opens the door and kicks down the step to let you all board, and once you're all on, quickly you take off again.

As one of you checks the table, which is indeed restocked with some food and drink, there is also a sealed envelope with a single word written on it: Lasair


"Our journey of seeking is already afoot, but it feels like we are just beginning. The similarities among us, they are uncommon when compared to our own differences. What twists and turns await us on our road, I wonder? And when comes the Fire, how well will we temper its heat together?"

Troi shakes his head. "I'd say ta jus' take it as it comes, y'know? No sense in worryin' 'bout somethin' in th' future. If somethin' happens, it happens, but it's not like we 'ave anythin' ta say 'bout it, y'know? An' if we do get inta somethin'... no worries. Jaan is pretty good inna fight, an' I'm not so bad, either, if I say so m'self. Dunno 'bout Lasair, 'aven't really gotten inta anythin' wi' her, but I 'magine she'll be fine, too."

Voidrunner's Codex

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