Order of the Stick: Why isn't it going 4e?


Mr. Burlew claimed that he was going to bring it over so that it was some vague gray area between 3.5E and 4E, but that certainly hasn't happened.... He has certainly not held to his claim that he will make some kind of transition.
Where did he say this? Not in the official statement on his site, that's for sure.

He is not obligated to do things he never actually said he was going to do.

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What sane person gives a flyings rat's entrails? Seriously. It's a comic with a few stat jokes thrown in, not a comedic player's guide to Dungeons & Dragons.


Listen I understand it's the Giant's comic strip and he can do whatever he want with it but I disagree with the idea that he doesn't make rules jokes anymore. He still makes tons of rules jokes and I'm sorry but when he makes them about 3.x they feel, I don't know, stale to me now. It's not quite as bad as someone still making jokes about dial up modems or "portable" phones the size of your leg but it's getting there. It's like if the Daily Show kept making George Bush jokes after Obama is sworn in. They maybe funny but it's time to move on.

And I doubly disagree with the idea that you can't find humor in 4e. I love that game, in fact if you've read my posts you know I'm one of it's stoutest defenders, but c'mon there is tons of stuff to make fun of here. Leaving aside that Barbarian and Bard are both now out and playable there's jokes by the tons about Elan and what happens to him and V. suddenly being powerless. Then there's rules problems gallor. I can't wait until Roy tries to disarm someone only to realize under 4e rules he can't do that anymore unless he has the specific power in his list.

There is tons of humor here, OtS still makes rules jokes, it would fit right in and it would be hilarious! There are reasons to make the switch. I understand why he hasn't yet but I hope that's because 4e just came at a bad time for where he was in the story. With any luck the Order will be reunited, the current plot line completed and the world switched to 4e rules by the time the PHB II comes out.

I know that none of that looks likely but D&D is a fantasy game afterall. :D

I always though that after the OOTS saga was over, the Giant would start a new comic based on a 4th edition world. Perhaps about a certain group that previously deafeated a certain monster...


First Post
Are we at all certain Rich has actually played 4th Edition yet?

I mean, I haven't. Lots of people I know haven't. I don't even own the books. It's not as if 4E has been universally embraced yet. I remember that Rich said somewhere on his site last year or so that he hadn't actually sat at a table and played any RPG since 2005 or so, so it's possible that he has simply never run the system.

At any rate, I can't believe anyone would actually be angry about him not making a switch that he didn't say he would make. He never said he would transition, he said he WOULDN'T transition, but he reserved the right to crack a joke about it if he saw fit. That implies he also reserves the right to never mention it ever again. He's under no obligation to stay "current", any more than any D&D player is. If you don't like it, stop reading. No one ever claimed that OOTS was going to be exactly what you wanted it to be forever.


People in this thread seem to honestly be getting upset that OotS isn't "changing over" to 4e. That...I don't know. Can you be amused and horrified at the same time?

PS: The "too much text" rule only applies when the text is needless. I may hate CAD and everything related to it, but I'm still loving OotS.

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