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(OT Computer OS) Which Should I Use Win2000 or XPpro?


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Of the Windows boxes I have, the Win XP is the most stable. In my experience it is the most stable Windows OS I have used. It was a fresh install on a new machine with all new equipment, boards, etc. so there are 0 driver problems.

DO, buy different firewall software.

DO, check the internet for the registration files that can be removed.

DO, check to see that all of the cards and equipment you have are supported. If they aren't do NOT install the OS.

DO NOT, use the MS Passport or MSN Passport or whatever it is.

Now, the BEST OS to use is Mac OS X (10.1 really). That OS is beautiful, stable, and user friendly. Unfortunately, all my software is now Windows so I would end up running windows in a window anyway.

Win XP still does crash, it is far more rare than Win 98 or ME, but I have had "hard" crashes while using MS Internet Explorer.

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Tom Cashel said:
and why does Windows ME suck so bad? Should I attempt to trade it for XP?
A big problem with ME is that it's slower than Win98 without being noticeably more stable. Some friends of mine and I did some benchmarking of a (at the time of ME's release) new PC running under both and ME was slower across the board. The features MS added to get people to buy it added a bunch of bloat which slows it down.

That said, if ME isn't crashing on you with any frequency, you have a newer, beefy system which can handle the additional overhead and you're happy with it there's no reason to upgrade your OS. I personally have Win98SE working fine from home. I can accept or work around it's limitations and I have no desire to upgrade until the day comes that software I want doesn't run on it any longer.

Back to the original topic, since some games have problems with 2K, you'll probably want to go with XP. Just research the security issues raised here, if you decide you don't trust MS to watch out for your best interests.
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I have multiple machines for work so I get to compare and contrast the different OS's. Win2K is my favorite so far; everyone in my development group agrees its a huge step up from Win98/ME in terms of stability.

We've been leery of XP; its almost never a good idea to adopt a Microsoft product early. Probably a lot of the fascist press XP has been getting is overblown ("XP records every keystroke you make and sends it directly to Bill Gates private bunker!") but until it becomes clear exactly how XP has been "improved", thats another worry. And the security issues.

I do know one person who bought a computer just recently saying "I can still get Win2K on machines now and I want to go as long as possible before I have to go to XP." YMMV.


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SpikeyFreak said:
If you're really worried about security, go Win2K because WinXP is a PRIME target for hackers because of the raw sockets.

If you don't really care about security, go WinXP becuase it has a lot more functionality and is generally easier to use than Win2K.

And remember, you can make XP look like 2K.

Also, if you can, you should try to get XP Corporate. It's basically the same as XP Pro, but you don't have to mess with all the registration crap.

And someone asked why ME is so bad....

For one thing, MS doesn't support it in any of its upgrade paths or with any MOCs (MS classes).

As for a simple desktop OS, it's pretty good IMHO. If you have a machine that you don't plan on upgrading and can't run Win 2K or XP, ME is a good compromise. They fixed somethings that really sucked in 98, like the disk degragmenter taking hours.

--Busy Spikey

If you really care about security, go with some type of Unix. That would be Linux, BSD, or Mac OS X. All systems can be cracked, but Unix is more security minded in general. By default, windows will allow everything and you have to have a special restriction in place to prevent access. Unix allows nothing by default, everything has to specifically be allowed. If you are a techie, you'll love Linux. If you aren't, Mac OS X will give you a hold-your-hand interface and commercial apps.


First Post
Go with XP Pro if your hardware can handle it (I'm still running ME because I don't have the cash to get XP). Win2K isn't really well-suited for playing games on (It's not like you can't, it's just that Win2k is essentially NT 5)...it also has a different feel, and there are a lot more little nooks and crannies for settings and stuff (MS moved things around between even NT 4 and Win2k for no good reason). Oh yeah, and check the hardware compatibility list for Win2k and XP. Yes, XP is a more of the pain in the ass for hardware, but Win2k is still less forgiving than the earlier OS's. We learned early on that if the hardware isn't in the HCL, replace the hardware or don't put Win2k on at all.

As far as security goes, as long as you have some kind of personal firewall it doesn't matter which OS you use. I run Norton Internet Security. The chances are very slim that someone will hack into your computer, but it does happen - NIS has intercepted no less than four separate attempts to try to get in through one of ME's back doors. I've never used ZoneAlarm or any of the other personal firewalls, but NIS seems to do the trick really well. Also, granted Win2k with a firewall is more secure than WinXP with a firewall...but there comes a point where it doesn't make a difference.


I've got a semi-dilema.

I have a legal, off the shelf copy of XP... a friend gave it to me, he got it on a huge discount from a promo they had where he worked. Still shrink wraped and everything.

I've heard it's easy to bypass the registration, which is good, it's the only way I'll install it......


If windows sends information back to microsoft (which sucks anyhow, IMHO), wouldn't that be risky to do?


I believe that the 'spyware' portion of XP has to do with the media player. It records your playlists and sends them off to MS so they can conduct 'market-research'.

Just found the info about it

When a CD or DVD is played, WMP queries windowsmedia.com for the unique manufacturer serial number encoded on the media. It then writes an entry to the file wmplibrary_v_0_12.db. Here is the nitty gritty:

And here is even more about this and MS's most recent comments:

Personally I'd go with Windows 2000 Professional SP2. It's been superstable on every system I've installed it on. XP is still too 'new' yet. My theory is never trust a MS product until at least SP2 :).



Well I just wanted to thank everyone that took the time to give me some feedback on this.

As far as I know, all the hardwarewill be compatible with XP.

As for security, I have a router set up with DHCP on both sides, so I'm hoping that will take care of that.

I didn't count but it seems like it split down the middle.

I have ME on my Laptop and have had very few issues with it. (knock on wood) I currently have a barrowed copy of Win2K sp2 on my desktop system. (which will be my wifes once I get my new one. :D )

Well thanks again and keep the info coming if you have any thing else to say.


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