D&D 5E [OOC] A Light Hearted Princes of Elemental Evil Hack and Slash


Yo, Creamsteak, ready when you are (should I be saying "ollie ollie oxen free?!").

[MENTION=11146]CanadienneBacon[/MENTION] and @"Kobold Stew"

Go ahead. You are arriving at the site of the destroyed Caravan of Mirabar just after some characters you would recognize as a Feathergale Knight and his Initiates attempted an attack on the party. I am assuming you also have silver pendants and can identify yourselves as members of the same guild that accepted the same contract, but from out of Belliard. And you just so happened to show up at roughly the same time the party did.

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First Post
lol...I dunno if I can keep up with this pace. There's like a page that's new every time I check in. Maybe we should arrange a chat game. :)

Forged Fury

First Post
Sorry, this is a much faster pace than the stated expectation of the setup thread. Perhaps we should reign it in?

On Treasure:
Shallow Graves
Damien took a signet ring from the dead dwarf. We left behind some black stone plate mail and a white robe with black feathers
Shoalar Fight
A locked chest in the deckhouse holds 190 sp and 9 gp. Shoalar wears a leather belt pouch containing 10 gp, three small malachites worth 10 gp each, and a potion of healing. In addition, the cargo hold (below the stern) is currently full of stolen goods: casks of ale, salted fish, and twelve large bundles of cured pelts (beaver and sable) worth 40 gp each. Pike had our fares on him. Equipment wise, they had a shortbow, two light crossbows, with each weapon having 10 units of ammunition.
Graves at Caravan End
The large cairn contains the bodies of five dead bugbears. They are dressed in black leather armor with a strange triangular symbol on it. The small cairn contains the body of a human woman in monk's robes with a strange golden mask shaped like a snarling gargoyle face. The mask is made of gilded tin and not particularly valuable.

Caravan End Fight with Flyers
The map depicts the spire at Feathergale Spire on your map. The remaining possessions of the avian riding attackers are five more throwing daggers each and 18 gold pieces, as well as their black feather decorated leather armor.
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I try to respond when I can in between things at home and work. I have no problem continuing to do so. I did say I only required posts Monday to Thursday, and only once per day, but so long as people are posting relatively frequently I have no problem responding with my current schedule. I am "rushing" things a bit on some decisions. So-far I will say I am entertained by the pace. Tomorrow for example I'll likely post less as I have my IRL game... though prepping for that and prepping for this overlap quite a bit.

Steve Gorak

I try to respond when I can in between things at home and work. I have no problem continuing to do so. I did say I only required posts Monday to Thursday, and only once per day, but so long as people are posting relatively frequently I have no problem responding with my current schedule. I am "rushing" things a bit on some decisions. So-far I will say I am entertained by the pace. Tomorrow for example I'll likely post less as I have my IRL game... though prepping for that and prepping for this overlap quite a bit.

I looove this pace! One of the problems with pbp games is that they tend to go so slow that it's easy to loose track of things. Seriously, we did in a few days what typically happens in 3-4 weeks of posting. This is awesome, and only takes a few minutes each time to catch up and post. I hope we can keep it up (understanding of course that there will be nice days when we'll *have* to spend time with the family!).


Thursday and Fridays, I have court appearances every week, so on those days my posting rate will be slower than the other days of the week. I'll still be around to post, just not at my usual clip.


First Post
Most days I don't spent a lot of time at a time on Enworld...so Aridha will always be a bit behind.

But she's been established as being rather taciturn, so I suppose that doesn't break the narrative. :)

Forged Fury

First Post
Could we possibly try to limit it to one scene a day? That's still a pretty damn speedy pace for a PbP game and would give everyone the chance to pipe up and announce there was something they wanted to do. Just throwing it out there, it's not like there isn't plenty of opportunity for role-play between ourselves.

Steve Gorak

Could we possibly try to limit it to one scene a day? That's still a pretty damn speedy pace for a PbP game and would give everyone the chance to pipe up and announce there was something they wanted to do. Just throwing it out there, it's not like there isn't plenty of opportunity for role-play between ourselves.

That would work for me. I currently have time (and get to enjoy the fast pace ;-), but when I travel overseas for business, it can be hard to post as often.

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