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[pfrpg] follow me into shadows


Jack, having been attacked by a snarling mass of wolves, lays into them with his already blooded claws. Fur and blood fly and the gore-splattered troll howls challenge at the remaining wolves. "Grrr!"

Sindri, on the other hand, avoided the wolf attack only by shear luck. As he finishes his summoning his eyes focus again on the wolf directly in front of him. A breath of cold air wisps about the camp and a shaggy aurochs still shedding snow materializes behind the wolf. The northern beast bellows, shakes its large head and tries unsuccessfully to catch the wolf in its horns. Sindri firms his grip on his spear and stabs at the wolf. "The Witch take these cursed wolves!" he snarls when the wolf nimbly avoids his jab. "Where'd these things come from, anyway?"

Full attack action w/power attack, haste, prayer:
Attacks:1d20+13=27, 1d20+13=19, 1d20+13=22
Damage:1d8+12=20, 1d8+12=14, 1d8+12=15
Rend (if two hits on one wolf):1d8+12=18

Standard: Attack: Gore: 1d20+9=10 Natural one :(

Standard: Attack: Spear: 1d20+6=9 AC 9 even with flanking; surely a miss so I'm not going to bother with a damage roll.[/sblock][sblock=Stats]Sindri
HP 48/Current HP 48
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14
[+2 shield bonus to AC when within reach of eidolon]
Fort +4 / Ref +5 / Will +3
[+2 to saves when within reach of eidolon]
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. w/ medium enc.)

Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 17
Melee -- spear +4 (1d8, x3)
Ranged -- light crossbow +7 (1d8, 19-20/x2, 80 feet)

Spells per day
[Base DC 14 + spell level (+1 with Conjuration spells)]
[Concentration check 1d20+10; +14 when casting on the defensive/grappled]
0 – unlimited, 1st – 5, 2nd – 4 X
Summon Monster (Sp)[I-III] - 7 X

HP 75/Current HP: 67
AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 19
Fort +9 / Ref +3 / Will +5
[+4 morale bonus on enchantment spells and effects]
Speed 30 feet
Special Defenses Evasion

Base Atk +6; CMB +14; CMD 25
Melee -- claws +13/+13 (1d8+8, x2)
[PA +11/+11 (1d8+12, x2)]
-- rend w/ two successful claw attacks +(1d8+12) damage

N Large celestial animal
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +9
AC 13, touch 9, flat-footed 13 (+4 natural, -1 size)
hp 22 [28] (3d8+9) [3d8+15]
Fort +6 [+8], Ref +3, Will +1
SR 7
Celestial - Resist Acid, Cold, and Electricity 5
Fiendish - Resist Cold and Fire 5
Speed 40 ft.
Melee gore +7 [+9] (1d8+9) [1d8+11]
Special Attack stampede, trample (2d6+9, DC 17 [19]), Smite evil/good[/sblock]

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First Post
As the two snarling wolves leap forward, Keepiru sweeps his starknife in wide arcs to keep them away. The point of the blade cuts cleanly across the snouts of both wolves and draws a bead of blood. He shouts wordless cries to keep them wary. Glancing over his shoulder, he tries to see if any of his companions are in close to help or if they are in greater danger than he.

Starknife hasted attacks (1d20+9=22, 1d4=4, 1d20+9=27, 1d4=2)

Splitting up the attacks, one against each wolf attacking him. I forgot the effect of my own prayer, so another +1 damage on each. :hmm:


[sblock=@GandalfMithrandir] Please post in-character! :D Seriously tho, if you wrote in the third person, past tense, that would be just enough; and some description would make it great. I award points for good text.[/sblock]

Both of Julius' attacks succeed, slaying both targets in one shot. The daggers go in and come out, and the wolves drop to the ground; all one smooth motion.

The Priest and the Summoner likewise attack, and more of the wolves are slain.

One of the larger wolves sees their numbers go down, and lets out another great howl. The remaining wolves take the hint and scatter.

[sblock=ooc] Anyone who can take AoOs this round, take them now (ie: didn't already take one this round).

Otherwise, the wolves are gone![/sblock]
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A puff of breath towards his summons and Sindri's shaggy auroch vanishes in an eddy of blown snow. Sindri examines his unbloodied spear tip and looks around to see if anyone noticed he never managed to get a good strike on any of the wolves. "Well, never saw a wolf that big. Except for that time when we were crossing the Mindspin mountains into Nirmathas and that was only one wolf. I think it was a little bigger, though. Remember that, Ragnor?" He chuckles.

Jack still on the alert peers out into the darkness. Slightly mollified that the danger has for the moment passed he turns back to check that everyone in the group is still standing. "Injuries?" Seeing that no one is lying on the ground bleeding to death (and not being able to do anything about it even if they were) Jack begins licking his own wounds clean.


First Post
"Well, that was exciting!" says Julius, as he wipes off his daggers on the fur of one of the downed wolves. neatly sheathing them."Did anyone else wonder what was up with those wolves? The leader seemed control the smaller ones with more than just fear." He says as he disapproving pokes a finger through one of the holes in his leather. "Unless someone wants to check out a dead wolf I say we keep moving. he says as he pulls himself back together.

A note on Julius' fighting style, I picture it more of a stabbing thing than a slashing style, at least when using 2 daggers
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Ragnor Drakechild

"Uh, were in camp my friend, and it is dangerous to travel at night. As for the wolves their behavior and size was indeed unusual.
They also had incredilble luck."

OOC He would never admit to bad luck himself. ;)


First Post
"You're right, I had forgotten about the darkness, I can take the next watch if you all want to get some more rest, they seem to be gone for the time being. And I can't seem to sleep right now."

OOC: Can't seem to get my BB Code right the first time today, I apologize for confusion resulting from it.


First Post
Renya replaced the half-drawn arrow in the quiver at her hip as the wolves fled. Still wary, she moved to the fire, and, withdrawing a burning brand, walked to the edge of the camp where Jack was standing and peered into the gloom. After listening intently for several moments, satisfied that the creatures were gone, she returned to the circle of light shed by the fire.

Still holding the torch, she moved to one of the slain wolves and began to look more closely at it, examining the teeth and fur.

Knowledge (Nature) check 1d20+7=11

Shaking her head, she glanced briefly at Ragnor, flashing a couple of quick hand signs as she walked back to her bedroll.

[sblock=Sign Language]
Not natural for wolves

Renya rummaged through her pack before pulling out a smaller satchel. Lifting it clear, she walked over to Sir Angus. Touching the big man lightly on the arm, she met his gaze, then inclined her head in the direction of the cut across his thigh and opened the satchel to reveal bandages, sewing needles, thread and a number of bags of herbs.

[sblock=GM, Sir Angus]
Game mechanically, I assume our cleric will just channel energy and everything will be hunky dory, but Renya will offer to look at Sir Angus' injuries the old fashioned way if he wants

Heal check 1d20+14=22

Invisible Castle really doesn't like this character...[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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