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(Recruiting) Kiss of Darkness--Adventure in my Homebrew Setting

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First Post
Ok, I have chosen a name for the character: Tyren (Ty)

No last name, comes from peasant stock and born in a small village so he doesn't need one. Now that I've declared a name, I'll go roll my stats.

Actually I had picked a different name and rolled stats already before I rememberd the rules.
<homer voice>
D'oh! Stupid brain!
</homer voice>

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Sheesh! Busy thread! :)

Anyway, Rystil - can I call you Rystil? :) - you know my ideas. It looks like everyone here has got their own concept going so I'm going to kabosh my idea of the pairings from the Complete Adventurer. But that's okay.

As per my posting style - I post multiple times daily, I post often and everytime my character can add something. I do occasionally have busy days that only lets me post two or three times per thread per day, though. ;)

Here are the two concepts I am now mulling over in my mind. I'll put them both up here and let you approve a name to use on Invisible Castle and depending on which name you pick I'll know which concept you think would fit better in the campaign world. I don't have much preference.

Rhaka the Ferretkin - Rhaka is essentially a druid (yep you guessed it who loves Mustelids and anyone else who likes animals). Probably looking to go straight Druid with the character - heavy focus on wild shaping once we reach appropriate levels as I have never done that in a character before and I like exploring new boundaries. She quests for any Good cause, as she is NG herself. Most likely she is of human original, although if it would fit with other concepts she could go elf (maybe one of your variant elf races), half-orc (possible ouch - no smart druid fer me!), or even halfling (but this would be one of my lesser choices). I am considering an alternate name along the lines of Rhaka the Forrest Shark or something to match the mustelid personality. Spoiler Text:
If you allow BoED I would be very interested in VoP assuming we agree on its function and not abuse of the feat. This I would like to talk about if acceptable.

Miandra of the Silverwood (or some other appropriate designation) - Miandra is the epitome of half-elfness. She loves people, loves talking to people, loves interacting with people, and loves ... well ... using people. She's an information lover and craves to be a socialite. She's not much for fighting, preferring to stop conflict dead in its tracks before its gets that far. She loves to have fun - in many ways. She can be a flirt when needed. She can be a person's best friend. She can even be a character's worst nightmare across the bargaining table - but she doesn't prefer the hard-nosed mentality as it tends to strain relationships. Currently I am thinking Rogue for Miandra - but a social rogue. [Or, if you have an alternate class that gets mega skill-points and a better selection of information skills that would be preferred] However, I see Bront may have beaten me to the concept and would not want to step on his character's toes if chosen. I personally hate CN alignments, so I guess I would put her in the CG category who occasionally florts with CN when necessary.

Anyway, if either of these concepts sounds like it would fit in your plans (not saying it will get picked) ... let me know and I'll roll up stats for whichever sounds more realistic to the gameworld. If neither of these is any good - there is always the warlock idea I pitched in the otehr thread.

EDIT: Okay - so right now while the good old fashioned northern midatlantic states get absolutely pummeled in the white stuff (snow) I was outside shovelling my sidewalks. Actually, the snow is so fine that believe it or not it was more effective to use a push-broom! Anyway, I was thinking about these characters and I do have a preference after all. I think Rhaka is leading in my mind - either with your approval or denial on the Spoiler Text. Although her stats (see two posts below) leave much to be desired. I realize this might make her an odd character out being that she is a druid and many of the other characters are city-folk. But that's alright. If she fits, cool. If not, that's cool too.
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First Post
Hey! Good dice for me: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=314121

4d6.takeHighest(3) -> [5,5,2] = (12)
4d6.takeHighest(3) -> [5,4,3] = (12)
4d6.takeHighest(3) -> [5,2,2] = (9)
4d6.takeHighest(3) -> [6,6,6] = (18)
4d6.takeHighest(3) -> [5,4,3] = (12)
4d6.takeHighest(3) -> [6,5,4] = (15)
4d6.takeHighest(3) -> [6,4,1] = (11)

So I would arrange these as:
Str 18
Dex 12
Con 15
Int 12
Wis 12
Cha 12

And throw out the 9, of course. This guy has no real weaknesses, which is nice. Looks like, from a mechanical standpoint, my best bet is a typical greatsword-wielding, power-attacking beatstick. I'm considering actually putting the 15 in Int instead of Con. Sub-optimal, I know, but I like the idea of somebody whose intellect is constantly underestimated. Plus it opens up the Combat Experties/Improved Trip chain. Maybe even take a level or two of wizard at some point. I'll post a more complete first pass at a character a little later.

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Okay ... so with everyone rolling dice I wanted to roll too. Guess I just like character creation. Sigh. Here are my rolls if acceptable:

Rhaka: Rhaka
[Sblock]I am hoping that if this character is chosen I can drop the 16 and end up with a suboptimal character and reroll? :)[/Sblock]

Miandra: Miandra
[Sblock]34 point-buy. These stats will be alright I suppose. ;) :) [/Sblock]


First Post
Woah... so many posts! :uhoh:

Anyhow, I'm still very much interested in this game, though I have a sinking feeling as to my chances at being selected. :p

So... hmmm... a few ideas.

1) CG Human, or perhaps half-elf, Troubadour, Rogue or Bard. Or some combination of those.

Basically a wanderer/ drifter/ traveller type character just looking to get by, at the start of the game at least. Comes across basically as a rogueish, unprincipled vagabond, and likes to think of himself that way - but can't help being basically a nice guy when it comes to the crunch. Hence most of the important things he does tend to be fundamentally well-intentioned, but outwardly seem self-serving. That's an impression he generally encourages. It's pretty much a defence mechanism against a world that he strongly believes tends to chew up nice guys and spit 'em out.

I like the concept, but mechanically I'm a little torn. I love the flavour of your troubadour class, but I'm uncertain how much fun I'd have playing it. I think for the most part it's nicely balanced and well designed, but the issue I can foresee myself having with such a character is the lack of options. To be optimal, a Troubadour seems to need to be both singing and playing an instrument during combat (with the Double Song feat), and that leaves precious little in the way of tactical options. There's a pretty respectable selection of songs, but I wonder if there are enough to make it fun for me, combat after combat, to be doing nothing else.

That's not necessarily a criticism of the class - it's just an issue of my own preferences, which leave me unsure of whether it's the right class for me.

Ordinarily, without access to that custom class, I'd be inclined to make the character a bard or rogue/bard. But you've said that you hate the class, and that makes me not really want to suggest one. I doubt I have much chance of being accepted into one of your games when you're of the opinion that the class I'm playing is hopelessly weak. :p

So that leaves me with rogue. The character could, quite feasibly, be a single classed rogue I guess... it just requires the selection of a few skills that I might not otherwise go for, and a slight adjustment of my concept to make the character a little more sneaky.

2) A cleric. Haven't played a cleric in an age, I realise, and they're my perrenial favourite class, so that might be pretty cool. Plus I'm a big fan of the FR pantheon, so if you're using that it attracts me further to the class.

I think I'd be looking at a NG Human Cleric of Oghma, headed for the Loremaster PrC.

A somewhat naive sort, intensely curious about everything and very perceptive and intelligent, but without much in the way of worldliness. He's quite cautious about the sophisticated ways of the world, as indeed he is about pretty much everything - he's very big on careful observation and meticulous planning, liking wherever possible to gather every available fact before acting. Quite charming in a slightly goofy, bookish sort of way.

3) A ranger, or maybe a fighter. LN, Dwarven.

What can I say? I'm getting sick of playing high charisma characters. ;) So I'm considering a good, old-fashioned dour, gruff dwarf. I'm not sure what the position/ culture of dwarves is in your homebrew world, so I'm hazy on the details of his background. At any rate, I'm getting sick to the gills of the whole 'last of his clan' or 'exiled from his clan for dubious reasons' that seem to pop up in every Dwarf's background, so it sure wouldn't be that. :)

As for me myself... hmmm. Been roleplaying for about six years now, starting on the kind of wonderfully horrible homemade systems that only a bunch of thirteen year olds can come up with. From those humble reasons I moved with some good friends of mine through the Marvel SAGA system (realised that once the novelty of being Spiderman wore off, the game system itself really sucked), White Wolf games (realised that we hated everyone else who played them, and grew out of the angst), Deadlands (I still like it... meh :p), GURPS (never liked it... had to wait for my friends to get bored too), BESM (another nice idea with a horrible system... I should look into BESM D20 sometime I guess) AD&D 2nd Ed and then finally found D&D 3rd ed in time to play one really good campaign before our gaming group was broken up by everyone moving and going to different universities. Then tried one brief game with a Bristol-based group, and had the most exruciating experience of my life. Since then I've stuck to PbP save for the few fun occassions when I can get together with my old group for a marathon gaming session.

I can definitely commit to one post per day, and where applicable I can usually post a good deal more than that. I'm very much into in-depth RP and so on, and I like fast-moving combat too, so whenever other people give me the chance I'll usually post a lot.

I don't have names worked out yet for my character, so with your approval I'll roll stats under the name Eluvan. I use that account for other games already.

Wow, I have'nt been here for a couple of hours and so much posts ...
OK, here are My : Albino Goblin rolls

This is how I'm going to assign them (without the changes of the goblin stats yet)

Str - 9
Dex - 15
Wis - 13
Int - 12
Con - 12
Cha - 16

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Manzanita said:
So that's 17, 14, 11, 11, 10, 9

Psst. If you want to try it, in the other thread Rystil hinted that on certain rolls you might be able to get a reroll for being a hopeless character by dropping your highest stat. That would leave you with 14, 11, 11, 10, 9, 9. I don't know if that would qualify for hopeless or not. I'm just trying to help if you want it!

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