RA's Ashin's Commission--Grand Finale!

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Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Reading the other thread, then, I guess?)

*The priestess notices Michael's holy symbol of Sela.*

"Ah, a priest of the Sister of Stone! Have you come to help our village in our time of need?" Aglaia asks, unless she's been told already that the group is rendezvousing with Michael, "I am Aglaia Ermone, the Lightbringer's hand in Duvik, and these are brave heroes who are here to rid us of the infestation of evil from below!"


OOC (Yes, kept track of other thread)

Michael nods at Hulgyr and speaks to Aglaia.

"Possibly. It depends on whether or not I can finish the other things I've been stuck with, what you need in the hour, and whether my patience lasts or not."
Michael sits cross-legged and invites her to do the same.

"So why don't you tell me exactly what the problem is in Duvik? You don't exactly look oppressed or plague-ridden, which are the two things I heard about."

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Misread a detail though ;))

*Aglaia sits down, her red hair tied back for travelling.*

"Sure, I could use a break from walking--though we shouldn't stay in the open like this and press our luck...there are dangerous things out here."

*Aglaia sits in a meditative cross-legged position.*

"In short, though the Fallonese tactics are oppressive, they are not directly attacking us, no. I am convinced that they are not the cause of this madness. However, they do not care at all for the people of Duvik--their heavy-handed 'quarantine' tactics have made getting help almost impossible, though I suppose they only care about keeping the problem contained and hoping it goes away, even if it takes all of the people here with it in doing so. That would be a win/win for them--that way they could send colonists up here and gain all the resources of our town as well."

"I'm not sure about this, but some of the texts of Hyrag on record at my old church spoke of a demonic presence that was sealed deep in the mines long ago, during the time that this territory was controlled by the Medibarian Empire. If this is truly the cause, then holy warriors of great strength will be needed to destroy it!"


"So tell me about this madness problem."
Michael encourages, setting his hammer handy.

"Leads to running about naked, trying to rip people's arms off, and eat them?"

If people just wake up in the morning and turn into the thing he saw last night, Michael can understand why the Fallonese are hoping the whole thing goes away.

Of course, they get to keep their armor when squaring off with them.

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Yes," Aglaia nods solemnly, "You must have seen them? Some folks call them 'demons' or 'creatures', but...they once were normal folks, corrupted by the madness from below...the Fallonese are fools--the quarantine won't stop it from spreading...if I'm right, by waiting without trying to destroy the source, they're just letting the evil grow until it radiates outward with tendrils like tentacles of darkness."

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