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Off to War - canceled


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Kend-wah!?! ... *blinks* Can I haz plas?
Should not give me ideas ^_^

But really... I was...

One: note planning on the character proclaiming what he was; he would be far more likely to try acting normal and only expose his nature as a last ditch trump card to stay alive. (just because I'm insane, dos not mean my characters are! ;D)

Two: hoping to make Drama! Real D~r~a~m~a!
shock value is cheap; it only lasts for a moment, and yes, not a good thing to make a character on for a long term game.
However: most PCs would, if not meta gamed, smite an were on the spot who was allegedly an ally before exposing themselves as a were: it must have been spying on them! Basically, characters have to be bent to avoid the party turning on the were-PC and smiting it.
I loath character bending; I'm retiring, or at least suspending, Alexander because looking back on him I feel that I horribly twisted his character. If you’re character would naturaly try and cleave my character’s head off? Let them. Keeps me honest and the characters alive!... or at least feeling that way while they are! :D

This said, if the person you've been fighting alongside with and relying on for days, weeks, months, even years, ends up being a were? There is drama!
You have the initial shock value, but then you have motive for the other PC's not to slay the were PC on the spot. This is not to say that there would be no internal turmoil, far from it. It stirs debate within the party: In Character. The Party at large might opt to still smite the were-PC on the spot, but at the same time, they would likely be appeased with knocking the were PC out, until they can come to a consensus at last. Then there are logical divides; most of the other PCs would be very cross with the revelation, while the others turn openly hostile to the point of wanting to slay the Were-PC. It makes things more interesting. ;3

Three: thinking that the magically aligned nature of the character reacting to spells might be a subtle hint that there might be something else that is off.

Four: thinking I really like shape shifters ;3


Also, very I’m pleased that you’re all finally giving me feedback, makes me think and thus, hopefully, make a better character :3
I’m off my plain (Btw, I’m out of Alaska for a week now, fyi XD)
I'm still pondering the warlock angle though, anyone know where I can find variant rules for them? :3
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Fangor the Fierce

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Really? Still thinking of introducing a concept that goes against what guideline everyone else was set forth? I guess I just don't understand what the dilemma is regarding using the rules of the campaign to introduce a character that meets the following guidelines:

1 - Adheres the same guidelines as the other characters (Human race with a single half elf, which was only allowed as a half elf, and not full elf at that.)
2 - Doesn't look to throw the group into disarray, but instead works on providing cohesion.

I just can't see how providing a were-creature character into the mix 'because it sounds cool' is the way to go.


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I like HM's idea.

Create a human character to start, then we can zap him with Were' powers later in the game. Nice! That idea even follows all character creation rules too. Good thinking HM. :D

Myth and Legend

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Zerith I know you like your oddball characters but you must comply with the DM's rules. Holy Man didn't ask you to join the game, you're the one asking to come in. He as a DM does not like certain things in terms of mechanics and character concepts.

Off to war is a (more or less) low magic adventure, with very low WBL, which focuses on mundane/martial aspects and diplomacy and roleplaying.

HM likes his story tightly leashed and the characters to fit the adventure profile, though he will not flatly say "no" becuse he's a nice guy, you should feel when you are pushing past what he feels comfortable with and don't do it.

In VotD I allow almost all concepts and characters. Here things are different.


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I tend to run with things until I get a big fat no ^_^;
I finally got some sleep; so let’s see a few(5) Possibilities :3
(I’ll avoid stats for now ;3)

So, we have quite a few options here
1A: Natural, pre-awakened: This is the one seems to have the most issues over all, it’s been debated the most so we’ll just leave it.
1B: Natural, asleep: This has a few options in and itself, the character could be aware of its developing nature, or the character could be unaware: the first option draws less focus on the character (no “what is happening to me!” emo stuff tag on) could either have
1C: Afflicted plus: An Idea that I had just a bit ago, basically as per normal afflicted, but to do to the character’s nature(being absorbing/resonating to magic) it affectively becomes a natural by taking the affliction exceedingly well; would likely take in more of the were traits but with less of the internal drama/conflict (do to the character integrating it to himself instead of the affliction simply invading his system)
1D: Afflicted: your vanilla Afflicted type Were.

(2)Fey blooded Warlock: The character would have some obvious fey characteristics (assuming his clothing aren’t covering them up at the time), be a mischief maker, and portrays himself as a bard.

(3)Magically aligned marital character: In truth I don’t plan this character concept much different than the above, but neither have been too well developed.

(4)Just use Alexander again: As said before, I believe I mangled his character, so if I did start using him again I’d like to just white wash and start, mostly afresh, don’t care if characters (PC or otherwise) keep their basic impression (he is can be very greeting very easly)
This said he is the yang to Jearth’s Ying; while he seeks to prove he deserves his birth right, he also enjoys the title, he is a schemer and is mostly out for himself and prestige.
This is a double edged sword as far as part continuity goes. While he would love to take some of the renown for ending the betrayals of a court mage, he would likely shy away from the do to the posable repercussions: he could lose more prestige then he could gain and one of the last things we wants to do is piss of Dellex and not have Dellex affectively neutralized politically. (if not killed) But Alexander has nothing agent Dellex, so this brings us into a now massive issue that could make him want to side with Dellex.

He has a seething hatred for elves: hatred is by no means an understatement. As far as he is concerned, they murdered his elder brother (a man he now loves, despises, and envies) in cold blood, further there have been innumerous attempts at reviving his brother over the years, none have worked despite the recovery of the body: He, along with his father, half mad at the loss of his favored heir; have decided that this is because the elves have resorted to truly fiendish means.
Luckily he is restraint enough to not simply lose himself and blindly attack an elf if he sees one, but… his hatred is firmly rooted and he would take just about any excuse to murder one on the spot…

(5)Other: want to give me another idea? :3

Anyways, shall we now take this to a vote for basic character concept? :3

1: Were-Fox in the making who may also be also highly compatible with magic (I‘d prefer natural, but in hindsight, I can go either way with it. (if so, A, B, C, or D)
2: Warlock with fey background, also highly compatible with magic
3: A marital Character who is highly compatible with magic, possibly with a history of exposer to holy magic/energy.
4: reinstate Alexander and wash bored a lot/most of, that he has don thus far.
5: other.


Thy wounds are healed!
A very busy weekend and everyone still needs to help me get things rolling in the IC so I can start the side games. <DM hint ended>

I have Rodric up for a look over and will do it first thing in the morning so be looking for that tomorrow.


Zerith, Zerith, Zerith what am I to do with you...

I just had a thought that you should maybe combine #4 and #1D - I think that would bring about some serious RP for your little princeling once he started going were-gnoll. ;)



First Post
Could, but I really can't see Alexander as a were dog/gnoll, something about his last name:hmm:
Also, I had not thought about it, but Alexander is inatly enfussed with magic:]

... Could you imagine him with a halo?:angel:
He's only one of/the most evil PC in the RP, the NPCs should differently see him as a harbinger of good ^_^;

But seriously, while he speaks gnollish, both willingly and with a bit of pride that he knows the language, he would not long allow himself to look like a gnoll, muchness a mangy animal. He is vain and looking like a dog would drive him up the walls. Now, while I would normal say "So lets make him into a mutt!" his ire is readily inflamed enough as is; so until he manages to cool off some I don't think that's a good idea to pout him even more aggravated. If he gets back in I've nothing against it, so I'd leave the if and if not up to you as a surprise :p
[sblock=Were-Raven...]And while he would be more agreeable to turning into a raven of some kind, this would likely mean something like a dire raven being introduced to the campaign while also having were-ravens; could say their native to his county, as it's host to innumerous ravens, but it's still a stretch.

Could also say that House Ravensworth, and this is a new can of worms. House Ravensworth is secretive (increasingly so over the last decade) so it might fly, but again, new can of worms :/
I'll admit I like the idea, but it's not needed.:erm:[/sblock]

Now, assuming he gets voted back in, he needs to get around to summoning his pet Raven :D
(Perhaps he managed to do so, in the intern?)
And talking about the familiar, could I sub out the +3 appraisal for +3 diplomacy?

Anyways, anyone else want to chime in here?
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Marsha, Marsha, Marsha...



Hit me back with another PM when Pious is checked off. I'd like to get an IC post in before the 18th of June. Lol. Even if it has to take place outside and in the stable with the horses.

- DJ


First Post
Do you even want to actually play the game, Zerith? Or are you just here to make HM pull his hair out?

What is all this 'magic compatable' and 'glowing halo' stuff?

You could be playing by now if you'd just be human and pick a class. The spectrum of human personality is rich enough to make an interesting character, even without animal parts and special effects. I suspect you prefer fiddling with stats and making lists far more than you enjoy actual role playing. Maybe you should channel your creativity into designing characters for anime or video games? My point is, all this idea-shrapnel seems to have gotten you nowhere, and I can't take another epic were-this-were-that A, B, C, D, glowing, wings, feathers, tail, shapeshift post from you. I don't mean to be rude. I really would like to play with you, so please take the hint that EVERYONE has suggested so far:



First Post
I enjoy both, but I firmly believe that the best characters aren't made in a vacuum: Alexander was going to be a kinda goofy steam punk character. However, after OoC discussion this idea was scraped and Alexander became a more sinister and manipulative character, a lot more interesting as well.
Sadly I got lazy and bent his character to the point that we're here, again;)

I don't care if I scrap a character before I write the bio, but once I do I get annoyed by having to start afresh, so I tend to hold off on it until I feel the consent is green lite ;3

So I prefer going through ideas, in depth, OoC since there is no real harm in it: hastily made characters can be less enjoyable to RP or be grating on other RPers, meanwhile characters who are carefully made can be greatly more enjoyable and give other RPers something to work with, if they so choose.

I don't plan on making Alexander anything beyond human if he comes back into play, and while his family line dos have an inherently arcane nature, its entirely stable and built over centuries, it's basically restricted to his fluff and as an excuse to give him a more exotic, distinctive appearance: anyone who knows about this family trait can instinctively spot a Ravensworth out in a crowed, unless their glamored.
[While I like the idea of making him a were raven, it's not needed in any way, he might even be one in a later incarnation, but it would not add anything worthwhile in this version and this RP]

And all the stuff above 'but seriously' was made in jest as silly banter, not as part of serous discussion ;3

Finally, the vote thing was meant to expedite the proses, to spur feedback and to bring the issue to a head, should I assume you're voting #4 then SS?:)

Addon: Woops, almost missed this.
The magic compatibility was spoken of in an early post you might have missed, basically I was planing on having a character with a magical nature that was note stable, and effectively take in new qualities that are the halo thing is becuse the kind of spell he, or any other PC, is likely to get regularly bombarded with is healing spells, most of which are holy in nature, so nimbus of light would be a likely feat to express his nature being changed/absorbing a new magical trait. :3
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