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(OT) Hmmm Star Wars II Seen it I have! Continued

Fiery James

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Lady Dragon said:
Anakin obviously knew he was a father after all he is the one who told Luke who he was he may not of realized that leia was his daughter but that doesn't mean he didn't know he had fathered a daughter.

But, what if he didn't know?

What if, after Episode IV, Vader starts to find out about that pilot who was powerful in the Force and destroyed the Death Star. He's from some desert planet in the outer rim... raised by Owen somebody... last name is Skywalker... and encountered just after Obi-Wan makes the ultimate sacrifice with his "I shall become more powerful..." bit.

What if Vader has one of those "twenty years ago" flashbacks to an intimate moment with Padme? Slapping himself on the helmet - "I'm his dad!"

For the theorists, it's also interesting that the Emperor refers to Luke as the Son of Skywalker when talking to Vader, rather than "your son". Could Lucas be readying the clone angle?

I don't really think so - I don't think Lucas actually has a master plan that keeps the continuity perfect. I think he's just pulling stuff outta his a$$. I don't think we'll ever get an explanation about the "Vader created C3PO but forgot about him" thing...

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Fiery James

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mouseferatu said:
According to the books/comics--which, as we all know, are only true until and unless the movies contradict them--Vader did not know about Luke at first. When he almost killed Luke at the first Death Star battle, you'll hear him say "The Force is strong with this one." That was his first clue. According to some relatively recent comics, between ANH and ESB, he went out and investigated and learned the name of the pilot was Luke Skywalker. Only then did he realize who he was dealing with.

You're a step ahead of me, brother! :)

Lady Dragon

First Post
Yes it is possible that Anakin doesn't know about his children.Perhaps Anakin and Padme are seperated during the pregancy. But I strongly believe that they will be reunited just in time for Padme to get killed thus tipping Anakin over to the dark side.

I would also point outthat Leia is raised to believe she is senator Orgami daughter and the mother she remebers may be her adopted fathers wife and not Padme.

I would also point outthat Leia is raised to believe she is senator Orgami daughter and the mother she remebers may be her adopted fathers wife and not Padme.

Actually, no. Leia knew she was adopted.

From RotJ:

Luke, to Leia: Do you remember your mother? Your real mother?

Leia: Just images, really. Feelings.

Note that Leia didn't say, "What do you mean, my 'real' mother?" which would, I think, have been her reaction if she didn't know she was adopted.


First Post
Just going to jump in here...

Saw the movie this afternoon and was pleasantly surprised. Much better than Episode I. The acting was not stellar, but I wasn't expecting anything but action adventure. And while I thought that the action was... not as active as I would've liked, the plot was fantastic. Lots of stuff to speculate over until the next movie is released.

I was really impressed by how well they maintained the visual continuity with the original trilogy. Everything seemed to foreshadow what the Star Wars universe would eventually look like in episodes 4 through 6. The clone trooper armour, the transport ships near the end that looked like small star destroyers, the trade federation ships that looked like embryonic Death Stars. Really kick ass.

All in all, a decent movie. I find that I'm actually looking forward to episode 3.


Dr Midnight said:

I agree completely. The action scenes, most especially the saber battles, are outdated dinosaurs. I know a legion of fans would stomp and scream and protest, but I'd like to see a new special edition trilogy released wherein we have Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master, versus Darth Vader, Lord of the Sith- as it would be produced NOW.

A fight between an old man and a critically injured Sith Lord kept alive by machinery. Which is what we saw in Ep IV.

One thing Lucas has said is that we never saw REAL Jedi in the first three movies. We saw a cyborg (whose force powers were greatly diminished because of the loss of his humanity), a washed up old-man, an ancient shell almost destroyed by the Dark Side, and a barely trained punk kid. (Real Jedi start training as infants; Luke's training was dramatically foreshortened and grossly inferior) We do not see fully-trained, adult, healthy Jedi until TPM.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
All this speculation about who takes Leia away (is it Amidala? Is it Yoda? Obi-Wan?)...we already know who takes Leia away. He is in Attack of the Clones. It's Bail Organa, Leia's adopted father! He is right there talking to Amidala in the movie!

As for who takes Luke away, it seems logical it would be Obi-Wan, since he sets up his own house not too far from Luke, I assume to keep a close eye on him.


First Post
I just wanted to say. I saw the movie and loved it. It caught all of the flavor of the first three and had special effects unmatched in any movie. I know you may say that the guy who played Anakin could not act his way out of a wet sack, but niether could Luke.

I did get nervous in the opening scene. It was some of the worst delivered lines in the trilogy. I think this is the fault of Lucas, the first scene is supposed to be formal, you might say sort of military. If you look at the first three movies, the worst delivery of lines were by Empire starfleet officers. I don't think Lucas knows how to direct these type dialog scenes.

Anyway besides that the movie was great. I enjoyed the political schemeing, the pace, the characters and Natalie Portman's body in those revealing outfits. She even goes braless just like PL in ANH. And, of corse, the action was awesome.

Dr Midnight

Lizard said:

A fight between an old man and a critically injured Sith Lord kept alive by machinery. Which is what we saw in Ep IV.

One thing Lucas has said is that we never saw REAL Jedi in the first three movies. We saw a cyborg (whose force powers were greatly diminished because of the loss of his humanity), a washed up old-man, an ancient shell almost destroyed by the Dark Side, and a barely trained punk kid. (Real Jedi start training as infants; Luke's training was dramatically foreshortened and grossly inferior) We do not see fully-trained, adult, healthy Jedi until TPM.

I'm not buying that. I think Georgie was just covering his butt on that count because he'd have to explain WHY the fight in IV is so inferior. Sure, Darth Vader's a crippled cyborg in a walking life-support machine, and sure, Obi-Wan's an old man, but both are great warriors- and strong in the force. Tyrannus and Yoda both count as elderly. Yoda's even mildly crippled by age (I don't buy the idea that he's faking it). You saw them throw down. I think Obi-Wan vs. Vader should be a high point of the film- one of the best fight scenes in movies. I'd love to see it redone.

Simon Magalis

First Post
Fiery James said:

For the theorists, it's also interesting that the Emperor refers to Luke as the Son of Skywalker when talking to Vader, rather than "your son". Could Lucas be readying the clone angle?

I have always assumed that the Emperor refers to Anakin Skywalker in the third person to emphasize to Vader that there is NO going back to that life and he may as well think of that life as being led by another person. A similar sentiment is voiced by Obi-Wan in his explanation to Luke of why he misled him about Vader killing Anakin.

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