Prisoner interrogation methods


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Hi, Mr. Prisoner, how are you? I know we have our differences, and right now are differences are you're tied up and all beat up, and I'm perfectly healthy. You know, I'm lawful good, so I really feel obligated to cure your wounds, would that be ok with you? I'm casting this cure spell on don't resist it, ok?

Psyche! It was dominate person! Sucker!

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Wow, so no one uses the intimidate skill?

What is the game mechanic for torture, exactly? In a game where pain + mutilation = complete compliance, what happens when the PC's get captured by thier foes?



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Cut off a finger. Ask question. If he doesn't comply, cut off another finger. Drag him along. Tell him if he's lying, you'll didmember him inch by inch. Of course, I tried that and the dm told me to roll a diplomacy check. Wtf? Diplomacy? I KNOW I'm not very charismatic and I'm not trying to be. I'm simply stating a fact. He tells us what we want to know or he dies a slow painful death.


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Crucify them. They tell you want you need to know, cut them down, if not, the landscape gets some decoration and the crows get a banquet. Worked for the Romans.


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Lay a weapon (pistol, sword, etc) on the table near where you will work on him, and tell him that "it can all be over with soon, just tell me what I want to know," then start skinning. When he starts screaming for a question- you know you have his attetion.

Ask only a single question- wait for an answer, be patient (wash your hands while you talk, be kind and friendly), explain that you have other questions then retrieve your razor. If he asks for another question tell him no- he needs to appriciate what you are going to do to him. Have one of your goons interurpt, be annoyed and allow the questioning to take place while you wait impatiently and annoyed (the reverse of your previous demeanor).

When all questions are answered ask him if he told the truth. Be kind and considerate. Retrieve your blade and wait- patiently. When he tells you that he was- express to him your desire to continue the questioning, suggest that one of his family members might know more then him (even if they are not involved).

Should he proclaim that he was telling a lie or two then ask for a correction, but happy and smile a lot, have your goon be mad- "now he's gonna take all dammed night!"

Should he say that he was being truthful inform him that you will get a relitive of his to check his answers.

Patients, calm, torture, take days, start with things that can be removed without to many health issues (feet are always cool to start with). Remember to be kind.

In the end- when you are done, end him.


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pawsplay said:
Command. "Confess!"

That's not one of the four options of the command spell.

Though I suspect it would produce some assuming results, hearing whatever the victim blurted out off the top of his head.

"I liked the Matrix movies--yes, the sequels too! I admit it, OK?"


First Post
Hypersmurf said:
"I Levitate harder."
"The statue is stronger than the spell; inch by inch, the priest gets closer to the floor."
"I can't stop it?"
"Okay." He snapped his fingers. "I dismiss the spell."

We watched the DM's horrified realisation of what had just happened with glee.

Well, your DM was a slouch. :cool: If the statue was pushing down with bone-crushing force in the first place, and the levitate spell pushing up with just a little bit less, the priest would have already been squashed even before the spell was dismissed.

But ah, the innocent hijinx of the youth.

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