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recruiting players for a mid-level steampunk campaign


Knowledge (architecture & engineering) represents an understanding of the physics, materials and mechanical principles necessary to design and oversee the construction of buildings, defensive structures and siege weaponry. It's hardly the kind of in-depth book-learning I'd associate with a streetwise layman like the rogue.

Rogues are familiar with traps and locks only insofar as bypassing them is involved. They're good at breaking them; most couldn't hope to craft anything that complicated. Their knowledge of mechanics is merely practical experience, hardly the result of scholarly interest and study. A rogue who's interested can study up on the subject if he wants to, but it's not easily accessible for him as it is for a wizard or bard character. The fact that rogues have no Knowledge beyond (local) as class skills makes perfect sense to me.

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First Post
just one question about something I asked about earlier NPC Lord.... what about items and/or parts to make my crusher stronger or the like?... anything like that at all to spend my last 3000 on?


First Post
I have solved my item problems with Rolf. I made him a Dwarf werebear instead of a halfling, therefore staying the same size while transformed in hybrid form. Bear form is still a problem, and i guess he just won't have much stuff in that form. I shall post him as soon as i am done shopping for his items.

Also, when do we start?

NPC Lord

First Post
hmmm, 3k a lot. here are a couple of things that might work well:

pyre canon dmg: 5d6 range: 250 type fire cost 500

speed legs benifit: +20 land spd. . cost 250

improved fortification benifit +3 armor cost 100

heavy legs benifit: imn bull rush cost 200

arcanite shell benifit:SR 10 cost 5oo


First Post
pyre cannon... I assume it's a once a round thing... and if it needs to be reloaded... how long does that take?.... I'd also assume here it's roll is based off dex for this?

can the improved fortification thing be taken more than once?... I would assume not given the really low cost... but I thought I'd ask....

can the arcanite shell be taken more than once as well? if so much much would it increase it if I took it again?

- Rathan
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First Post
Ok, I beleive I am finished. Lemme know if anything needs work.

[sblock=Dwarf form]

Name: Rolf Panzerbjörn
Class: none yet, but barbarian/warshaper when I can
Race: Dwarf Werebear (humanoid shape changer)
Alignment: CG
Age: 20
Weight: 145 Lbs.
Height: 4’
Gender: Male
Level: 6
HP: 21/21

Abilities (Dwarf)
STR 16 (+3)
DEX 16 (+3)
CON 16 (+3)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 6 (-2)

AC 21 (+3 dex, +3 natural, +5 Armor)

REF +5


Melee +5 (2 BAB, 3 STR)

MWK Dwarven Waraxe +6 (1d10+3, x3)

Ranged +5

Speed 20 ft

Iron Will (Lycanthrope Bonus)
Multi Attack (From HD)
Improved Natural Attack (Claw) (From HD)

Racial Features
Darkvision 60’, Low Light Vision, Stonecunning, Weapon Familiarity, Stability, +2 on Craft and Appraise when related to metal / stone, +2 vs. Poison, +2 vs. spells, +4 ac vs Giants, +1 attack vs Goblinoids and Orcs, Curse of Lycanthropy, Scent, Alternate Form

Class Features

Climb + 5 (2 ranks, 3 STR)
Swim + 9 (2 ranks, 4 racial, 3 STR)
Listen +2 (2 ranks)


Equipment 43 Lbs
+1 Chain Shirt (1250 GP, 25 Lbs)
MWK Dwarven Waraxe (330 GP, 8 Lbs)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (2000 GP, -)
Cloak of Resistance +1 (1000 GP, -)
Amulet of Mighty Fists +1 (6000 GP, -)
Handy Haversack (2000 GP, 5 Lbs)

Bedroll (1 SP, 5 Lbs)
Everburning Torch (110 GP, 1 Lb)
Rope, Silk (50 ft) (10 GP, 5 Lbs)
Travelers’ Outfit (1 GP, 5 Lbs)

298 GP, 9 SP


[sblock=Hybrid / Bear form]

STR 24 (+7)
DEX 18 (+4)
CON 20 (+5)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 6 (-2)

AC 24 (+4 dex, +5 natural, +5 Armor)

REF +6


DR 10/ silver

Melee +9 (2 BAB, 7 STR)

MWK Dwarven Waraxe +10 (1d10 +7, x3)
2 Claws +10 (1d6+8 x2)
Bite +8 (1d6+4 x2) **Curse of Lycanthropy**

Ranged +6 (2 BAB, 4 Dex)

Speed 40 ft

Climb +9 (2 ranks, 7 STR)
Swim +13 (2 ranks, 4 racial, 7 STR)
Listen +2 (2 ranks)

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First Post
hmm..... took all the mods and still have 1400 or so gp left... anyone have any suggestions?.. maybe from anything not core rules as I don't have access to any other books.... someone give me a good suggestion on what to spend my last 1400 on please?
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NPC Lord

First Post
your right about the pyre cannon. It takes a fullround action to reload a new tank, but 1 tank=4 shots. no, the improved fortification cant be taken more than once,
but arcanite shell can. i like it very much, necro. can you give me a bit of background, though?

Voidrunner's Codex

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