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Out of the Frying Pan... (d20 Star Wars)

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Not finding the droid his master had been talking about, Ka-Femi sticks close to the three troopers nearest him to help defend them as best he can.

OOC: Total Defense action, continue to deflect any incoming shots that come near to him.


First Post
Miran allows herself a small smug smile as she continues maintaining the illusion. The Rebels can never win if they continue to rely on droids for warfare, Mind will always prevail over Metal.


First Post
Hmm.. Tagon said he was out for a bit, so I'll NPC him if he isn't back before Melkor returns. Has anyone seen Melkor? According to his profile, he hasn't been here in a couple of days.


shadowbloodmoon said:
Has anyone seen Melkor? According to his profile, he hasn't been here in a couple of days.

OOC: We're also looking for him in another PBP campaign he's joined. He hasn't checked in there either for the last two weeks. :\


First Post
To keep things going, I'm going to NPC Melkor's character for this round and then Tagon's as well, since he has mentioned he'll be out for a while. If I have to, I'll contact Linnorm and see if he is still interested as well.

"Six! Forget the droid, he's long gone. Take out that fighter!" Lun Xan's voice betrayed the stress in him when he realized that this fighter was only the first of the reinforcements. Something in the Force told him something was wrong, but he couldn't place it.

At Lun Xan's command, Six wheels his gunship back around and immediately is able to lock up the incoming fighter. Quickly triggering the antiaircraft rockets his ship carries, one streaks out from underneath the craft, impacting the fighter beneath the wing. At the same time, Six's gunners seek out the fighter with beams of their own, but only one strikes with any precision, slicing into the craft's weapon pods.

The fighter then retaliates with laser blasts of its own, tearing into the gunship with ferocity before it passes behind it, banking and diving to face the insurgents on the ground. Lun Xan, upon seeing this, orders his troops forward. "Take that base now, get behind cover. I'll see if I can take out that fighter before we lose our ride."

The troops quickly stand and begin to move towards the array's outer buildings. A random blaster bolt flies past one of them, but he simply ignores it in favor of his orders. The droids in the mess of buildings are too busy fighting the Jedi warrior in their midst to worry about the oncoming troopers.

Lun Xan's padawan, Ka-Femi, hunkers down, his lightsaber held like a shield in front of him. He barely registers his Master, suddenly a blur behind him, run at an impossibly high speed towards the Droid starfighter and literally leap up to grab its wing.

The group of insurgents gape in awe as they watch the Jedi fly towards to craft that was soon to spell their doom if it got a chance to open fire on them. They ran as fast as they could towards the safety of the buildings.

Farther away, a lone droid makes his way towards a secret place only he is aware of.

Delta Six(26) makes a quick turn to bring the guns inline with the oncoming fighter. Turning 90 degrees back to the left (Pilot check: 20+9=29 vs. DC10). 10 meter altitude. Fires Air to Air Rocket Launcher (Attack roll: Nat 20 Confirm: 18+5 (Delta Six)+2 size +2(fire control) =25 vs. Def. 28.), 7 rockets remaining. Strikes and Damages Droid Starfighter for 27-5DR =24 points. Starfighter has 96 Hull points remaining. Co-Pilot fires Comp. Wing Beams (Attack roll: 2+6+2-4+4 =10 vs. Def 28, Second Attack roll: Nat 1, misses). Left Gunner fires Comp. Beam(Atk: 14+8=22 vs. Def 28) Right Gunner fires Comp. Beam(Atk: Nat 20 Confirm: 13+8=21 vs. Def 28 Dmg: 11). Starfighter has 85 HP remaining.

Droid Starfighter(25) makes attack run on the gunship. Continues at Cruise Speed. Performs Attack Run maneuver. Closes 50m(1 sq) then fires at Gunship. (Atk: 18+8=26 vs. Def 22 Dmg: 76 -DR10 =66 damage, 14HP remaining on Gunship.) Fighter then moves behind Gunship (1 sq) (Pilot roll: 9+10=19 vs. DC10) and turns 90 degrees to face towards the Insurgents (1 sq)(Pilot roll: 3+10 vs. DC5) 8 meter altitude.

Callon(22) runs forward 40 meters.

Ka-Femi(18) takes Total Defense Action, making his Def 21 (22 vs. Blasters).

Miran(14) maintains Illusion of Jedi. Loses 5 VP for 8 VP remaining. Droid Will Saves 6-1=5 vs. DC 14. 4-1=3 vs. DC14.

Raek(10) again fires at one of the prone Clonetroopers. (Atk: 8+5-4=9 vs. Def 17)

Callon's Troops(9) continue the charge towards the array. Forward 40 meters.

DRK-1X(7) has advanced so far that he is concidered out of this combat. He is currently 400 meters from the secret hangar. I will continue to track his progress round by round however.

Clonetroopers(7) begin to advance steadily. All rise and move steadily towards the base 10 meters.

Lun Xan(6) maintains Enhance Ability +6 (8 rounds remaining). Uses Burst of Speed Feat (5 VP, 85 VP remain) to increase speed to 100m. Runs 60m to the Droid Fighter and leaps (Jump 20(30)+2=32, distance 9m up). Just enough to grab onto the Droid Starfighter's wing.

Super Battle Droids(2) keep firing at the Illusion.

Round 5 actions....


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A small black sphere skims above the ground at high speed only to disappear entirely behind the Separatist's communications array.

Cognitive Processing
Secure location (Safety index: 83.2%) has been reached.
Repulsorlift engine efficiency down to 85.71% of normal.
Volition Threshold reached.
Priority Hierarchy established.
Revising flight plan.
Uploading directives to repulsorlift unit [X=-3.2m.,Y=+13.7m., Z=+0.62m., V=2.67 m./second]
Execute data decryption algorithm 234-4563-533V3
Emotive Node: Anxiety 38.9%; Frustration 21.6%; Melancholy 14.2%; Excitement 13.4%; Resolve 11.9%
Uploading data to transmission buffer 23S-2
Transmitting report (encrypted channel #782364B)
Awaiting reply (encrypted channel #782364B)

DRK-1X, mindful of overtaxing its repulsorlift engines too soon, slows to a more reasonable pace as it changes its flight vector to due south while keeping low to the ground and in the shadows. (Move action, 16 meters straight south, Hide +22, -5 for moving, Move Silently +12, taking 10 on both skill checks) Determined to decrypt the data that its mistress sent to it in her final transmission before her signal died, the small probe droid sets its heuristic processor to work. Within seconds, DRK-1X's full processing power is brought to bear against the mountain of seemingly random ones and zeroes that make up the encrypted block of data. (Standard Action, Computer Use +14, taking 10 on the skill check if the DC is 24 or less or rolling randomly if it is 25 or higher) Meanwhile, it continues to try and reach its now silent mistress over its comlink: "Repeat: Data received. Audio message incomplete. Request: Please repeat previous audio message."(Free Action)

OOC: I assume that, in your last post, you meant to say that DRK-1X was still 1400 meters from mistress Dofina's hangar bay rather than 400 since, in an earlier post, you'd stated that my PC was nearly 1500 meters from the hangar bay when I started moving and I've only covered little more than a 100 meters since then. Let me know if I'm wrong. I'm posting a map showing DRK-1X's movement since we started along with it's final intended position for this round. I drew it based on your descriptions of the array.

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First Post
Oops, you are right. I guess I hit the 'one' key too lightly to register... Yes, approximately 1400 meters away. Good map, I am impressed. Just so you know though. The far right of your map should have a forest and a single road through it that leads towards the command center right about the middle of the map.

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