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Once Upon a Rheim (Erekose13 Judging)

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Round 1

[Round 1]

Nodis acts quickly, shouting 'Thief!' he launches a blob of goo at the young thief who currently has his money. He misses but moves to follow, pulling his horse along the way. With the crowd between him and his target he only gets about 15ft closer. The thief is still another 15ft away. The one who had stolen his purse in the first place is not 5ft from him now.

Kali heads immediately after the thief. She finds her movement slowed by all the people who haven't had time to react and get the heck out of the way. She does manage to over take Nodis and the first thief and make it to the base of the box where the girl is.

Oirhandir mounts Hiriloce and moves towards the alley too. He is only able to get in behind Nodis as the crowds flee the mounted bard.

Lupic stands confused. With all the commotion he can see a girl, not more than 15 standing atop a box. She is being pursued by his companions who are all moving in that direction.

The first youth tries to dissappear into the crowds moving quickly away from the horses. Without a weapon out Nodis doesn't have the ability to take advantage of any opportunities.

The girl atop the box makes a daring leap up towards the balcony of the second story window. Making the leap she runs along it and leaps across the few feet to the next one as well. She is making her way along the edge of the railing of narrow balconies that jut only a couple of feet over the alley.

The crowds move away from the horses as quickly as possible. Though many stand back with Lupic staring in confusion.

The alley is a good 70 feet long before it turns sharply to the right. It is only 10ft wide so horses need to enter it one at a time, unless you are going to make them squeeze. The balconies jut 2 feet into the alley from the second floor, with a gap of 3 feet every 10. There is various litter in the alley towards the end which might make it difficult to move at full speed should you need to go that far.

[sblock=OOC]Weapons anyone? I'd assume that walking through Orussus no one has any drawn yet. Without weapons you cannot make attacks of opportunity. The order of approach to the alley is now Kali on foot, Nodis on foot with his horse behind him, Oirhandir mounted but stuck behind Nodis' horse, Lupic standing in the middle of the street holding the reigns to his horse.[/sblock]

El Jefe

First Post
Erekose13 said:
Weapons anyone? I'd assume that walking through Orussus no one has any drawn yet. Without weapons you cannot make attacks of opportunity. The order of approach to the alley is now Kali on foot, Nodis on foot with his horse behind him, Oirhandir mounted but stuck behind Nodis' horse, Lupic standing in the middle of the street holding the reigns to his horse.
Seeing the alley blocked by slower members of his team, Oirhandir decided on a change of plans. "Nodis, Kali, you take the girl", he ordered. "Lupic and I will go after the boy." As he turned his mount, he called to Lupic: "Lupic, after the boy. Help me catch this thief!" He tried to make his way through the crowd as quickly as possible without trampling anyone.[sblock=Weapons?]We don't need no stinkin' weapons. Although Oirhandir might reach for his whip as he rides (trip attack if he can get within 10' of the boy).[/sblock]


"The girl? Who cares about her? That stinking bastard has my money!" shouts Nodis. strangely, he doesn´t continue pursuing, instead staring at the fleeing thieves with a look of concentration.

[ooc: Manifesting Astral Construct, augmenting with 2 PPs to build a 2nd level construct and spending focus to raise manifester level by 1 (using Overchannel and Talented feats, so it lasts 4 rounds instead of 3). Nodis chooses the Celerity and Fly options for the construct; he has an extra option thanks to Boost constuct.

Wee, I managed to use all my feats in a single round.]


First Post
Lupic only has a 20' move in his armor, so he doesn't see much point in chasing people. He will be gathering reins so the horses are controlled. Though as an aside, he doesn't have improved unarmed strike, so he doesn't need a weapon to make AOOs.

"Me too slow to chase. Horses too expensive to lose. You don't need Lupic to catch children. "



"Will do" shouts Kali back to Oirhandir and Kali follows the young girl up the box and makes the leap to the same balcony.

Pursuit will cause her to make a mistake she thinks, just need to keep the pressure on her and not let her go to ground.

El Jefe

First Post
buzzard said:
Lupic only has a 20' move in his armor, so he doesn't see much point in chasing people. He will be gathering reins so the horses are controlled.
OoC: You do realize that the only horse he has to hold is his own? Nodis was starting to lead his horse down the alley before he stopped to do whatever it is that those magey types do, Kali doesn't have a horse, and Oirhandir is riding his.


[Round 2]

Nodis begins summoning all his power into one heavy construct.

Kali manages to make the difficult jump up onto the first balcony. She is only 6 or 7 feet behind the girl with Nodis' money.

Hiriloce responds quickly to Oirhandir's command switching directions smoothly. It heads directly towards the young boy as the crowds scatter. It is easy to over take him on horse back. He lashes out with his whip but it is difficult to catch his target with so many bystanders.

Lupic is able to control his horse easily and people are moving away from him too as the others make it obvious that they are associated. He has room to maneuver now if he wants too. He could grab Nodis' horse if the psion will let him.

The first youth tries to continue away from Oirhandir as fast as possible. He ducks into the crowd again, though it is easy to spot him.

The girl leaps onwards clearing the next two small gaps between the last alleys. She reaches around the side of the building and begins sliding to the ground just around the corner. She is still partially visible to Nodis and mostly obscured from Kali given the angles.

The crowds continue to part. Some are shouting for the City Watch. No whistles can yet be heard. In front of Oirhandir though two tougher looking customers actually take a stand. Whether accomplices or protecting a possible innocent from some high and mighty noble (as Oirhandir might appear to some) it is completely unknown. They say nothing but are carrying clubs.

Alley said:
The alley is a good 70 feet long before it turns sharply to the right. It is only 10ft wide so horses need to enter it one at a time, unless you are going to make them squeeze. The balconies jut 2 feet into the alley from the second floor, with a gap of 3 feet every 10. There is various litter in the alley towards the end which might make it difficult to move at full speed should you need to go that far.

[sblock=OOC]WB Bront. I'd be happy to continue its quite an interesting encounter to run in a city. Hope everyone is clear on the general layout of things. If not feel free to ask questions.

buzzard thanks for letting me know. Lupic hasn't been in a position to deliver an AoO yet.

Someone I will take it as modus operandi that you start with focus at the begining of an encounter, though I'd check with Bront on his position. In combat if you wish to regain it please let me know.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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