Recruiting -- S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Gold


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I am running two groups through this classic module in the Eberron gaming world, using the 3.5 ruleset.

Team Gold -- multiple spots and niches needed.

If there is someone who would like to take over a PC -- by all means, let me know! :)

All links to OOC, IC, and RG are in my signature.

Team Gold has just breached the perimeter of the Hill Giant Steading, and each new PC will enter immediately.
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While certainly interested in giving the G-Series Modules a whirl -- and I really don't mean to sound narcissistic when I say this -- I don't think I could effectively "take over" a character, chiefly on the grounds that I'd always feel I wasn't doing it justice. Now, I'd be willing to at least try and emulate one of the above characters, but to be frank I'd feel very uncomfortable doing so. If you'd be willing to merely take a replacement for whichever you need, now that I can solicitate with gusto, but otherwise I'd at least be willing to try my best.


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Unfortunately, at least in the case of Morika the druid and Team Black (and I think s@s will agree with me), we aren't in a position to add a new character right now. We've just begun our raid on the Hill Giant Steading.

I guess if we found some prisoners or such we could add another character, but the way PBP goes, that could be six months from now.
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Rhun is correct -- team black is in a tough spot to replace a PC right now -- the wait for that one might be several months.

Team Gold has not reached the steading yet (and is in a good spot to add a new PC -- one is being added as we speak already -- can increase it to two or three...)

Depends on which group you are interested in joining.


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As I said, I'd at least be willing to give it a try if the alternative just doesn't seem possible :)

As far as which group it is makes little personal difference to me, really. I'd be willing to fill whichever spot needs filling :D


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Well, the choice really is up to you -- and what you prefer to do.

I am currently running each as an NPC, so they both need filling.

Obviously, there are items that can be modified with the extant PC's -- spell selection, feats, skills, magic items -- these all can be tinkered with.

If you want to do a new PC, then you'd be best served by team gold.


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FYI, there is a good chance that Hudder, part of Team Gold, will also be available.

So recap of PC's available:

Team Black: Morika, shifter druid 8th lvl

Team Gold: Darv, gnome archivist 8th lvl
Hudder, dwarven fighter/rogue/dragonmark heir 8th lvl


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Hey S@s, whatever happened to Hero4Hire's giantslayer PC on Team Black? I know he disappeared, but what happened to the character? Did we leave him behind?

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