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[OOC] Junk Yard Dogs [Sage Edition Imperial Game]


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doghead said:
Einan Yes. Nice concept. One question, was his father army or navy?

I don't have a preference, but Navy seems more proper. That way, he's maybe seen as less of a success because he's a grunt trooper.

Whenever you're ready to play, I'm ready to go. I love me the Saga rules.


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The more I thought about being a demo specialist in the Empire, the more it became aparent to me that the character would be more of a CSI bomb investigator rather than a bomb maker. A person called to the scene of a rebel attack and searches for clues to determine the type, size, and delivery method of such explosive. The characters ranks in explosives would be explained as, 'In order to know what to look for, you have to know how to build it.' Kinda like the CIA agent Chris Cooper played in the move "The Kingdom".




First Post
I think I see how this team could come together--a team of counter-terrorism specialists employed by the empire to keep the good citizens safe from terror.

The bomb specialist would certainly fit well with an ISB officer anyway, the rest of the team too.


discussion - jyd's

JH I went on a hunt through the wookiepedia, there is an awful lot of SW stuff I know nothing about. Most of it seems to be computer game generated. I'm not going to hold to much but what's in the movies, and even then only loosely. The computer game stuff seems a bit .. 'gamish'. I like the idea of the shadow trooper, but don't feel all the valley of the jedi and Artusian crystal bumph is necessary. Use it if you want, but feel free to come up with your own back-story.

But if you want to go Sith, that's also fine.

The Jedi were an abomination. They hid from the truth of themselves, they hid the truth of the force from themselves. Their philosophy was born of fear. They feared the very things that made them alive. How can you truly claim to be the master of yourself when you refuse to look honestly at yourself. If you want to truly know yourself, you must also look in the dark places. If you can not accept who you truly are, then you cannot truly claim to be master of your own house. The Sith are not ruled by their emotions, but they are not ruled by the fear of them either.

Einan Sure. I like the idea of the father being regular army. But either is good.

The bulk of Storm-trooper are still clones. The original clones have a 20 year service period, so many still remain from the first batches. But today the Empire draws it recruits from a number of sources. The Empire Youth provides an increasing number. The Empire also draws recruits from the Imperial Orphanages. Interestingly, a number of the most successful recruits have come from 'troubled' backgrounds; they often have an instinct for survival lacking in those from more privileged backgrounds. The rigourous training regime provides them structure previously lacking and the work a constructive outlet for their aggression. The Emperor is very proud of the success of the rehabilitation aspect of the Storm-trooper program.

From this new blood, the best genetic material is drawn. From this material the new generation Storm-troopers are created.

Blood I haven't seen 'The Kingdom', but I get what you are saying. An investigator may end up blowing things up. A demo specialist may end up using his knowledge to investigate. It seems to me to be more a matter of preference, as the mechanics would be largely similar I suspect. So go with the one that appeals most. For what its worth, I like the idea of the demo specialist perhaps being thrown into investigation. But both work.

Shaggy Definitely, the core of people around the officer can, should, have some binding element. An investigative or counter terrorist theme could work.

Of course there are those who oppose the Emperor. No one can be universally loved. No one can be all things to all people. Not even the Emperor. But there is more to it than that. The Emperor, the Empire, stands for peace, prosperity, and perhaps most significantly, order. There have been many who have profited from the chaos of the old Republic. So naturally, they are not happy.

Of course the Emperor seeks power. Without it there can be no peace, no prosperity and no order. It takes power impose order. It takes power to enforce peace. It takes peace and order to bring prosperity. Look at the old Senate - a thousand voices, hundreds of different cultures, dozens of different races. They could not agree on anything. They talked, they schemed, they counted numbers, they schmoozed, they lined their own pockets. Nothing was done, and billions were spent doing it. The rich got richer. The poor got poorer. The system was broken. The senate fiddled while the galaxy went to hell in a hand basket.

I serve the Emperor not because I am commanded to. I serve the Emperor not out of fear. I serve the Emperor because it is the best way to serve the citizens of the galaxy.

So, enough talking, lets do some crunchy bits.
* 3rd level.
* 30 point buy.
* Half HP's at 2nd and 3 third level.
* Max. starting wealth. Much of the character's equipment will be issued to them. So Storm-troopers will have storm-trooper armour, everyone will have weapons issued, etc. I'm not too fussed about counting credits for every item. Note which items are issued, and which are personal items belonging to the character and I'll look over it.


First Post
doghead said:
Blood I haven't seen 'The Kingdom', but I get what you are saying. An investigator may end up blowing things up. A demo specialist may end up using his knowledge to investigate. It seems to me to be more a matter of preference, as the mechanics would be largely similar I suspect. So go with the one that appeals most. For what its worth, I like the idea of the demo specialist perhaps being thrown into investigation. But both work.
Works for me. I see the character more as enlisted rather than an officer. So count him in the enlisted barracks.
doghead said:
So, enough talking, lets do some crunchy bits.
* 3rd level.
* 30 point buy.
* Half HP's at 2nd and 3 third level.
* Max. starting wealth. Much of the character's equipment will be issued to them. So Storm-troopers will have storm-trooper armour, everyone will have weapons issued, etc. I'm not too fussed about counting credits for every item. Note which items are issued, and which are personal items belonging to the character and I'll look over it.
Ok, I have to admit that I do not have Saga Edition handbook. Though I have read through it at the local book store. If it is not too much to as can someone with the book help me with the build? I would be great apprecitative.



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Quick question: Since Vax is a scoutsy type, does he get scout trooper armor or just the standard storm trooper armor?



First Post
Pvt Vax Holser
Medium Male Human Scout 3
Destiny 1; Force Points 6
Init +9; Perception +9; Use the Force +7
Languages Basic, Military Hand Sign
Defense Reflex: 19 (flat-footed 16); Fortitude:16 ; Will: 14
Hit Points: 38 Threshold: 16
Speed 8 squares
Base Attack Bonus +2, Grp +2
Melee Unarmed +2 (1d4+1)
Ranged Blaster Rifle +5 (3d8+1)
Ranged Blaster Pistol +5 (3d6+1)
Abilities: STR 10 DEX 16 CON 14 INT 12 WIS 12 CHA 12
Talents: Long stride, Evasion
Feats: Force Sensitivity, Shake it Off, Weapon Prof (Pistols, Rifles, Simple), Vehicular Combat, Force Training (Battle Strike, Negate Energy), Armor Prof (Light)
Skills: Endurance +8, Initiative +9, Perception +9, Pilot +9, Stealth +9, Survival +7, Use the Force +7
Possessions (personal): Electrobinoculars, Used Aratech 74-Z Speeder Bike, Credit Chip (800 creds)
Possessions (issued): Scout Trooper armor (+4, as combat jumpsuit with helmet package), blaster pistol, blaster rifle with standard targeting scope, utility belt with medpac
Force Powers: Battle Strike, Negate Energy
Experience ?
Background: Pvt Holser was indoctrinated at the age of 7 into the Stormtrooper Training Program. He’s quick, eager to please and believes entirely that the Empire is the best possible government to administer the galaxy. Lately he’s been having odd feeling and powers show up, and he think they may be some sort of curse of the Jedi. He’s careful to keep them hidden and never, ever tell anyone about them. Above all, he wants to make his family proud of him. For the Empire!

Quote: β€œSir, yes sir! I would be happy to scout out ahead, sir! With extreme prejudice, sir!"

OOC: I'll be out of touch on vacation until 10/22. I'll have limited internet, but I'll be back!
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Voda Vosa

First Post
I'm not sure of the next items:
When creating a droid I must select a basic model, which I did. Now, as a 3rth level character, do I have 3 lvls of scoundrel or 1 droid 2 scoundrel? If the later is true, for the droir lvl 1, where Am I suposed to take the game info? Or do I apply the sample characteristics?

James Heard

Lt. Qira Maru

Destiny: Force Points: 6 Dark Side:
Medium Human Female Jedi 3
Init +3; Perception +4
Languages: Basic, Jawa Trade Language
Defenses: Fort 14 Ref 16 Will 17,
Hit Points: 40 (d10) ;Threshold 17
Spd 6 squares (walking)
Melee +6 lightsaber 2d8
Ranged +5
Base Attack +3; Grapple +2
Special Actions: Deflect
Force Powers Known: (Use the Force +12) Mind Trick, Farseeing, Force Grip, Surge
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 17, Chr 13

Talents: Force Perception, Deflect

Feats: Force Sensitivity, Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons), Skill Focus (Use the Force), Force Training, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (lightsabers)

Skills: Endurance +6, Knowledge (Bureaucracy) +7, Pilot +8, Use the Force +12

Experience: 3,000

Age: 26
Height: 1.83m
Weight: 61.2 kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue

Tall and slender, Qira Maru looks more like a glamorized spy from a holocron than an Imperial officer. Straight dark hair falls past her shoulders in measured defiance of Imperial hygiene regulations; only her implacable, defiant blue eyes give her an air of anything resembling the customary Imperial demeanor. Many might guess, correctly, that Qira has a bit of vanity about her appearance.

Imperial Center isn't exactly the shining jewel of the Empire. Gross overpopulation and ubiquitous surveillance, not to mention the streets full of marching stormtroopers on leave or on their way to deployment, don't exactly make for a sweet loaf of a childhood. In Qira Maru's example, it didn't make for much of a childhood at all. Orphaned and bounced around the Invisible Sectors begging for scraps and employment from the wildlife doesn't exactly scream "bright future," but somehow at 15 she managed to secure false identification papers and con her way to a entry level position in Imperial Intelligence.

I2 on Coruscant suffered from plenty of the vast examples of corruption you'd expect, and not a small amount of organizational competition with the ISB. Blackmailing a superior officer, Qira parlayed her stint in data entry with I2 into a job with the ISB, where her cutthroat, single-minded determination quickly transitioned her into training programs for field work. It wasn't that Qira was particularly loyal to the Empire, she'd just do anything, absolutely anything, to get off of her home world.

Unfortunately for Qira, the Empire's tests of loyalty were something she simply could not lie her way through. As a member of the ISB it simply would not do. Bouncing around the service for several months while trying to maintain a low profile, she finally wound up "volunteering" for one of ISB's notoriously unsafe weapons testing programs. Unique genetic qualifiers from the time of the Republic had identified Qira for weapons training with the famed weapon of the sorcerous Jedi. Even following ancient texts for instruction combined with the latest techniques in modern combat training the majority of Qira's fellows either simply washed out or became casualties of the brutal lightsaber combat katas. Less than a year later the "Shadow Trooper" program was officially disbanded. Qira's limited success was noted by agents within the Imperial Army though, and through the arcane reasoning of Imperial personnel Qira was soon reassigned once more - this time to the Imperial Garrison on Tattoine.

While Qira has been assigned a provisional officer's rank within the Imperial Army while she is stationed on Tattoine, she has yet to be assigned into any official hierarchy of command. As such she's been mostly doing her normal ISB duties of observing and reporting on discipline and morale in her monthly reports to command, while the commanders try to figure out how delicately to handle her.

Qira has seen much of the very worst examples of Imperial corruption first hand, so she's under no illusions about the "glory of the Empire." Still, Qira has seen the dark heart of the Empire pulse and is under no illusions of the possibility of success of the "Rebellion" either. Being the survivor she is, Qira is quite pleased to be where she is, even on Tattoine. While many of the rest of the garrison complain about the horrible conditions on the planet, Qira enjoys the peace and quiet, the wide open spaces, of the place and often can be found simply enjoying the "weather" topside, much to the horror of the rest of the soldiers.

Quote: "That would be Lieutenant Maru, soldier."

Lightsaber, 50 CR, Pocket Scrambler, All Temperature Cloak, Jet Pack, Power Recharger, Holorecorder, Concealed Lightsaber Holster, Basic Datapad, ISB Imperial Army liaison uniform + Soldier stuff

Voidrunner's Codex

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