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Paths of Legend: The Sunless Citadel (IC)

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“And I am Lenya. Well met!”

Since her profession is fairly obvious, Lenya does not think more explanation is required.


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The sorceress finishes securing her pack and essential supplies for the arduous journey ahead. Firmly gripped in her hand stands a simple spear decorated with select runes carved into the pole. The woman lightly leans on the weapon utilizing it more as a walking stick rather than a defensive implement to be used in combat. Astonished, but well pleased with the size of the make shift party, she eagerly greets the latest newcomer, “I am honored to make your acquaintance noble servant of Heironeous. My name is Rashana and I blessed with the gift of sorcery.


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OOC: Alrighty. I'm sorry to say that Walking Dad's character is going to be permanently written out of this game. Thank you for playing with us, Walking Dad and I hope to see you in my next game.

The Ravine

4 Goblins initiative (1d20+1=15)

OOC: Initiative Order

15 - Ringrill
15 - 4 Goblins
6 - Athanil
6 - Merenita

Finlil and his wolf circle around, apparently planning on catching the goblins unaware on the other side of the ravine. They are soon out of sight.

OOC: Ringrill is up first in the initiative. After each player posts an action, I will post the results and then we'll move down the initiative. Try to get a post in as soon as your turn in the initiative comes up.

The Old Road

Kelset knows from the local stories that the ravine is only about a half day's walk along the Old Road, which should put them at the ravine itself just before sundown.

The Old Road winds through rocky downs and stands of old-growth oak. The road doesn't see much use of late, and is terribly overgrown. The group spots a couple of abandoned farmsteads along the way.

OOC: Please take this time to RP and get to know each other as, in real world time, the group won't be reaching the ravine until after the battle with the goblins is over.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
While walking:

(To Lenya) "So, you have fought goblins before, what is the best way to fight something shorter then you? ..."

Delber's questions seem to show an intrest in fighting styles. He also seems to have an aptitude for 'fighter jargon'. Through the day he quaries on the aspects of being a fighter, even picking up a stick that is about the same length as a longsword.

OOC: does delber know that there was a castle in the area one upon a time?


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OOC: Any character in the Old Road group trained in the following skills can make a check for more information.

Knowledge (Geography)
Knowledge (History)
Knowledge (Local)


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As grubby goblin fingers grip the top of the Ravine, Ringrill drops his Javelin drawing his longsword in a quick step to the ravine. Looming over the goblin on the wall Ringrill aims his sword and speaks,
Hold cannibal, what are you doing here and what is this place? Speak quick while my patience lasts!

Ringrill readies an attack if the goblin tries to move down or attack.

Move: Move to Ravine and draw weapon

Standard: Ready attack on Goblin


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The Ravine

The goblin at the top of the rope shrieks and yowls something in its own language to its comrades.

[sblock=Click only if your character understands goblin language]Elves! They steals our apple! Kills them! Takes apple back to Durnn!"[/sblock]

Three of the goblins, including the one at the top, climb further up the rope. The last goblin, carrying a sack tied to its belt, starts climbing down to a ledge below.

OOC: The bottom three goblins each take a double move to climb half their speed. The top goblin triggers Ringrill's readied action during his move action and, if he survives, will be at the top of the ravine, so his second move action will be to draw his morning star.

Climb checks (1d20-1=18, 1d20-1=3, 1d20-1=13, 1d20-1=0)

The bottom goblin, the one with the sack, slips on the rope just a bit and clings to it to avoid falling, making no progress.

Bottom three goblin Climb checks (1d20-1=13, 1d20-1=5, 1d20-1=3)

The second goblin is now near the top of the ravine and only needs one more Climb check to get to the top. The third goblin is 5 feet below him. The fourth goblin is moving down and is 10 feet from the ledge below.

OOC: Ringrill's can make his attack, then Athanil is next in the iniative.


First Post
As the Goblin lunges and reaches for his morningstar Ringrill lands a heavy blow. Have it your way! I'll not be retched food tonight.

Attack 13, Damage 12

OOC: Since the goblin was climbing out of the ravine is it denied its dexterity bonus?
Also, I was standing over the gobline so if it moves up to the ravine that should also provoke an attack of opportunity in addition to the readied attack. If that's the case here is my second attack.
A natural 1 in any case.

Attack 7, Damage 7

Voidrunner's Codex

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