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Planescape: The Fruit of Deceit

Chaos Apostate

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Zekiel: As the man disappears into the crowd, you try to ctch a glimpse of some sort of insignia - but you can see nothing.

Another man, rather large with a mop of blonde hair, quickly rounds upon the one who had yelled at Anunsil: 'By the 'ells, it doesn't take much to get some berks stirred up, does it? Well listen, ye addle-coved sod - I don't care what ye've been wanting te say, ye can speak for ye're bleedin' self. I don't need no trouble with the factions.'

The man glowers for a second, his face turning red. Then he takes a swing. His target dodges swiftly out of the way, knocking over the Tiefling who was standing just to the the side of him. He pulls himself up, a look of pure rage in his eyes.

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Great, just what we needed, another riot in the Hive, Anunsil thought.

He places himself between the feuding Hivers and says:
"Look cutters, there's no need to throw punches around. We don't want any riots starting. There might even be a slim chance that the speaker over there won't be arrested then killed by hardheads, but a riot will certainly rouse those armored thugs."

He looks pleadingly to the two men.
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A laughter can be heard from behind the crowd. A gnome push a guy aside and start to walk near Anunsil.

The dream start to be funny...

"That was a good one! The hardheads, not arresting him? Ok, they won't necesserly kill him, that's would be the job of the mercykiller after the guvner would have found he has troubled the peace of the city, and that if he is sentence to death... long time I didn't see a death by the wyrm... well that another thing."

Eteran turn around to look at the crowd.

"But that berk is right on one thing, the Hive doesn't need another riot. Every cutter have the right of having his opinion. If you want to discuss, use your words, not your fist, and if you think he is troubling the peace of this place, you can leave of looks for the authority. I think no one in this place need to see the hardhead overrunning this place."

OOC: If a roll is needed, I think it would be Diplomacy at +7 (Cha:+5, Syn:+2)

I want to know more, there is some insight to gain from that man, the dreams can give us many knowledge...
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Chaos Apostate

First Post
Velmont & Anunsil: The spittle-spewing man grimaces and tenses up for a seocnd, and for a second it seems that you may have to fight after all. Then he grins horribly and stalks off through the crowd, obviously having thought better of his violent intentions. The Tiefling begins relaxes and begins diusting himself off, muttering something in a strange tongue. The other man turns to you: "Thanks. Not often a cutter's willing to stick 'is neck out for someone else round these parts." He then turns back to the speaker.

Zekiel: You notice that the noble is nearly up to the speaker's position, and the speaker seems to have noticed him and recognised him. He doesn't stop talking, but he does seem rather distracted.


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Zekiel rubs his chin thoughtfully. Good, looks like those two are not going to let a riot break out. He glances back at the man, and then scans the crowd. That one, on the other hand - I guess I'll see soon enough whether he's factioneer or not.

As the speaker's expression changes, Zekiel fingers his greatsword hilt again. Ah, ah, he knows him. Definitely looks like trouble, then; this perhaps has happened before. At least I can be reasonably sure they won't start a fight. He spends a few moments surveying the crowd for faction insigna. I don't think the same can be said for the usual lines of contention.


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Dalara seems disappointed when the near riot fails to properly break out, a frown creasing her face.

But, then she notices the noble and speaker are nearing each other, and, pushes through the crowd to get a better view of the confrontation she's sure is about to come, and a smile returns to her face. Even if it's just an argument, it's sure to be entertaining.


Thaddeus sighs.
"Sometimes the multiverse seems to demand the mundane..."

He pushes through the crowd to the point where action seems to be centered. He sees a possibly tense situation diffused and noting that a riot might not break out jsut yet he glances over to the speaker to see if he is still speaking. Seeing the man approaching the speaker Thaddeus barges through the crowd towards the podium.

As he moves forwards he turns his head over his shoulder and says to Anunsil.
"Try and keep the crowd in order, I'll try and make sure he doesn't get made into a martyr, no-one in the city needs a cult in the hive."

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