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[OT] Trolling


Can I hijack my own thread?

Breakdaddy said:
I want to be a community supporter. Please tell me how to do this without using a paypal account. I will do it postehaste!
Yeah, paypal requires a credit card for Aussies. Or at least, that's what it was like last time I checked and even if they did the same thing as in the US, with a check account, I can't afford one of them either!

I'll tell you what, Eric, I'll make you this promise. IF (it's a very big if... :D ) a certain negotiation I'm in is successful, I'll not only become a community supporter (how much is that, anyway?) I'll give a donation of $100 U.S.

Sigh... if, it always hinges on the if. Cheer for me and hope that the financial partner thinks it's a goer :) If only for the extra cash for EN World :)

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First Post
You also have to realize many people with call people trolls when a post is slightly on the trollish side. People really seem to jump up and make claims way to fast.

Intent is very important in the definition of a troll. Lying to start a discussion is fine if there really is a discussion there to be had. It's easy to set up a situation that may be problematic and claim it happen and ask people what would they have done?

Fourecks, I've seen a few of your posts but known I would call trollish. If you have some specific examples that you are worried about we can discuss them.

Sagan Darkside

First Post
EricNoah said:
Anyone else care to add to the list?

I will try, though I have not seen this once since I have come back here:

Example of the self-gratification troll:

A member of the community posts what they claim to be spoilers to a highly anticipated book that is about to hit the shelves, but what they post is actually their own ideas. There seems to be little reason for it other then to gather opinions on their own ideas



Re: Can I hijack my own thread?

Fourecks said:
Sigh... if, it always hinges on the if. Cheer for me and hope that the financial partner thinks it's a goer :) If only for the extra cash for EN World :)

Oh, I'll ALWAYS cheer on someone for financial success and wish them well.... as long as it's legal. :)

But Fourecks, My personal opinion is that you might want to give more personal thought to the things you post if it truly bothers you what others think of you.

Hear me out a second here. You've stated that you tend to be a "little impulsive" when you post topics, and make assertions you can't back up. As a matter of fact, I seem to recall that I PERSONALLY went a little out on a limb in keeping the piracy thread open longer than it would have otherwise - in good faith, mind you. :) (It's not like there was a disagreement or anything, but we dislike emotional threads GUARANTEED to go down in flames, because it's a little like thsoe people that balance spinning plates on skewers, if you can understand where I'm coming from.)

So, one thing to think about is the following - and I post this not for Fourecks, but for ANYONE who wishes to heed it:

Before making a post, and clicking that "send" button, ask yourself, "Will what I am about to post be GUARANTEED TO tick someone off?" If the answer is not even "yes," but maybe even "possibly," then stop, review the post, and see if anything in it can be better worded, so that it is less inflammatory, and more likely to get your point across without making someone see red.

I guarantee, no one on these boards will think less of you for either reviewing your post, or clicking the "edit" button if you realize you may have gone too far and offended your fellow board members.

Last thing: NO ONE here has ever gotten ticked off at "I disagree." However, there is rarely a day that goes by that one of the mods or admins doesn't have to edit a post or close a thread that contains some variation of "your opinion is stupid."

Food for thought.


WotC's bitch
Looks like it's time to pull out the definitive word on this topic, from the man himself:

From: James "Kibo" Parry (kibo@world.std.com)
Subject: Trolling for dollars (was: Year 2000 urgency not needed?) 
Newsgroups: alt.religion.kibology
Date: 1997/06/15 

In alt.religion.kibology, [email]jaffo@onramp.net[/email] wrote:
> Michael Straight wanted to share:
> :
> : High marks for humor, but multiplied by a fairly low difficulty rating,
>  :your total score is still well above average in a slow week for ARK.
> I'm sorry, I have to give Maelstrom much higher marks than you do.
> The quality of the responses makes all the difference for me.
> Every time I read one of these and think, "Naw.  Too obvious!  He's overplayed
> his hand."  He gets three more fish.

That, indeed, is what makes a good troll. My strategy is to see how
ludicrous I can make the trollery and still have someone fall for it.

For instance, "William Shatner owns six pairs of green socks." isn't a good
troll if he owns seven pairs.

"Isn't William Shatner a pair of green socks?" is a good troll, but ONLY if
it works, and generates one of the four desired responses:

LEVEL 1 TROLLAGE (GULLIBOZO, 100 points): "He is? Oh no! Now I'd better
tell everyone else I know who used to like him!!!" Believes everything he
or she reads in actual print, which includes Usenet.

LEVEL 2 TROLLAGE (CYCLOPEDANT, 10 points): "No he isn't. I know because he
was on Star Trek last night and spent six hours enlarging every frame on my
computer to look for green socks and you're wrong, you must be stupid or
something!" Lacks a bullsh_t detector.

LEVEL 3 TROLLAGE (IMPEDANT, 3.14159 points): "I know this must be an
attempt to troll me, but I'll answer it anyway: No, he isn't. He is a human
being." Bullsh_t detector malfunctioning, allowing pedantal lobe to

LEVEL 4 TROLLAGE (OTHER, 1/2 point): "I don't know." Doesn't know but seems
too interested for own good.

The desired response to an attempt at trolling is *not* a flame. Flame-bait
is not trolling, and trolling is not flame-bait, although it sometimes
generates flames from those whose bullsh_t detector is connected directly
to the bullsh_t generator. Flames generated by attempts to troll people do
not affect your score.

I should mention also the concept of a META-TROLL, which consists of
posting a COMPLETELY ACCURATE, TRUE, SANE statement and having trollage

(true statement) "Nichelle Nichols on 'Star Trek' was dating the producer,
Gene Roddenberry!"
(level 2 response) "No, that was Majel Barrett!"
(explanation, not promulgated) Gene Roddenberry really was dating Nichelle
"Lt. Uhura" Nichols *and* Majel "Nurse Chapel" Barrett at the same time.

Meta-trolls generate BONUS POINTS, doubling your score.

There's also the COUNTER-TROLL, which is the concept of parrying a troll
with another troll, often done by people whose bullsh_t detector is
connected to the trollerizer:

(obvious troll) "Major Barrett wrote every episode of 'Star Trek' with his
wife, Jean Roddenberry."
(troll detected and parried) "Actually, you're thinking of 'Deep Babylon
Nine', starring George Lucas's pet rabbit Binky."

If the counter-troll generates trollage, the counter-troller receives
double points, and they are deducted from YOUR score, you LOSER!

The first person on the Internet to receive 10,000,000 points will be
declared the winner and will receive "hitsies".

Also you must take a drink whenever someone mentions Star Trek, ever.

                                   -- K.
                                   I invented trolling the year
                                   after I invented the smilie.
                                   Also I didn't say if he _gets_ hitsies
                                   or _GETS_ hitsies.

Hong "on -1,000,000 points" Ooi
Last edited:


Re: Re: Can I hijack my own thread?

Henry said:
Hear me out a second here. You've stated that you tend to be a "little impulsive" when you post topics, and make assertions you can't back up.
Eh, I've only made two assertions that I recall that I can't back up. Finding the pirate website and knowing publishing industry professionals/ex-professionals that have more XP than Gary "I invented roleplaying" Gygax.

The former was a mistake and, IMO, not a very big one. The latter... eh, what do I care if you believe me or not? I'm not about to ruin a friendship to prove it and it's not like whether you believe it or not has any bearing on my day-to-day life.

Aside from that, I haven't made any assertions I can't back up. I'm just clarifying this because the way it was phrased made it sound like I do it all the time as a regular habit.

Inez Hull

First Post
Crothian said:
You also have to realize many people with call people trolls when a post is slightly on the trollish side. People really seem to jump up and make claims way to fast.

I've seen plenty of examples of this sort of thing on the net. Often people jump on a post and label it a troll simply because they disagree with it. Putting across opinions which are on sensitive issues are always potential flamebait, no matter how carefully and respectfully you make your case, simply because the issue itself will stir up emotion. There's nothing more annoying than trying to make a reasoned point on an issue only to have it dismissed as a troll simply because people don't wish to acknowledge that you could seriously hold that opinion.

Fourecks, if you haven't intended to cause a fight, just say so and get on with things. ;)


First Post
i'd love to see the posts that got you accused of being a troll.

i tried to start a troll of the year award but -some- people here complained and my thread got closed.

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