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Outcasts Forever: Issue #1 - Red America

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I aim to misbehave
Inside Avengers Mansion
Early afternoon

Sandman / Wasp / Wonderman / Iron Man / Vision / Beast

Vision IV glanced around at everyone else standing in the foyer as Captain America hustled after Binary. "Perhaps others should accompany Captain America, I will remain here unless I am invited to the assembly."

Tony Stark said:
Tony starts rummaging through a closet down the hall "Hmmm...stoopid not my dimension, I used to keep the bottles here."
Jarvis approached at Tony's side as he was rummaging through the closet. "Excuse me, sir," Jarvis interrupted in his accent, "Your bottles are still there. I had a hidden shelf installed when Master Hercules started taking them to drink as well." Popping a release on the inside of the closet, the side of the closet opened and several well aged bottles of alcohol were neatly arrayed on an enclosed wine shelf.

Uncertain of what to do, each of the other avengers looked around at each other. Only then did they notice that Wonderman was no longer with everyone else in the foyer.

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"It was not my intent to cause you any more emotional distress." He tells the retreating form of Binary, "I just wanted to warn you that your re-appearance could place your daughter in further danger."

Vision IV glanced around at everyone else standing in the foyer as Captain America hustled after Binary. "Perhaps others should accompany Captain America, I will remain here unless I am invited to the assembly."

"I doubt that Captain America would be pleased to know that we left you alone, your intentions are uncertain and therefore somewhat suspect. Irregardless of the fact that there is little any one of us could do to stop you should you decide to do something against us." Vision states looking towards his "brother". "I will stay here as your escort... where is Wonderman?"



Keia said:
Uncertain of what to do, each of the other avengers looked around at each other. Only then did they notice that Wonderman was no longer with everyone else in the foyer.


The Beast looked around the lobby, confused. The day was getting stranger, and it had been pretty strange to begin with. With nothing else to do, he started toward the meeting room, muttering all the way. "Take a sabbatical, Hank. It'll do you good, and the publicity will help the Institute. Emma can handle the school. Compared to administration, the Avengers will be like a vacation."

kid A

First Post

Upon noticing Wonderman's disappearance, Flint spoke up. "Well, he's gotta be around here somewhere, cuz he was my ride."


First Post
Keia said:
Jarvis approached at Tony's side as he was rummaging through the closet. "Excuse me, sir," Jarvis interrupted in his accent, "Your bottles are still there. I had a hidden shelf installed when Master Hercules started taking them to drink as well." Popping a release on the inside of the closet, the side of the closet opened and several well aged bottles of alcohol were neatly arrayed on an enclosed wine shelf.

"How did you get so awesome? Remind me to triple your wages next year, Jarvis. Picking up one of the bottles he comes over taking a swig right out of the bottle. Handing it over to Hank "Drink? Maybe Simon just went to the bathroom. I mean he did just fight Dr. Doom with his heeerrrooo the amazing Captain America. Probably needed to chage his shorts."


Rogue Warrior
Captain America (HP 5/6, 3 lethal, 2 stun)

Inside Avengers Mansion
Early afternoon

Captain America joined Binary in the elevator. As the doors closed he turned to face her. "Carol, I know you have been through a lot. As Ms. Marvel and Binary. I know very little of it has been good. It really is a cruel world and no matter how much it dumps on you, you continue as a bright, shining hero." His smile is small but strongly sincere. He pulled off his mask as he continued.

"You are not alone in this. We have a job, a mission (seems we always do) but we are still a team that cares about each other. You are not facing any of this alone. All right?" He smiled a little bigger and gently grasped her shoulder.



Gideon said:
"Drink? Maybe Simon just went to the bathroom. I mean he did just fight Dr. Doom with his heeerrrooo the amazing Captain America. Probably needed to chage his shorts."

Hank shook his head. "It's a little early for me. And Simon is . . . I don't know. Have you met the hologram downstairs? I think she can tell us."


I aim to misbehave
Inside Avengers Mansion
Early afternoon


Vision said:
Vision states looking towards his "brother". "I will stay here as your escort... where is Wonderman?"
"I have not seen this . . . wonder man since entering the Mansion," Vision IV replied. "I would be honored to have you as my escort, brother."

With that said, Vision IV backed up against a wall and seemed to come to a 'parade rest' stance. The other Avengers filed their way to the elevator and the Avengers secure meeting room.

Within Vision's head, a data stream appeared, 'Have you given any thought to possible improvements I could provide?'


First Post
Inside Avengers Mansion
Early afternoon

Keia said:
Within Vision's head, a data stream appeared, 'Have you given any thought to possible improvements I could provide?'

"To be truthful no I had not," Vision thinks in reply, "I would be lying if I stated I wasn't interested but the old saying 'beware greeks baring gifts' comes to mind."


I aim to misbehave
Inside Avengers Mansion
Early afternoon

All but Vision

First Captain America and Binary get to the sub-basement, still in deep conversation about recent events for Carol. Then, a minute or so later Iron Man and Beast, followed quickly by Wasp, Redwing, and Sandman, (the bird eyed Wasp the whole time) while Vision and Vision IV (Ultron for everyone else) waited upstairs.

Refreshments were waited on a side cart . . . a platter of assorted fruits, small sandwiches, and various beverages (alcoholic and otherwise). Currently, there was no hologram of Sandra, though that didn’t occur until everyone took their seats.

As Redwing entered, he flew to his stand, and picked at some treats that had been placed in a hanging bowl on the stand. As people found their seats, displays came to life at each station with logins for each person. The hologram appeared as the last person took their seat.

“Greetings Avengers, I have compiled the data that you had obtained from the Soviet Compound – or at least as much of it as we were able to obtain,” Sandra said in a clam quiet voice. “Based on the data obtained, the singular event which caused the divergence occurred in the Summer of the year 1945 . . . some of you may have already come to this conclusion but . . . Bucky must die.”

“Any Questions? Issues?”

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