TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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Gary Gygax
Eridanis said:
Gary -

I woke up this morning, planning to finally take a ride over to Lake Geneva to visit the Game Guild (where I hadn't been in years, since my first stint living in the Midwest), and when I Googled for their website, it was empty! A call to their phone # says it has been disconnected.

How long has the Game Guild been out of business? All good things must come to an end, I suppose. Guess I'll just have to spend the day outside enjoying the sunshine. :)

Yours, disappointedly,

- Matt

Ho Matt!

Dennis Harsh, the manager of the Game Guild plays in my regular LA game campaign, so I have the skinny;)

The 'Guild is temporarily homeless, not out of business. Lake Geneva's tourist town rents are brutal, so the hiatus is that of finding a now place that's large enough, affordable to rent and still a reasonably accessable location. Dennis is working on it, and I believe he hopes to have the shop open and running again within a month.

Maybe I can get him to rerspond here--I'll email him the URL.

Meantime, today is fairly sunny here in Lake Geneva, so all's not lost. If you plan another visit here ahead of time, email me if you'd like to set up a meeting for coffee and some gaming chat. Just had two fellows fron North Dakota stop by yesterday, we went to Starbucks for expresso, and "war stories" :eek:


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Bard 7/Mod (ret) 10/Mgr 3
Thanks for the inside info, sir, and I'll be sure to take you up on your offer! (As it turns out, my toddler daughter got sick soon after I posted this morning, so any road trip would have been ki-boshed anyway ... everything happens for a reason...)

Thanks again!

Janos Antero

First Post
Hey Gary, I remember toys for DnD/DnD cartoon around the time of the show, with a villan on a nightmare that was most certainly Vengar. But I also remember a bearded and mustached hero in thick plate armor with a horse, any chance you remember who or what that toy was?


Gary Gygax
Eridanis said:
Thanks for the inside info, sir, and I'll be sure to take you up on your offer! (As it turns out, my toddler daughter got sick soon after I posted this morning, so any road trip would have been ki-boshed anyway ... everything happens for a reason...)

Thanks again!

Wee bairns have a way of doing that...especially when parents have a desired plan for fun :eek:

I did send an email off to Dennis.

Invitation stands, of course!


Nine Dragons

First Post
Who is Rose Estes?

Hello Gary,

I have a question, which came up a few weeks ago in another thread about D&D-related female authors, which I'm hoping you can resolve. Is "Rose Estes" a real person or a pseudonym for one or more then-TSR authors? One person in the aforementioned thread even went so far as to suggest it was actually Roger E. Moore. I tend to believe "she's" a real person, possibly related to one "Lydia Estes (then aged 10)" who was credited as a playtester for some Tom Wham game printed in Dragon Magazine.

Incidentally, I'm just now delving through the 1st of the New Infinities Gord the Rogue books (I just acquired all 5, so it's all new to me), and I'm really enjoying it. I haven't yet been able to pick up the two earlier books under the Greyhawk banner, so I'd really like to see that potential re-release you've mentioned come to fruition (especially if it's hardcover)! Any chance we'll ever see any new Gygax novels (fantasy or otherwise) in the future?


Gary Gygax
Janos Antero said:
Hey Gary, I remember toys for DnD/DnD cartoon around the time of the show, with a villan on a nightmare that was most certainly Vengar. But I also remember a bearded and mustached hero in thick plate armor with a horse, any chance you remember who or what that toy was?

As I recall, the figure you refer to was "Warduke." The line was designed by Duke Siefried who was then with TSR. I did have the entire collection of those "bendy toys," but they were lost, along with a lot of other personal property, when my office was siezed by Lorraine Williams.



Col_Pladoh said:

As I recall, the figure you refer to was "Warduke." The line was designed by Duke Siefried who was then with TSR. I did have the entire collection of those "bendy toys," but they were lost, along with a lot of other personal property, when my office was siezed by Lorraine Williams.


I owned the Warduke action figure. One of my favorites, but his face was covered by a helmet. Go here to see a picture of him:



Gary Gygax
Re: Who is Rose Estes?

Nine Dragons said:
Hello Gary,

I have a question, which came up a few weeks ago in another thread about D&D-related female authors, which I'm hoping you can resolve. Is "Rose Estes" a real person or a pseudonym for one or more then-TSR authors? One person in the aforementioned thread even went so far as to suggest it was actually Roger E. Moore. I tend to believe "she's" a real person, possibly related to one "Lydia Estes (then aged 10)" who was credited as a playtester for some Tom Wham game printed in Dragon Magazine.

Howdy Nine Dragons!

Rose Estes us a real person. She worked at TSR for a time before becoming a freelance writer. Lydia is her daughter. Rose lived in a house owned by tom Wham for a time, but she removed from this area about a year or so back.

Incidentally, I'm just now delving through the 1st of the New Infinities Gord the Rogue books (I just acquired all 5, so it's all new to me), and I'm really enjoying it. I haven't yet been able to pick up the two earlier books under the Greyhawk banner, so I'd really like to see that potential re-release you've mentioned come to fruition (especially if it's hardcover)! Any chance we'll ever see any new Gygax novels (fantasy or otherwise) in the future?

The two Gord books published under the TSR logo might be found on Ebay. Those will be done as graphic novels, of course.

As for me writing more novel-length fiction, that's not in the cards in the foreseeable future. Too many other projects on my plate, and no particular world upon which to place any new adventures--of Gord or some other protagonist. I did have fun writing the short "Magister Setne Inhetep, Wizard-Priest" fantasy mystery novels. But that world is also no longer one upon which I can base material.



Col_Pladoh said:

The URL doesn't work...


Damn...you're right. How odd, it worked fine just a minute ago. Oh well, try this link...

<snip> there seems to be a problem with yahoo links. I'll try to find a better way.
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