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Off to War [IC]


Thy wounds are healed!
"Ya greenies simmer downs ye do nay even no tat ta gets to Harkon we's must first gets throughs ta wilds," the dwarf barks at all present. "Ye surin yuse wish ta comes Trinim' dis be no quicks walk likes last times."

"Ana' yuse two hot 'eads keep the noises down who knows who be a hearin'" the dwarf grumbles in a softer voice. He looks about and sees Hralfgar poking the fire and stands up pointing at the old blonde warrior he says, "Uts ye nay be a goin' fur sures eyes be a needed yuse fur sometin else, comes wit me. Ta rest yuses gets some 'est we's leave in da mornin." The dwarf walks off towards his tents with Hralfgar close behind.


Indeed Fallon is waiting for Lora when she has finished her bathing he says to her raised eyebrow, "Even, even with Bear's troops doing patrol in the camp you can not be to careful. Feeling better, better?" he asks as they walk back to the others.

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Frozen Messiah

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Claude sighs and is begining to feel his age with all of the young ones arguing over so little when there are people that need help. He understood the mission was a trap but with Aidan and Jareth butting heads a trap may not be needed to get us out of the picture, just patience. "Mon dieu," Claude mutters to himself as he sits beside the with his left hand rubbing his forehead, "If we can't even agree on a course of action how are we supposed to fightt together."

Myth and Legend

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Lora nodded and ran her slender fingers trough the damp curly mess that was her hair. She did feel much better, and was now somewhat placated. "Fallon tell me about Bear's handwriting. Can you show me a certain example of it so that i can compare it with the note that Mart showed us? I'm skilled enough to tell if it's a forgery i think."

Then, on an impulse, Lora reached in her cleavage and produced her own forgery. "See this - this is what i mean. If i can make one, a smart Wizard like Dellex can make one with little trouble."


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Aidan blinked, looking to the older man. "I had no idea I had a choice in the actions of the Irregulars, let alone that I had to agree with everyone jus' ta do my part in a fight."

Aidan was relatively confused at everyone turning to chastise him for speaking, when it seemed perfectly alright when it was Martomum and the newcomer. Rather than get himself more flustered, he just turned and walked off, aimlessly around the makeshift camp.


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Answering Martomum's comment, Trinham says "Seems to me its either going for a trek with you and the rest of the irregulars or staying with the army, marching all day and doing nightly drills. We'll probably end up in the same place anyway. Still if you think I'll slow you down or be more useful here, then I'll stay behind."

Having tried and failed to calm things down with Jareth, Trinham decides to stay out the argument.


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Jareth shrugs and sits down, reclining slightly. "So, anyone care to enlighten me as to who in the Abyss is Dellex?"

He seems relaxed, but his fingers keep tapping on his leather belt.


Thy wounds are healed!
Fallon takes the folded paper and looks at it near a fire of another site. "Hmm.. this, this could be useful, HAHA and maybe put a thorn in Dellex's foot for a change," he says folding the paper again. "Do you mind if I keep this my dear?" Lora can see a plan forming on the old mans face already.


As Aidan wonders around he hears the familiar soft roar of men at battle. Maybe a circle fight would be the thing to let out a little fustration.


Back at the camp Trinham, Jareth, and Claude are joined by the silent tracker Greyhay. "Has Athos returned?" he asks them as a group.


Hralfgar silently follows the grumpy dwarf off to the suppy wagons for the irregulars camp. There two men stand guard one no more than a boy the other a middle aged man with a scar down his bearded cheek. "Dis be wats eyes needs ye ta sees." the dwarf says almost chuckling, as he pulls back a canvas covering to copper barrels and some tubing. "Tis nay everting buts dis worm box and thump keg shuild gets ye started. And eyes needs nuther importint favors too." he adds grimly.


[sblock=ooc] I hate when the party seperates in RL games but PBP are a little easier to keep things flowing lol. GAME ON eveyone i am having a blast. [/sblock]

Frozen Messiah

First Post
"Of course you have a choice, you always have a choice." Claude says smiling a little at the naiviety of Aidan "I'm just an old man that is not used young ones like yourself but I'm glad that there is such emotion."

"Jareth I'm sorry that it took so long to get down to this, Dellex is the advisor to King Bairan and we have reason to believe that he is also manipulating the King to benfit him." Claude says to Jarreth absent mindedly, he was thinking about a strategy for this new mission so they maybe able to benifit from the trap, "I plan on staying up a little while longer to set up a strategy so we can go there in confidance, anybody who wishes to join me can." Claude askes those around him as he looks at everyone individually to try to gauge reactions. As he looks up he sees a new person walking up, he would usually have gotten up and greeted the man with a smile and introduction but he's just not in the mood tonight.

"Come, join this old man by the fire. I'm sorry I'm not in a better mood but it's one of those days." Claude says loudly to the man who is approaching and makes a sweeping motion with his hand to say which seat to take "Athos... I cannot say for sure."
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Hralfgar grows a wide grin as he examines his new toy. He thinks up a relatively easy recipe and prepares to go to work, thinking of all the ingredients he will need for his whiskey. He tells the dwarf he needs wheat or rye mash, water, and an Oak barrel. "I be needing a wee hint o' some special root, it's ole Brown Bane, should be easy 'nough to find around these parts, but I must set this up while some one brings me it." Hralfgar says, already starting work on the still.

Myth and Legend

First Post
Lora frowned for a moment, before waving her hand. "Yes go ahead and take it, I can always make a new one. In return, tell me what is your idea." The girl paused and waited for a reply. She had really thought that this note would have gotten her in trouble if ever proved to be a forgery. It seems she was right to trust Fallon however. Maybe he'd be able to ask around on her behalf, and Arthur would turn up eventually.

Voidrunner's Codex

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