PFS #30: Cassomir's Locker

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Kayleigh's eyes widen a bit, and her face flushes a little as she quietly replies to Pavanna. "I thank you for your kindness, but I cannot accept your money. I will acquire more gear with my own funds before we leave."

Pavanna pinches the bridge of her nose with her right thumb and index finger and sighs. She smiles at Kayleigh and says "I'm sorry soldier, perhaps you misunderstood me. These supplies are to be requisitioned for the good of your fellow Pathfinders. As you seemed the most sturdy and battle-hardened soldier, it seems perfectly reasonable to me. These creatures likely have already realized that the Countess is no longer in their prison, I am simply trying to maximize our time so we can get started looking for the Jet Rat and the other missing citizens."
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Kayleigh blinks, then nods her understanding and takes the proffered bag of gold. "I will do so."

"They're all mad." Regaining her composure to a degree, she turns to Kronk and speaks brusquely, without emotion, as a word-by-word recitation of some long-forgotten text. "A derro is a degenerate and evil creature of the underground. As such, they have adapted to be able to see in the dark. Derro are afflicted by a racial madness that gives them delusions of grandeur and a sadistic streak a mile wide. Of course, though other creatures realise this, no derro is capable of recognizing he is out of his mind. A derro is so confident of himself that this manifests as a defense for magics that attack an individuals willpower, against which their deranged minds would naturally have little defense." She shudders a bit, and some life comes back into her voice as she spits, "They are a vile and disgusting race of murderers. Is this information sufficient?"

She waits a moment for any reply, then nods respectfully to her Venture-Captain. "I thank you, Venture-Captain, for the information, and I accept the mission. By your leave, I will proceed to the nearest general store and purchase the necessary materials; I will meet the rest of the party before the Pathfinder Lodge." After a moment to collect the Venture-Captain's acquiescence, she turns on her heel and marches out.

OOC: Kayleigh purchases said items: Alchemist's Fire (x2), Sunrod (x2), Silk Rope (x2) and Chalk (x100).


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"Wonderful," Kronk replies with sarcasm. "A bunch of crazy mad creature, which dwells in murder. Alright, so shall it be then." With this he gathers his belongings, and nods, indicating he is ready to go.

ooc: Mutagen: STR
Elixiers: CLW, shield


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A smile spreads across Pavanna's face. "Many thanks Kayleigh."
She then directs Kayleigh to distribute the gear as follows: Jalil - rope, alchemist's fire, chalk (x5), Kayleigh - rope, sunrod, chalk (x5), Miryam - alchemist's fire, sunrod, chalk (x5), Kronk - chalk (x5) and Evrand - chalk (x5). Pavanna keeps chalk (x75)

Pavanna turns again to Venture-Captain Themis, "We depart as soon as my team is ready. Asmodeus be praised."

Evrand takes the chalk and nods. "Let's do this--no time like the present." Inwardly he is cursing the Derros' ability to use their madness as a defense, as most of the techniques he has learned rely heavily on punching through the will of the target. No matter--he may not be able to take that tack with them--but at least he'll still be able to bolster the strength of his allies if nothing else.


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Kayleigh chafes a little at the way Pavanna is ordering her around, but she refuses to let her frustration show, and after she thinks about the situation for a moment, her anger fades. The challenge ahead will require a strong leader, and she'd already lost the battle for dominance by misunderstanding Pavanna's plan... not that she'd be a good leader, anyway. Many things Kayleigh is, but charismatic is not one. So she - reluctantly, but no less honorably - obeys Pavanna's order.

Like the soldier she must become.

She waits outside the lodge for the others to leave, so she can parcel out the gear.

Seeing Kayleigh heading out front and ready to go, Evrand came out and joined her. "The sooner we get moving, the sooner we can get to the bottom of this crazy mess," he remarked. Perhaps crazy in a most literal sense of the word, he found himself thinking.


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"Quite so," Kayleigh mutters, handing Evrand the items required of her by Pavanna. "Speaking of crazy messes, did you also get a message from our esteemed Captain Mal?"

Aye I did," Evrand responded, keeping his voice somewhat low compared to his usual boisterous volume. "But his requests seem to fit in well enough with what we're doing anyway. It's just a matter of making the right choices at the right times."

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