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[OOC] Ethend Game: The Hunt for Cantus [Recruiting]


Complete Psionics is part of my set, however I haven't considered the impact that the alternate classes would have in the setting. Erudite however should be fine, do remember that learning powers beyond the base costs XP. I will however change the rule from 20 XP times Erudite level to 20 XP times the level of the power being learned.

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Ferrix, what did we decide to do with Tau's equipment when going from 5th to 7th?

here is what he had in the last campaign
[sblock=equipment]Mithril Chain Shirt (worn, 10wt, 1100gp)
Darkwood Heavy Shield (arm, 5wt, 257gp)
Explorers Outfit (worn, 8wt, -gp)

Deep Pockets (worn, 12wt, 1500gp)
-This ragged looking long coat is made of a deep brown cotton which always seems to be falling apart but never getting there, even when torn it seems to knit itself back together slowly over time. On the inside of the coat are two large pockets which function like a bag of holding except that it only stores up to 12 pounds that would reasonably fit beneath a long coat. Most two-handed weapons do not fit, unless they can be coiled or folded somehow, but the coat can easily hold light or one-handed weapons or other items of comparable size. Since the coat was designed to hold weapons, it does not suffer the ill effects of puncturing that a bag of holding does.

Deep Crystal Heavy Pick (deep pockets, 6wt, 1008gp)
Masterwork Silver Kukri (belt right, 2wt, 328gp)

+1 Mighty (+3) Composite Longbow (left shoulder, 3wt, 2700gp)
Quiver (right shoulder, -wt, -gp)
Arrows, 20 (quiver, 3wt, 1gp)
+1 Flaming Arrows, 5 (quiver, .75wt, 835gp)
-These arrows have a dark orange shaft and raven feathers for fletching. The tips are some sort of dark steel which has a reddish sheen in the light. You felt the sting of these burning arrows when an enraged Huom warrior attacked the troupe out of spite when the performance mocked the ruling Mythar.

Dorje of Knock (2 chg.) (deep pockets, -wt, 180gp)
Dorje of Bolt (25 chg.) (deep pockets, -wt, 375gp)
Power Stone of Cloud Mind (pouch, -wt, 150gp)
Power Stone of Thought Shield (pouch, -wt, 150gp)
Power Stone of Sense Link (2) (deep pockets, -wt, 50gp)
Power Stone of Create Sound (2) (pouch, -wt, 50gp)
Tattoo of Body Adjustment (left forearm, -wt, 300gp)

Backpack (center back, 2wt, 2gp)
Waterskin- water (backpack, 4wt, 1gp)
Torches, 5 (backpack, 5wt, 5cp)
Flint & Steel (backpack, -wt, 1gp)
Winter Blanket (backpack, 3wt, 5sp)
Hempen Rope, 50 ft. (backpack, 10wt, 1gp)

Coins- 10 gp, 4sp, 5cp (pouch, 0.4wt)


First Post

In the description for Baereaus' Amulet of Ningel, it states that:

'...this deep crystal amulet is a focusing device for your mind. You have not unlocked all of the powers you know lie within, but you are certain that in time you will.'

Do I need to worry about how to 'unlock' the extra powers? Or will they simply become apparent with level increases?



Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Here is the concept for Liam, my Wilder/Psion Uncarnate. I changed to Wilder because it fits his concept and background better: An angry Cihairdun youth who believes in the spirits, and through his anger at the Mythar, learns to channel powers like them, but not the same as them. He sees his path as "becoming one with the spirits." His focus will be on force-based powers, as he sees these as the providence of the spirits. Telepathy and seer powers he sees as of the Mythar, and will stay away from them as much as possible.

You'll note that he is carrying around several spears and daggers. One of his favorite tactics with these is to use telekinetic thrust to throw them around the battlefield at the same time. That's when he isn't angry enough to pick up a boulder or another enemy to fling.

Let me know your thoughts.

[sblock=Liam, Wilder Freedom Fighter]Liam Dannal
Human Wilder 6/Psion Uncarnate 1

Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 200
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Skin: Sunburnt

STR: 10 [+0] (2 points)
DEX: 14 [+2] (6 points)
CON: 10 [+0] (2 points)
INT: 16 [+3] (10 points)
WIS: 8 [-1] (0 points)
CHA: 18 [+4] (13 points, +1 4th)

Wound Points: 10
Vitality Dice: 6d6 + 1d4 + 6
VP: 42
Armor Class: 17 (10 base + 2 Dex + 3 Class + 2 Armor)
Class Defense Bonus: 3
Damage Resistance: 2/armor
Initiative: +2
BAB: +5
- Melee: +5
- Ranged: +8

Speed: 30’

FORT: +2 (2.33 Base + 0 Con)
REFL: +4 (2.33 Base + 2 Dex)
WILL: +11 (7.5 Base + 4 Cha [Force of Personality])

- Elude Touch: Add Cha bonus to touch armor class
- Incorporeal Touch 1d6: Usable 3/day when corporeal, at will when incorporeal. Incorporeal melee touch attack.
- Human Traits: +2 social skills to non-Mythar, Craft (woodworking) class skill
- Psychic Enervation: 5%/ML chance after wild surge to lose 3pp and be dazed 1 round
- Surging Euphoria +1: +1 morale bonus on attack, damage, and saves for 1 round/ML boosted
- Uncarnate Armor: Armor bonus still apply when incorporeal.
- Volatile Mind: Use of telepathy powers on Liam cost 1pp extra, may disrupt power
- Wild Surge +2: Increase manifester level by 2, augment 2pp free

1st Level
- Psionic Body
1st Level (Human Bonus)
- Force of Personality
3rd Level
- Enervation Endurance
6th Level
- Expanded Knowledge: concussion blast

Autohypnosis +2 (1 rank, -1 Wis, +2 synergy)
Balance +13 (9 ranks, +2 Dex, +2 synergy)
Bluff +9 (5 ranks, +4 Cha)
Concentration +10 (10 ranks, +0 Con)
Craft (woodworking) +9 (4 ranks, +3 Int, +2 racial)
Diplomacy +8 (0 ranks, +4 Cha, +4 synergy)
Intimidate +11 (5 ranks, +4 Cha, +2 synergy)
Knowledge (geography: Cihairdun) +5 (2cc ranks, +3 Int)
Knowledge (local: Cihairdun) +5 (2cc ranks, +3 Int)
Knowledge (psionics) +13 (10 ranks, +3 Int)
Knowledge (religion) +5 (3cc ranks, +3 Int)
Psicraft +16 (10 ranks, +4 Cha, +2 synergy)
Ride +3 (2cc ranks, +2 Dex)
Sense Motive +9 (10 ranks, -1 Wis)
Tumble +11 (9 ranks, +2 Dex)

- Common
- Elven
- Gnome
- Mythar

Manifester Level: 6
Save DC: 10 + 4 Cha + Level
Powers Known – Power Points: 47pp
1st level – force shield, vigor
2nd level – concussion blast, thought shield
3rd level – telekinetic thrust

Melee weapons
-Mwk Darkwood Longspear +6 (1d8/x3, 10 ft. reach) Well-crafted, dark-shafted longspear (396gp, 4.5lb)
-Mwk Darkwood Spear (x3) +6 (1d8/x3) Well-crafted, dark-shafted spear (1086gp, 9lb)

Ranged weapons
-Mwk Darkwood Spear (x3) +9 (1d8/x3, 20 ft.) Well-crafted, dark-shafted spear (1086gp, 9lb)
-Throwing Daggers (x5) +8 (1d4/19-20, 10 ft.) Simple daggers gathered in a small bandolier (10gp, 5lb)

-Mithral Shirt (+2 AC, DR 2/armor, Max Dex 6, ACP -0) Light, silvery shirt of mail (1100gp, 12.5lb)

Mundane equipment (carried)
-Adventurer’s Outfit (0gp, 8lb)
-Bedroll (1sp, 5lb [horse])
-Flint and Steel (1gp, 0lb)
-Horse, light (75gp, -)
-Sack [for dagger bandolier] (1gp, 0.5lb)
-Saddle, riding (10gp, 25lb [horse])
-Saddlebags (4gp, 8lb [horse])
-Trail Rations x6 (3gp, 6lb [saddlebags])
-Torch x5 (5cp, 5lb [4 on saddlebags])

Weight Carried: 32.5lb (light load)
Remaining money: 315gp, 8sp, 5cp

Liam is a tall man in the flush of his youth. He has a mane of red hair with a well-defined chinstrap beard; it is accented by his piercing green eyes. Liam's skin has obviously spent too long in the sun, with a tan yet leathery appearance. This however does not make him look old so much as athletic. The man's clothing looks slept in, and he caries a clutch of spears slung along his back. And odd oiled bandolier is nestled at his side.

Liam is playful, daring, and bold while at the same time aggressive, impulsive, and a liar. He has mood swings from the hyperactive to cheerful, and his furor is legendary; all of these vary depending upon the amount of drink he has had. His generally friendly personality is a screen over his deep and abiding hatred of the Mythar and what they have done to his beloved Cihairdun, and anyone who supports them or demonstrates telepathy or clairsentience powers (which he associates with the Mythar) tends to earn his sudden and cold ire.

Anyone who spends time with Liam will discover he has a deep faith in the old spirit ways of Cihairdun. He has somehow reconciled this with his inborn psychic talents and speaks of "becoming one with the spirits" through them.

Laim grew up as a typical Cihairdun youth under the yolk of the Mythar. He was always sullen and rebellious around the Mythar masters, and admired more the Cihairdun rebels than those that toed the line. From the legends of given to him from his father Ballard, he saw these rebels as incarnations of the spirits that mankind once knew.

As a teenager, Liam was taught a craft. In his case, it was woodworking, the traditional craft of this mother Sarah's family. However, even in this he felt uneasy, and would often skip training to hear the latest story of the ever-dwindling resistance or to participate in one of the few and far between protests. He detested those that would not fight back, and hated himself for not being able to.

It was six years ago that his normal life came to an end. Mythar and their agents were infrequent in his village, but not unusual. It was during one of these visits that he got the first taste of their powers. Hidden amongst a crowd of people, he threw a rock at one of those Mythar bastards. While it only bruised it, they turned their mental powers on the crowd, trying to find the perpetrator to make an example of. Liam felt something he never had---their oily presence trying to feel into his mind. It sickened him. It angered him. And more importantly, it made him do something. It made him scream.


That anger, that raw emotion triggered abilities he did not know he had. Immediately, the presence was gone, and the Mythar staggered, as if stung. Elated and frightened all at once, Liam fled, knowing that there could be reprisals. Spurred by his anger at the Mythar, his fear of them possibly trying to do something to him, and his desire to fight back, Liam became a rebel.

Liam has fought with the Cihairdun resistance for six years. In that time, he has harnessed the powers of his anger, first turning them to defense then offense. He is a voracious study of Mythar and psionic lore, trying to fully understand what is happening to him and trying to reconcile it with this beliefs. He currently feels that he is on a new path of the spirits, one that will allow him to become "one with the spirits" and then truly defeat the Mythar.[/sblock]
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First Post
Hey, can someone tell me what the significant erratum might be for psionics?

I'm only using the SRD at the moment for Baereaus to see if I like the system. My key concerns are around feats and powers. The spoiler contains the necessary character details that I perceive have risks for errata:

- Overchannel (Psionic)
- Talented (Psionic)
- Expanded Knowledge (astral construct) (Psionic)
- Psionic Meditation (Psionic)
- Boost Construct (Psionic)

- Autohypnosis
- Psicraft

Psionic Powers:
Astral Construct
Cloud Mind
Crystal Shard
Detect Psionics
Dimension Door, Psionic
Dispel Psionics
Energy Ball
Energy Bolt
Energy Missile
Energy Wall
Entangling Ectoplasm
Force Screen
Tongues, Psionic


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Legildur said:
Hey, can someone tell me what the significant erratum might be for psionics?
You can find them here.

The only errata'd thing you list is Autohypnosis: Resist Dying is DC 20, not 15.

Why the concern?


Legildur said:
Hey, can someone tell me what the significant erratum might be for psionics?

I'm only using the SRD at the moment for Baereaus to see if I like the system. My key concerns are around feats and powers. The spoiler contains the necessary character details that I perceive have risks for errata:

- Overchannel (Psionic)
- Talented (Psionic)
- Expanded Knowledge (astral construct) (Psionic)
- Psionic Meditation (Psionic)
- Boost Construct (Psionic)

- Autohypnosis
- Psicraft

Psionic Powers:
Astral Construct
Cloud Mind
Crystal Shard
Detect Psionics
Dimension Door, Psionic
Dispel Psionics
Energy Ball
Energy Bolt
Energy Missile
Energy Wall
Entangling Ectoplasm
Force Screen
Tongues, Psionic

Some of the powers were updated in Complete Psionic.

Specifically Astral Construct which says that you can only have one in existence at a time.

They also have a sidebar about metacreativity powers being subject to damage reduction.

Energy missile errated to a +1 DC increase for every 2d6 added rather than the original 1d6. I think that's all I can think of.

Oh yeah... Dimension Door has 4 new cool augmentations...
1) If you spend 2 less than the given power point cost, you manifest the power as a full-round action.
2) If you spend 2 less than the given power point cost, you teleport yourself and touched objects or other touched willing creatures up to 20 feet.
3) If you spend 2 additional power points, the visual display is particularly dazzling. The bright flash dazzles all remaining creatures within a 10-foot radius of your previous position.
4) If you spend 6 additional power points, you can manifest this power as a move action. This option cannot be used in conjunction with augmentation option 1.

Voidrunner's Codex

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