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Pink Floyd Will Release Its First Album Since 1994 in October

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Staff member
Can't argue they didn't lose their edge, their bite. Like many bands, Floyd is- in its classic incarnation- greater than the sum of its parts.

But i'd rather listen to Floyd that is closer to Gilmour's solo work than Waters'. His solo stuff is too often all thorns and no rose.


First Post
Seemed like hippy drug music to me.
Yep, great, isn't it? :D
This reminds me that I've often been 'accused' of mostly listening to stoner music (whatever that means).

If you asked me, I'd tell you I enjoy all kinds of good music that you (unfortunately) won't ever hear on the radio:
I like progressive rock, avantgarde, crossover, trip hop, and basically everything that is a mix of 'classic' rock and electronic music.

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