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Notes on the Aether (Rae judging)

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OOC: I'm sorry I'm making mincemeat of your monsters Mr DM. Please don't hurt me :)

"The key Keldar?" Rapture asks in reminder.


"Give me a moment," says Keldar. "Don't touch the door just yet." He races off to retrieve the bucket and rope. Returning, he starts to look over the door area carefully. While he searches, he chatters away.
"I'd go in through a window or via the roof, ordinarily. Er... I mean, theoretically. But it's a very strange tower. I'd say the architectural style is Early Maniac. While I was around the far side, where I did absolutely nothing to summon any elementals, I saw someone had once hammered pitons into the bricks, but judging by the scorch marks, they did not get to climb very far. That woman back in Grenton, whom I found entirely unattractive and whose name I cannot remember at all, mentioned flames bursting from the tower to scorch kobolds. All of which is to say, the door seems like a better idea to me.
"Except... Tommy, lad, now that we know what we're up against - likely more elementals, judging by the number of burned footprints out here - do you have your most useful spells readied to combat them? And you, Sammy? We've been walking a fair chunk of the day already, and it might not be a bad idea to use our resources wisely, as someone or other said recently. This tower isn't going anywhere, and I daresay its owner is not in pressing need of rescue, being most likely either dead already, or escaped, or holed up somewhere safely, or powerful enough not to need to worry. I'd vote for resting a little way away, and tackling it fresh tomorrow. But there, I've looked over the door, and I've found -"

[sblock=OOC] take 20, with Search +6.
Um... Keldar had only a (multiply by 0.7, carry the 1) 86% chance of making it through the first round of that combat. Saved by another natural 1! And even little earth elementals hit hard, so Galwynn certainly had excited realtors digging out farm property schedules. Our (well, Rapture's) luck won't hold forever. Outside the game, it would be a very good idea to rest, gather XP, and have Galwynn and Tommy level up so we have just that bit more endurance. Inside the game, Tommy might be disconcerted to realize he has Sleep as his offensive spell vs. elementals.[/sblock]


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Galwynn nods. "I think the thief might be right. Those creatures hit hard. I don't think they're too much of a danger to the town, and if we were to set up a watch here for the night, they'd have to go through us before they could attack Grenton.

In any case, I'd feel safer entering during the early mornings, when Halina's touch upon our world is the strongest. There are more than enough of us to set up a watch, with Tommy on first watch, Sammy on last, and the rest of us taking up sometime in the middle."


"Early Maniac? Oh, no! There aren't nearly enough severed heads on spikes, or depictions of tentacled monstrosities for Early Maniac. There aren't even any mysterious wailing sounds." Tommy says quite seriously. "No, the basic layout seems to be a standard Classical Arcane Tower, though the materials and methods are completely unique in my experience, which leads to some startling variations on the window treatments. I imagine once Rilithorne and Thyrin publish their findings on this new summoning method, a monograph on its application to tower construction follow ere long." He pauses, and adds, "And, since you ask, I have not prepared my most effective selection of spells for encounters of this kind, and could certainly be better prepared with a night's rest, but... Can we be so sure that no occupants of the tower need our help? What if they're unconscious, or trapped? I would rest easier if we at least took a brief look around the tower before resting. We've already seen that elementals can escape the tower, so there's no need to worry about letting them out. Besides... if the fire were to spread while we slept, and the notes we were sent to recover were lost, I would feel quite the fool."

ooc: Go go natural 20 on kn(architecture) check! :) And yes, we could use a rest OOC, but it seems quite odd IC. I mean, we rush out here after a burning tower, we get to the tower, and... go to sleep?


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[SBLOCK=Tommy]The fire is not likely to spread within the tower, since the building itself is not flammable and the blue field will keep fires on furnishings from spreading through it.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Keldar]The door appears to be magically reinforced high-grade steel, about an inch think. There appear to be triggers for other systems on the door. The only one you can identify activates a magical 'doorman'. It is triggered by inserting the wardstone and is intentionally easy to find. It looks harmless.[/SBLOCK]


"Er, quite," says Keldar. "I must have been thinking of the Borderline Eccentric period. It was the monsters instantly attacking visitors that threw me. Now, then, you must be wondering what Keldar's keen eye has discovered in his perusal of the entranceway. There are, as I predicted, no traps. But this is interesting - the wardstone we bear is not so much a key as it is a doorbell. But who or what will answer when we ring?"

[sblock=OOC] Keldar has an IC reason for wanting to camp out for the night, though it is a rather frivolous one. But then, he's nothing if not self-focused. Nevertheless, I don't think it's 100% stupid to camp now. We didn't just stroll up and decide to sleep - we walked for, I guess, 6 or 7 hours, reaching Grenton and the tower only in the late afternoon, so it's time to eat, and nightfall can't be very far away.

EternalSword is this what you want?[/sblock]

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