No Hero's Welcome - IC


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A barely audible growl forms in Baraka's throat and a feral gleam kindles in his eye. 'Time to hunt. I like this human already', he thinks.

"I would suggest the latest crime, where everyone disappeared. Something useful had to have been left behind... it is also the frrrreshest". The way he says the last word is somewhat alarming or perhaps it is the way his nose twitches as if picking up the scent of wounded prey.

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Voda Vosa

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"Well met Oakheart, my name is Kuro Gemshard, Earth wielder of the Cult of Four." the dwarf inspected the warforged for an instant. His dwarven nature played a trick to Kuro, who fascinated by the miracles of the living construct that was sitting next to him, when he almost made a stupid question.

"Hello lad, looks like ye' got a hell of a backpack there" hi comments to Abe greet.

Upon hearing the Lieutenant plan Kuro nods affirmatively. "Indeed searching the close neighborhoods of the crime would be our priority. As ye' say the city is large enough for someone to saw the killer or at least to have some clue about him."
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Novhilion observes the newcomers, feeling faintly amused with the entire situation. As the fully-laden Human named Aberon introduces himself, Novhilion does the same. "Novhilion Wraithblood, Sixth Breland Infantry." Novhilion shares a quick, whispered conversation with Caron. <Quite the collection, aren't we?> Caron shakes his head in amazement. <Two Humans, a Shifter, a Warforged, a Dwarf, an Elf, and a bird. What next?> Novhilion chuckles, still keeping an ear on the others. <Only time will tell, old friend.>

As Lieutenant Tensen outlines his plan, Novhilion evaluates the other's responses. "The Shifter seems eager. Helpful? Yes, quite. Surprising? Not at all," he thinks. "Examining the latest area of occurrence seems like the most logical course of action to me. We're apt to find something there, perhaps we should all examine that area first and foremost, then split off to evaluate the other locations?"


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"I agree with the Shifter, we should start with the most recent incident. Oakheart nods to the shifter as he says this, then looks at the group for an answer.


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As Abe recognises Lieutenant Tensen, a brief smile shows up on his face.
Ah, i knew i know you from somewhere. It IS good to have an fellow cyran here with us. Say, how does it go in New Cyre? And i would like to stay in the Brocken Arch, especially if more fellow countrymen rest there. Uh, that is, if you don´t plan on holding any 5 o´clock in the morning surprise exercises.

Then he politely response to the dwarfs greeting
Well, you know, i had to buy most of my tools by myself, as the military standard was a little inadequate for the more challenging tasks at hand, so i could keep nearly all of it. But i guess as soon as i have a new room, i can leave most of it there then. In the meantime, if any of you could help me with it i would be deeply grateful.

After that he takes a deeper look at Oakheart and raises an eyebrow
Hmm, i don´t think i have seen an warforged like you before. How did they manage to make the wood durable enough to not bend and warp as you move? I don´t want to appear intrusive, but would you mind if i examine you later when there is more time?
But i agree with you all, we should go to the place where the last killing took place first. Maybe we can find clues who is behind it there.
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Lieutenant Conrad Tensen of the Fifth Cyran Infantry
[SIZE=-2]Human Warrior 1 / Cleric 1 stats[/SIZE]


"With luck we will see tomorrow in Cyre!"


Conrad stands up decisively and slings his shield back over his shoulder. "Let's move out then!" he barks as his long legs carry him towards the door.


Seeing you leave the room, a young woman is running to catch you. Her bare feet artfully avoid the broken glass and puddles whose origin should better be left unknown. She intercepts you, right before you exit through one of the "doors", quickly straightens her well-worn dress and pulls her long auburn hair to one side.

"Phewey, eager to leave, right? Well, skipouts, first I got ta ask all of you a few details for the List!" (She points at a piece of parchment where almost every inch of surface has been used for short notes in a neat, but cramped hand. Kuro, having a slightly different view, can see that the other side shows some musical notes and printed lyrics -- upside down.) "So, that's team dragon right?" (before anyone can even nod she continues in the same breath) "Well, one, two, three, four, five, six. All set to fade away. And by the looks of some of you, we managed to get some officers in there, too. So no guard duty -- and I would've got this neat little spot by the hobagobs all set and ready. Nah, I'll just write you down as 'investigating'. That being the case, I've got to tell you a few things that should be pretty obvious to even the biggest mugs, but you being soldiers my da insists on me being all long winded..."

(she draws her first breath since you've seen her)

"Ya're not in the slightest bit official, 'derstood? Hard luck if any of youse wants to come up to one of Sharns Shiniest and insist on being treated special. Which, times being like they are, includes not getting hit on the noodle. Harumph, by the looks of you, I don't need to tell you that... Since the warehouse thingamajig, even the puddles get all uppity. Yoy, right, not a danger for you rough-and-tubmles, but there's an awful lot of 'em and this whole joint is about not causing any riots. Let's just hope for the best, maybe I got some bright grunts here. We got a few sets of stunties outside ta help ya. Nope, not your folks, brownie, jus' some local kids who're all impressed by ya sticks and boards. They can lead you to any dive and dump round here. Don't munch on them or use them for ammo, if that pleases the gentlemen. Outside of that, we don't really know much more than you or about anybody else in this promised utopia. Ya have ta find out by yourselves.Yippers, now before I write down your names on the List, there's the matter of the Tin. We got a lot of soldiers who're not too lucky these days and skipping out on their jobs, if they got one at all, will be pretty harsh for the poor shmucks. So we'd be happy for all the coppers you can spare. The same goes the other way round, if you're devoid of the necessary pecuniary backdrop, you're free to sleep in this villa, and some butter 'n eggs are in there for you, too."

(She manages to look both hopeful and condescending at once. Army brats...)

"So, before you all get droopy eyes from staring at my gams, I'll have the names of ya. Please spare me that rank hoopalooh, jus' the names, both of 'em if you got that far. I doon think that I left anything out, and no, I'm not here for nancing around. Drop your appellations, then you can go out and tell one of the shorn puppies outside that Della wants him to show you round. So, names times six?"

(She obviously waits for you to write down your names, not without too much interest. She's also not very perplexed by even the most exotic look you fellows can bring.)

OOC: Unless someone of you wants to get talkative (or lies about his name), we can assume that you introduce yourselves and continue on your way out of the hovel. Not that I'm keeping you from talking to NPCs, but if you itch for more action I won't be the one hindering you...


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"The name is Barrraka," he says proudly.

As she writes his name but before she can move on to the next man, he lashes out quick as lightning and wraps a strong hand about her slender wrist. The move catches everyone off-guard but before anyone can protest he drops a gold coin in her hand. "See that that gets to the Tin, missy." And he lets her go.

OOC: With a 6 CHA even doing something nice has to come off wrong... :cool:


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Novhilion's entire body tenses up for an instant as he sees the Shifter grab the girl, but he instantly relaxes as soon as Barraka drops the coin in her palm. He flashes an eerie smile to the girl, looking directly into her eyes as he speaks. "I am known as Novhilion Wraithblood." The girl shifts her eyes away uncomfortably, but he doesn't take notice. He quickly signs the parchment with an elegant movement of his hand and nods to Caron. The raven dives into his robe for an instant, a glittering gold piece in his beak. The raven drops the coin into the girls hand. "For the less fortunate." He addresses the rest of his team as Caron returns to his shoulder. "If any of you would prefer, I have a small dwelling in Cliffside. It isn't terribly large, but you are all welcome there." Realization flits across Novhilion's features, and he turns back to the girl. "Not to imply that the quarters provided are inadequate. I am only trying to free space for others." He steps back, making room for the others to sign or donate as they see fit.

OOC: My Charisma isn't much better, but it represents his looks and eerie demeanor more than his social graces. He'll probably be fairly polite, but a lot of people will most likely not want to deal with him.

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