Part 1: The Forgotten Forge (Knight Otu judging) [Concluded]

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Kharas open his backpack and take the heavy piece of adamantium. He puts it on the table, but before she can take it, he put his hand on the schema. "One last thing before you take a look. Why that Lord of Blade want that schema? What is it hidden in it that worth the life of your men and teh toruble of sending two of his warforged after us?"


First Post
Mordin snickers at that. "It do be a bit more dangerous of a task than originally assumed. Ye'll be wantin' to know 'bout Saber and his thugs."

At that point, Mordin will give a quick run-down of events around the recovery of the schema. Emphasis will be put on the danger of the warforged attackers, especially in regards to "hazardous duty" bonuses.


The man with the probe
Stulgar is not about such negotiations, though he gives his sister an approving smile and nod over her work, both at the House and here.


"Oh thank you, that looks quite like I had imagined. As to why the Lord of Blades would go to such an extent to acquire it, I am afraid that I have no idea. I do not yet know what it does, nor did Bonal from what little I read in his journal. Hopefully you still have that as well? Your warning will be heeded, what ever this is, we do not want anything to fall into his hands." replies Lady Elaydren.

She retrieves the bag of coins from below her chair, placing it on the table. It looks significantly smaller than a bag of 1500 gold coins would. "I've managed to get a larger payout for you, these 210 platinum coins should cover all your expenses. "


First Post
"I do be thinkin' it covers our expenses nicely, m'lady." The enormous dwarf glances to each of his comrades in turn, lingering especially on the pair of shifters. "Do there be anythin' else we need t' trouble m'lady with?"


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Weapon makes no immediate move for the money. The schema is on the table, but he appears to be waiting for something. He looks as the spirit-touched shifter. "I believe you are the one in the possession of our employer's wares."

OOC: NG shifter, meet LN warforged.

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