TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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Gary Gygax
StupidSmurf said:
Considering my wife's and my tastes towards horror, those two would actually not be so bad! :lol: Anyone who'd ever give my kids a Chicken Dance Elmo would get the rare chance of seeing me in action, swinging a baseball bat. And I'd destroy the doll too! ;)

Actually LOL!

Gary (A fan of the Lovecraftian horror style)

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Greetings sir,

Just a few observations, followed by a question:

Stephen King has told us in his "On Writing" book that it is a little disheartening to think that, in the minds of many readers, his finest work was The Stand, especially considering the fact that he wrote it over 20 years or so ago. I, however, like many of his "constant readers" would contend that there is nothing finer than his reality sprawling epic, The Dark Tower, thank-ee sai.

Now then, Mr. Gygax, I'd like to remark that having been a fan of yours since I bought my DM's Guide in 1981 ( a mere lad of ten, I was), I can say without a shred of doubt that, despite all your remarkable publications through the years, Castle Zagyg by Troll Lord Games is your finest work. Ever.

I also believe that Gygax and the C&C system is a match made in the Seven Heavens. It seems to fascilitate your brilliant creativity without overshadowing it with the rules bloat of 3.5e.

To my question: Zagyg, of course, was originally created for the Greyhawk setting. The demi-god himself is listed in the WoG Glossography. I'm wondering how it is you retain the right to use the name "Zagyg." Is it because it is an anagram of your name, or do you in some small measure have a bit of legal leeway in using some of your past creations?

Either way, I love CZ, and I plan to use it for many years to come. One day it will be as worn-out looking as my original DMG. I salute you for, sir, for mentally and creatively aging like a fine wine! As far as the physical goes, well, we'll let Mrs. G. be the judge of that! :D

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Gary Gygax
ghul said:
Greetings sir,

Just a few observations, followed by a question:

Stephen King has told us in his "On Writing" book that it is a little disheartening to think that, in the minds of many readers, his finest work was The Stand, especially considering the fact that he wrote it over 20 years or so ago. I, however, like many of his "constant readers" would contend that there is nothing finer than his reality sprawling epic, The Dark Tower, thank-ee sai.

Now then, Mr. Gygax, I'd like to remark that having been a fan of yours since I bought my DM's Guide in 1981 ( a mere lad of ten, I was), I can say without a shred of doubt that, despite all your remarkable publications through the years, Castle Zagyg by Troll Lord Games is your finest work. Ever.

I also believe that Gygax and the C&C system is a match made in the Seven Heavens. It seems to fascilitate your brilliant creativity without overshadowing it with the rules bloat of 3.5e.

To my question: Zagyg, of course, was originally created for the Greyhawk setting. The demi-god himself is listed in the WoG Glossography. I'm wondering how it is you retain the right to use the name "Zagyg." Is it because it is an anagram of your name, or do you in some small measure have a bit of legal leeway in using some of your past creations?

Either way, I love CZ, and I plan to use it for many years to come. One day it will be as worn-out looking as my original DMG. I salute you for, sir, for mentally and creatively aging like a fine wine! As far as the physical goes, well, we'll let Mrs. G. be the judge of that! :D

Many thanks for your kind words :)

I am, in fact, currently coordinating a group of 19 freelance designers in a project to create as many mosules, each detailing one section of the Town of Yggsburgh, each module to include many adventures and adventure hooks, of course.

That said, I am still wedded to the Lejendary Adventure RPG system as my best work, and I am jkeeping up with it too despite the other efforts.

Anagrans of my name are exclusively my property according to my settlement agreement with TSR, so that is how I can use Zagyg, or Zagyg, as well as Yrag;)


Col_Pladoh said:
Perhaps thanks to Flatlander tourists :mad:

Wait, you guys think Flatlanders are people who aren't from Wis-gon-sin?

When in went to college in the NW corner of Massachusetts, I was taught that Flatlanders were people who weren't from Vermont/ other New England rural mountainous areas (I grew up in a woodsy, hilly part of NY with stone fences and deer, and knew how to make maple syrup from the tree and what stuff you can eat by the side of the trail, so I didn't think I was one).

You could tell Flatlanders because they had SUV's (especially green ones), had skis on the roof or slowed down to look at leaves, and drove too fast in the snow. Regular folks drove regular cars or cheap old trucks, at "regular" slow pace in the snow so they wouldn't crash, and didn't generally ski.

Ahem, wait we're supposed to be talking D&D . . . ummm, Flatlanders are rogues, the regular folks are barbarians?


LEW Judge
haakon1 said:
Wait, you guys think Flatlanders are people who aren't from Wis-gon-sin?

Specifically, in Wisconsin jargon, Flatland is Illinois.

When I was living in Wisconsin, I had a roommate from Vermont who told me she thought Wisconsin had no right to call anybody else flatlanders.


Dear Father (of the Game),

What is the name of the world that Yggsburg is set on?

If Yggsburg is a town of 22,000 residents, how many residents would your vision of the City of Greyhawk have?

I was thinking of starting a new Greyhawk Campaign but I didn't want to use the TSR City of Greyhawk. Would Yggsburg be a good alternative or would it be too small?

Thank you

Gray Mouser

First Post
Sheesh, how did I miss so many pages of replies? Darn e-mail notifications!

Col_Pladoh said:
Many thanks for your kind words :)

I am, in fact, currently coordinating a group of 19 freelance designers in a project to create as many mosules, each detailing one section of the Town of Yggsburgh, each module to include many adventures and adventure hooks, of course.

Sounds like quite the undertaking, Colonel. Also sounds like the CZ setting is developing much like I always hope Greyhawk would have. I'll have to look into the upcoming products.

Anagrans of my name are exclusively my property according to my settlement agreement with TSR, so that is how I can use Zagyg, or Zagyg, as well as Yrag;)


Well then let's hope that Yrag makes an appearance as an NPC in one of the CZ products! :)

Out of curiosity, do you still own the rights to Mordenkainen? I assume so since he appeared in later Gord books, but you never know...

Gray Mouser


Gary Gygax
haakon1 said:
Wait, you guys think Flatlanders are people who aren't from Wis-gon-sin?

When in went to college in the NW corner of Massachusetts, I was taught that Flatlanders were people who weren't from Vermont/ other New England rural mountainous areas (I grew up in a woodsy, hilly part of NY with stone fences and deer, and knew how to make maple syrup from the tree and what stuff you can eat by the side of the trail, so I didn't think I was one).

You could tell Flatlanders because they had SUV's (especially green ones), had skis on the roof or slowed down to look at leaves, and drove too fast in the snow. Regular folks drove regular cars or cheap old trucks, at "regular" slow pace in the snow so they wouldn't crash, and didn't generally ski.

Ahem, wait we're supposed to be talking D&D . . . ummm, Flatlanders are rogues, the regular folks are barbarians?
Flatlanders are as you describe them...and they talk funny too. Betcha you talk funny :lol:

Actually, Flatlanders consider the locals as slack jawed villagers, while the locals think of the FLatlanders as stupid outsiders whose only saving grace is that they are spending money.

There is merit in both views.

Incidentally. my maternal family came to Wisconsin from Upstate NY, after landing in Rhode Island c. 1642. The terrain is rather similar, although Upstate NY has more rygged hills than is common in much of Wisconsin.

Terrain is a factor in RPGs, of course :p



First Post
Col_Pladoh said:
That said, I am still wedded to the Lejendary Adventure RPG system as my best work, and I am jkeeping up with it too despite the other efforts.

Yes, and if there were an LA version of Yggsburgh that would be just ducky. ;)
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