Notes on the Aether (Rae judging)

Rae ArdGaoth

The cleric shrugs at the party's apparent enmity. "I have priestly powers of my own. Healing is a much demanded service in this town, and I am happy to provide. Adventurers, I know, have far more wealth than the commoner, so I have no qualms in asking for small payment. You have been wounded, some of you severely. Halina's blessings will hasten the healing process, and your donations will go towards the good of this community."

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"One potion, fifty crowns," says Keldar. "And please accept these few additional coins for the relief of the poorfolk of Grenton, which I hear is a town that has suffered greatly in recent times." Keldar matches Rapture's four crowns, and throws in one more. "In the name of the holy but oft misunderstood Keldar Warbray."

OOC: 55 gp!

Rae ArdGaoth

"Ah, very good! I thank you, sir. Grenton thanks you! Your coin will do much good here, I assure you." He places the gold in piles on his table and bows slightly. "Good luck in your adventures, good Keldarites. May you sow Halina's blessings wherever you travel."

OOC: Okay, very busy am I, so I'll update sometime very late tomorrow night with XP. Feel free to settle down at the inn, grab some cheap drinks and food (included in the 5sp per person), and get to bed. You can play the innkeep lady if you want! See you tomorrow.


Once outside, Keldar says, "All right. Say what you must. But not you, Rapture. Your glance says everything. I let my tongue run away with my good sense. But I swear, I would not have let him exchange the potion for my vestments. Although... they are at least worth six crowns, more than the manual labour that Galwynn offered. And perhaps it will be a comfort to the priest in his old age to think at times of the Keldarites, favoured of Halina. And... who is to say that is not true? And besides, I donated to charity. No, I begin to believe I am the holy Keldar Warbray after all, a shining light in a gloomy world."


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"Those that are holy do not need to go around claiming to be so, nor does a charitable donation make," Rapture says. "Finding yourself is a struggle, not a declaration."

Showing more emotion than the otherwise smooth and in control woman has shown, she sighs disappointedly and heads to the inn.


First Post
Galwynn nods his head at Rapture's words, and then claps Keldar on the back. "Don't worry, thief - better men than you have tried to create their own religion and failed. Next time, wave your hands around a bit more."

He quickly thanks the priest, and then spends the rest of his time about the town, helping a family fix a leaky roof (Galwynn's not great with the tools, but I imagine he can do much of the heavy lifting).

Rae ArdGaoth

At the inn, the innkeeper woman has two baths prepared for you. "One for the lady, and you gentlemen will have to take turns. I'll change the water soon as each of you finish. While we wait, I hope to hear a little audition from you, sir!"

The baths are quite nice after a stressful day.

As you eat and sing and rest, you reflect upon your many battles today, and discussing the events amongst yourselves gives rise to some new strategies on how to deal with these elementals.

Total XP Awards:
Galwynn: 1510
Tommy: 1590
Tarag: 1560
Keldar: 1930
Rapture: 1560

OOC: This includes some ad hoc RP XP, but the majority is from encounters. If it seems like Keldar received an inordinate amount of XP... he did! He disabled the traps and the devices, and he received more XP for those encounters than everybody else.

No real-time XP yet.

I still have to do Thyrin's scrolls and spellbook. That may take a while, we'll see. We may want to push on and work it in later (if Tommy wants to copy some spells over during this break, we can retcon it in later, after I actually reveal what spells there are...). That would keep us moving, at least.
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ooc: Tommy definitely is hoping to find some spells worth copying. Also, I would be remiss if I didn't point out that there's a reasonable chance that a time xp award might bump Tommy to level three at this point. :D


Solange said:
Showing more emotion than the otherwise smooth and in control woman has shown, she sighs disappointedly and heads to the inn.
Keldar's face falls. He makes a quickly stilled movement to reach for Rapture's hand. Shrugging at Galwynn, he moves to the back of the group as they walk back to the inn. Suddenly, he brightens. "She cares for your moral welfare, Keldar," he murmurs to himself. By the time they reach the inn, he's smiling again.

A thought strikes him. "I will be right back," he says, and dashes off down the street in search of a shop. Some time later, he returns with a bundle under his arm.

Keldar claims the second bath, and is in there for so long that some might fear he'd drowned. When he emerges, with the fireplace ash and the grime of travel and sleeping rough washed away, he's left his armour off, and looks brushed and shining, and in his own words, "Gorgeous." He's wearing not his travelling clothes, but a new outfit of gaudy blue and yellow.

"I shall sing in the evening when the inn has filled up a bit, and the patrons are... drunk," he says.

OOC: -3 gp for an entertainer's outfit
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Galwynn gets to bed early, after working in the town. He'll be ready to rise at first light.

OOC: Yeah, a time reward would do well, too - I only need around 300 XP to get Galwynn to level 3.

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