RG for Off to War

Frozen Messiah

First Post
Claude Francois Grignard

[FONT=Arial]Class: Paladin[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B]Race:[/B] Human[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B]Size:[/B] Medium[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B]Gender:[/B] Male[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B]Alignment:[/B] Lawful Good[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B]Deity:[/B] None (Paladin's code)[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B]Str:[/B]      9 -1 (1p.)         [B]Level:[/B] 2        [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B]Dex:[/B]  16 +3 (10p.)      [B]BAB:[/B] +2         [B]HP:[/B] 19 (2d10+2)[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B]Con:[/B]  14 +2 (6p.)       [B]Grapple:[/B] +1   [B]Dmg Red:[/B] 0/0[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B]Int:[/B]    10 +0 (2p.)        [B]Speed:[/B] 30'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] none[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B]Wis:[/B]  14  +2 (6p.)       [B]Init:[/B] +3           [B]Spell Save:[/B] N/A[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B]Cha:[/B]  16  +3 (10p.)     [B]ACP:[/B] -1          [B]Spell Fail:[/B] N/A[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]         [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex    DB   Nat   Misc     Total[/B][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B]Armor:[/B]  10         +3     +0      +3    +1     +0     +0         17[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B]Touch:[/B] 14              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 13[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]                      [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B][/FONT]
[B][FONT=Arial]Fort:[/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial]                 +2        +2     +3       +7[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Ref:                   +0        +3     +3       +7[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Will:                  +0        +2     +3       +5[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Longbow                    +5         1d8           20/x3[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Dagger (melee)           +1        1d4-1       19-20/x2[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Dagger (thrown)          +5        1d4-1        19-20/x2[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Languages: Common[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Abilities: Light armor prof., Smite with bow, Smite Evil 4/day, Detect Evil, Aura of Good, Divine Grace, Lay on Hands (9hp)[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Feats: Point Blank Shot, Percise Shot, Negotiator[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Skill Points: 20       Max Ranks: 5/2[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Skills                        Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Diplomacy                     5      +2    +2      +8[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Knowledge(religion)        5      +0              +4[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Knowledge(nobility)        5      +0              +4[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Ride                             5       +3               +7[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Sense Motive                5       +2     +2      +8[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Equipment:                    Cost     Weight[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Longbow                        75gp       3lb[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Quiver (20arrows)             1gp        3lb[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Dagger (3)                        2gp        3lb[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Backpack                        2gp        2lb[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Studded Leather             25gp       20lb[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Hooded Lamp                   7gp        2lb[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Signet Ring                      5gp         --[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Mirror, Small                   10gp     1/2lb[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Soap                                5sp       1lb[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Total Weight:34.5lb      Money: 22gp 5sp[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]                 Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Max Weight:  30lb   60lb  90lb 90lb  450lb[/FONT]

Age: 42
Height: 6'2''
Weight: 185lbs
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Skin Color: Dark
Eye Color: Green

Apperance: Claude is a tall and lean individual who always walks with confidence but is now showing the signs of aging and is beging to stoop slightly. He has a small goatee and his hair is long but is braided so it doesn't effect him in combat, his age is showing in his hair with little flecks of grey. His eyes are a very intimidating to most people due to the brightness of them and how they seem to see through you. Claude perfers to dress in simple clothing and never shows off his signet ring, it's a personal reminder not jewlery.Claude speaks in a with a french accent due to the Reygurians having a different dialect of Common. When he speaks he perfers to ask the questions but is always pleasent in conversation. Claude always has a dagger on him which is straped on to the back of his belt loop.

Backstory: Claude Francois Grignard was the son of a mercenary capitan father and a seamstress mother and lived on family land that was given to them because of his fathers time spent in the military. His father was not a mercenary by choice but it was the only way he was capable at the time. Claude's Father taught him that honour in combat and off the field off battle was the proper way to live. Claude grew up on the farm and was taught to hunt game with wits and bow. One day, the Lord of the town was walking through the town after his son died at birth. As the Lord walked Claude saw the lord coming and knelt with his hand over his heart. The lord looked at the boy stunned at the reaction, at that moment he knew who was going to be his adopted son, Claude was ten at this point.

His parents were honoured that their boy was now part of the noble chaste. The Lord was fairly young but in Reygur coups are common so the need for a child to take the land is neccesary. Claude grew up to become a politician but he never was a capable liar, so he spent every moment he could with a longbow (givien to him by his father as a parting gift) training his aim. The lord began to see that his son could be used much morre efficiently as a bodyguard. Claude understood what was happening but stayed by his fathers teachings and honoured his adopted father. This allowed for the lord to grow old without fear of a violent coup.

When Claude was 38 there was a famine that hit the town but the Lord did nothing to aid the people of the town. Claude asked him to take some of his wealth to aid the towns folk but his words fell on deaf ears. The people revolted one day and broke into the lords manor. Claude managed to talk to the crowd and allow him and the Lord to be exiled, the townsfolk agreed. Claude rode with the Lord to the next town, rode with him to the inn and then kept on riding. he now looks for repentance for all of the towns folk that he did not help in that plague.
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First Post
[sblock=Level 2 changes]
Aidan's advancement:
Level 2 - HR'ed Monk variant
Skills: Tumble +2, Craft(Bowmaking) +2, Spot +2, Listen +2
Bonus Feat: Combat Reflexes
Flurry of Blows (-1,-1)
0 AC bonus
1d6 Unarmed damage
+1 base to all saves
+1 BAB
4 HP 1d8=4[/sblock]

[sblock=Level 3 changes]
Level 3 - HR'ed Monk variant
Skills: Knowledge- Arcana +2(CrossClass), Spot +2, Listen +2
+10 Feet Movement Speed
+0/+0 Flurry of Blows
+1 BAB
+1 DB
Feat: Dodge
Still Mind - Swapping for the feat "Defensive Throw"
4 HP 1d8+2=4
(Invisible Castle hates Aidan.)

Levelup RP:
Aidan's quiet time was pondering his current path. After all, he'd done nothing to truly help the party besides take a hit or two. Perhaps he was nothing more than a farmboy, and couldn't rise above it? Even if that were the case, he could not abandon Lora as it is, as he still felt that she needed him around whether she knew it or not, and he still did not have the money for his father. With that in mind, Aidan knew he had to push harder. He'd get where he needed to be faster. He HAD to hit when he attacked. When he was defending, he would not be hit, instead he'd trip his opponent and hit them, hard. He couldn't fail. No. This wasn't the time for Aidan to give up. He'd simply learn from his encounters. After his experience with Rathman, his memories went back to his father's circlefighting days.

The man hadn't fought much in Aidan's memory, but the man had always capitalized on his opponent's mistakes, throwing them off balance and swiftly ending things should they become too clumsy to present a true challenge. Whenever they'd miss, his father would throw them to the ground. He'd never gotten the hang of the technique, but his father had told him one day he'd learn. That time had to be now. He would master it, or his name wasn't Aidan Burke!
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Myth and Legend

First Post
[sblock=Domain Wizard: Witchcraft]Witchcraft Domain:

0. Create Water - Witches are known potion brewers, have bubbling cauldrons, are in tune with nature.
1. Speak with Animals - A Witch living in the forest usually allies herself with the critters dwelling there, protecting their habitat in exchange for their eyes and ears.
2. Alter Self - Has to be able to turn into a black cat!
3. Phantom Steed - but we swap the horse for a broom. Lol :)
4. Freedom of Movement - she is supernaturally unaffected by terrain. And grappling.
5. Baleful Polymorph - A HEX ON YOU!
6. Heal - because a Witch has to be able to undo her own curses.
7. Control Weather - A very Witch like spell methinks.
8. Polymorph Any Object - the ultimate in Witch hexing or form manipulation.
9. Gate - When a Witch is so powerful, she can travel to other planes. Or summon servants who can rip armies apart.[/sblock]

[sblock=Lora levels up to level 2:]

Class: Wizard
HP: 1d4=1
Saves: Will +1
BAB: +1
Spells per day: 0 level: 4, 1st level: 2 + 1 [int] / day
Spells learned: [sblock=Benign Transposition]Conjuration (Teleportation)
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 1
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets: Two willing creatures of up to Large size
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Calling out the arcane words, you suddenly stand where your companion was, and he has taken your place, outside the reach of his foes.

Two target creatures, of which you can be one, instantly swap positions. Both subjects must be within range. Objects carried by the creatures (up to the creatures’ maximum loads) go with them, but other creatures do not, even if they are carried. The movement is instantaneous and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Source: Spell Compendium[/sblock][sblock=Backbiter]Necromancy
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 1
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One weapon
Duration: 1 round/level or until discharged
Saving Throw: Will negates; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)

The weapon you indicate during the spell’s casting briefly shimmers with a black aura that disappears in an eyeblink.

You cast this spell on any melee weapon. The next time that weapon is used to make a melee attack, its shaft twists around so that the weapon strikes the wielder instead. The weapon hits automatically, and no attack roll is made.

The wielder gets no warning or knowledge of the spell’s effect on his weapon, and although he makes the attack, the self-dealt damage can’t be consciously reduced (though damage reduction applies) or changed to nonlethal damage. Once the weapon attacks its wielder (whether successfully or not), the spell is discharged. Magic weapons targeted by this spell receive a Will save. An item in a creature’s possession uses its own Will save bonus or its wielder’s bonus, whichever is higher.

Speak with animals (Witchcraft Domain)

Focus: A dagger. Source: Spell Compendium[/sblock]

Skills: 4base + 4Int mod. + 1 human bonus

Concentration +1. Craft (Drawing) +1, Knowledge (Arcana) +1, Knowledge (History) +1, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +1, Knowledge (Religion) +1, Knowledge (Local) +1, Spellcraft: +1, Tumble +0.5 (cross-class)[/sblock]

[sblock=Lora levels up to level 3]Class: Wizard
HP: 1d4+2=6
Saves: Fort +1, Ref + 1, Will +3
BAB: +1
Spells per day: 0 level: 4, 1st level: 2 + 1 [int] / day, 2nd level: 1+ 1 [int]
Spells learned: Glitterdust, [sblock=Cloud of Bewilderment]Conjuration
Level: Bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: 10-ft. cube
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; see text
Spell Resistance: No

As you exhale the last syllables of the incantation, your breath forms an invisible spray of noxious air.

This spell creates a small cloud of nauseating vapors. Any living creature in the area becomes nauseated. This condition lasts as long as the creature is in the cloud and for 1d4+1 rounds after it leaves. Any creature that succeeds on its save but remains in the cloud must continue to save each round on your turn.

The cloud obscures sight, including darkvision, providing concealment to creatures within the area or against attacks made through the cloud.

Material Component: A rotten egg. Source: Spell Compendium[/sblock]

Alter Self (Witchcraft Domain)

Skills: 4base + 4Int mod. + 1human bonus

Concentration +1. Craft (Drawing) +1, Knowledge (Arcana) +1, Knowledge (History) +1, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +1, Knowledge (Religion) +1, Knowledge (Local) +1, Spellcraft: +1, Tumble +0.5 (cross-class)

Feats: Sculpt Spell[/sblock]

[sblock=Lora levels up to level 4]Class: Wizard
HP: 1d4+2=5
Saves: Fort +1, Ref + 1, Will +4
BAB: +2
Attribute: +1 INT
Spells per day: 0 level: 4, 1st level: 3 + 1 [int] / day, 2nd level: 2 + 1 [int]
Spells learned: [sblock=Create Magic Tattoo]Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

You finish the last detail and lean back to look at your work. The tattoo looks good. It should prove useful.

This spell creates a single magic tattoo. You determine the exact type of tattoo, though the selection is limited by your caster level, as indicated below. You must possess a modicum of artistic talent to sketch the desired tattoo—at least 1 rank of Craft (drawing), Craft (painting), Craft (calligraphy), or a similar Craft skill. Inscribing a magic tattoo requires a successful Craft check. The DC varies with the kind of tattoo, as noted below.

If you are a 3rd- to 6th-level caster, you can inscribe a tattoo that generates any one of the following effects (Craft DC 10).

• +2 resistance bonus on one type of saving throw (Fortitude, Reflex, or Will).
• +1 luck bonus on attack rolls.
• +1 deflection bonus to AC.

At 7th to 12th caster level, you can add the following tattoos to the list that you can inscribe (Craft DC

• +2 resistance bonus on saving throws.
• +2 competence bonus on attack rolls.

When your caster level reaches 13th, you can add the following to the list of tattoos you can inscribe (Craft DC 20).

• Spell resistance equal to 10 + 1 per three caster levels.
• +2 enhancement bonus to any one ability score.
• +1 spellcaster level. This effect increases the subject’s effective level, but not the total number of spells. For example, an 11th-level caster who receives this tattoo functions as a 12th-level caster for the purpose of determining level-based spell variables (such as range, area, effect, and so on), but he does not receive any extra spells.

A single creature can have only three magic tattoos at a time. Any attempt to apply more than that automatically fails.

A successful erase spell removes a single magic tattoo. A successful dispel magic spell can remove multiple magic tattoos if targeted on the creature bearing them.

Material Component: Tattoo inks in appropriate colors costing at least 100 gp.
Focus: Tattoo needles. Source: Spell Compendium[/sblock][sblock=Ray of Stupidity]Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Ray
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

A bright yellow beam bursts from your extended fingertips. The beam emits an “uh” sound, like someone trying to think of a word.

This ray clouds the mind of your enemy, damaging its intellect. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack with the ray to strike a target. A subject struck by the ray takes 1d4+1 points of Intelligence damage. If the target is a wizard, she might temporarily lose the ability to cast some or all of her spells if her Intelligence drops too low.
Material Component: A miniature cone-shaped hat. Source: Spell Compendium[/sblock]

Skills: 4base + 4Int mod. + 1 human bonus

Concentration +1. Craft (Drawing) +1, Knowledge (Arcana) +1, Knowledge (History) +1, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +1, Knowledge (Religion) +1, Knowledge (Local) +1, Spellcraft: +1, Tumble +0.5 (cross-class)[/sblock]

[sblock=Lora levels up to level 5]Class: Wizard
HP: 4 + 3 (Con)
Saves: Fort +1, Ref + 1, Will +4
BAB: +2
Spells per day: 0 level: 4 + 1 (Domain), 1st level: 3 + 1 [int] + 1 (Domain), 2nd level: 2 + 1 [int] + 1 (Domain), 3rd level: 1 + 1 [int] + 1 (Domain)
Spells learned: Stinking Cloud, Wind Wall, Phantom Broom (Witchcraft Domain)

Skills: 4base + 4Int mod. + 1 human bonus

Concentration +1. Craft (Drawing) +1, Knowledge (Arcana) +1, Knowledge (History) +1, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +1, Knowledge (Religion) +1, Knowledge (Local) +1, Spellcraft: +1, Tumble +0.5 (cross-class)

Trade: Wizard Bonus Feat (level 5) for Spontaneous Divination (CC, pg. 52)

[sblock=Spontaneous Divination]You can use your connection to the divine to inquire about mysteries beyond mortal ken.

Level: 5th, 10th, 15th, or 20th.

Replaces: This benefit replaces the bonus feat gained by a wizard at 5th, 10th, 15th, or 20th level.

Benefit: You can spontaneously cast any spell of the divination school by sacrificing a prepared spell of equal or greater level. For example, if you suddenly have need of the 2nd-level spell locate object, you can sacrifice a prepared 2nd-level spell (such as mirror image) or any prepared spell of a higher level to cast it on the spot.[/sblock]
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First Post
Jareth Kyras, Human Duskblade

Here's Jareth, with the trades I made and you okay'ed, HM, in the sblock below.


Name: Jareth Kyras
Player: Dragonwriter

Race: Human
Class: Duskblade (PH2)
Level: 7
XPs: 24,545 current/28,000 next level

Patron God: None
Alignment: Neutral
Str: 17 (10 points +1 level)
Dex: 14 (6 points)
Con: 14 (6 points)
Int: 16 (10 points)
Wis: 11 (3 points)
Cha: 8 (0 points)
HP: 42 (7d8+14)
AC: 19 (+2 Dex, +4 Armor, +3 BAB Dodge)
Init: +2
Speed: 30 feet
BAB: +7/+2
Mel: +10/+5
Rng: +9/+4
Fort: +5+2
Refl: +2+2
Will: +5+0+2
Special Abilities
Race: Bonus Feat, Bonus Skill Point (x4 at 1st level)

Class: Arcane Attunement (6/day), Armored Mage (light), spell casting, Arcane Channeling, Quick Cast 1/day


Feats: Magical Aptitude (bonus HR) Exotic Weapon Proficiency (spiked chain) (Human), Combat Expertise (1st), Dodge (bonus trade, Armor Prof.), Mobility (bonus trade, Shield Prof.), Improved Trip (bonus trade, Weapon Prof.), Combat Reflexes (bonus trade at 2nd – Combat Casting ), Knock-Down (3rd), Spring Attack (bonus trade at 4th – Armored Mage Medium), Sidestep Charge (bonus trade at 6th – Spell Power +2), Power Attack (6th), Iron Will (bonus trade at 7th – Armored Mage Heavy Shield)

Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven, Orcish

Skills (8/level (2+2 HR+1+Int), x4 at 1st)
Trained or Untrained: +X (=Rank + Stat Mod + Other)
Climb +8 (=7+3-2)
Concentration +12 (=10+2+0)
Jump +11 (=6+3+2)
Ride +12 (=10+2+0)
Sense Motive +10 (=10+0+0)
Swim +9 (=6+3+0)

Trained Only: +X (=Rank + Stat Mod + Other)
Knowledge (arcana) +13 (=10+3+0)
Spellcraft +17 (=10+3+2+2)
Tumble +14 (=10+2+2)
Magic Items (location, weight): +1 Spiked Chain (belt or hands, 10 lbs), CMW potion (CL 9) (belt pouch), Seal of Kem (Medallion of Thoughts)

Other Equipment:
Weapons: +1 Spiked Chain +11 melee (2d4+5 piercing, 10 lbs, 2,325 GP), MWK Dagger +11 melee (1d4+3 slashing or piercing, 19-20/x2, 1 lb, 302 GP), Light Crossbow with 30 MWK Bolts +10 ranged (1d8 piercing, 19-20/x2, 4 lbs, 35 GP)

Armor, Clothes: Mithral Chain Shirt (+4 AC, +6 max DEX, -0 ACP, 12.5 lbs, 1,100 GP) Traveler’s outfit (free), Signet Ring on his left index finger (5 GP, 0 lbs)

Container: Backpack

Contents: bedroll, hemp rope (50 ft.), 2 sunrods, 8 days of trail rations, bolt cases (3)

Container: Belt Pouch 1

Contents: flint and steel, waterskin, Cure Moderate Wounds potion (CL 9)

Container: Belt Pouch 2

Contents: coins

And a spell component pouch on his belt as well.

PP: 6
GP: 13
SP: 10
CP: 0
Gems/Other: 0
Light: 0-86 lbs.
Medium: 87-173 lbs.
Heavy: 174-260 lbs.
Current: ~64 lbs.
Caster Level: 6 (DC 13+level)
Spells per day: 6/7/6
Lvl 0 Spells: Touch of Fatigue, Acid Splash, Ray of Frost, Disrupt Undead
Lvl 1 Spells: Color Spray, Shocking Grasp, Burning Hands, True Strike, Ray of Enfeeblement
Lvl 2 Spells: Scorching Ray, Touch of Idiocy, Bull’s Strength
Description (include Age, gender, height, weight, physical description):
Jareth is a young man, barely 19 years of age, standing at 5’10” and weighing about 115 pounds. His short red hair frames a soft-looking face, while his bright green eyes seem to always be searching for something. He cuts a reasonable figure, taut muscles in his arms and chest, a slim waist and all-around athletic build. However, his face is regularly scowling (no matter what he is thinking) and he has a tendency to hunch a little.
He generally wears his slightly-beaten suit of studded leather armor, and coils a vicious-looking length of spiked chain at his hip. The chain never leaves his side, though he does remove the armor at times. The strange weapon is not the only thing that tends to set him apart… A signet ring with the blazoning of a sword lying across a book can sometimes be glimpsed on his left index finger, though he usually wears gloves which cover the ring itself.
Jareth was born the second son of four (and had two younger sisters) to Pesh’s ambassador to the elves. While he was a good kid, he was lazy, despite his parents trying to instill a work ethic in him. Much to their own detriment, his father tried to get young Jareth interested in the magic of the elves. The kid was too lazy for all that book-studying, though he did enjoy the results of magic. He preferred to play around, running, climbing and mock-fighting with his brothers. His father appealed to a half-elven friend, a skilled duskblade in his own right, to help him and find a path for his son. This friend, Tharivol Ilphunodel, watched the boy and learned more about him and his interests, then offered to train him in the ways of the elven warrior-mages, the Order of the Duskblades. The child (actually, by this time he was 12) was skeptical, but agreed to watch Tharivol show what he might be able to learn.

The half-elven sword-wizard hugely impressed the boy, throwing small blasts of fire at a simple dummy and slicing expertly through the air with their razor-sharp swords, leaving glistening arcs of lightning in the air when they missed and vicious blasts of electrical discharge when they landed. He thrilled at the opportunity! Over the next six years, Tharivol trained him in secret, though his own understanding and teaching was different from his own instructors, teaching Jareth a different fighting style. The boy demonstrated an uncanny knack for the art of the duskblades, even learning how to skillfully wield the unusual spiked chain (though his first try ended with him badly spraining his wrist). However, he didn’t care for his parents nigh-constantly pushing him to do more. He would occasionally lash out at them verbally, not thinking of what he would say. His training wasn’t quite done when his father was recalled by Pesh’s government to speak with the Treylor Empire, to try diffusing the slowly growing hostilities. Tharivol offered to keep the boy on and finish his training, then send him along to his father, to which they all agreed, though Jareth’s father left with some regret.

The next year saw Jareth finish his training, upon which his half-elven teacher presented him with a new chain to use as a weapon, one he said had been commissioned by his father as a gift for him when he was finished. Tharivol gave him a mount and directions to reach his father in Treylor. The young man, though, had different ideas. He rode back to Pesh, sold the horse and started working as a bodyguard for merchants and the like. Two months after his arrival, soldiers appeared at the small apartment he was staying in. They brought grim news… His father had been executed in Treylor as they mobilized for war, and of the rest of his family, there was no word. The soldiers handed him a consolation letter from the government and his father’s signet ring, then left abruptly. Jareth was stunned…

He sat there, ignoring hunger and the passage of time, simply in shock. Then he realized what he needed to do. His father had been the reason for his talents and his current work. He would use them against Treylor, would make Treylor pay in blood! He immediately went to the nearest army garrison, volunteering to head straight to the front lines…[/sblock][/sblock]

And here's the trades I made (class features, skills and profiencies)

[sblock=Duskblade Changes]Traded Medium and Heavy Armor Proficiency and Shield Proficiency for Dodge and Mobility feats.

Traded Proficiency with all Martial weapons for bonus feat (Improved Trip).

Traded class skills Craft, Decipher Script, and all Knowledge except Arcana for Tumble as a class skill.
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First Post
[sblock="Trinham Level up to Level 2"]Class: Battle Sorcerer (2)
BAB: +1
HP: 11 = 9 + Level 2 Hit Points (1d8=1) + 1
Grapple: +2
Will: 3 +0 +0 +3
Weapon Attack Damage Critical
Crossbow, Light +3 1d8 19-20/x2 80'
Dagger +2 1d4+1 19-20/x2
Dagger (Thrown) +3 1d4 19-20/x2 10'
Longsword +2 1d8+1 19-20/x2
Skills: Concentrate +1, Intimidate +1, Knowledge (Arcana) +2, Spellcraft +1

[B]New Spells:[/B]

Sorcerer Level 0 Spells
- Ghost Sound

[B]Level:		 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9[/B]
[B]Spells Per Day:[/B]	 5   4   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -

HP: 5
Will: +3 +1 0 +4[/sblock][sblock=Trinham Level up to Level 3]Class: Battle Sorcerer(3)
BAB: +2
HP: 13 = 9 + Level 2 Hit Points (1d8=1) + 1 + Level 3 Hit Points (1d8+1=2)
Grapple: +3
Fort: 1 +1 +0 +2
Ref: 1 +2 +0 +3
Crossbow, Light +4 1d8 19-20/x2 80'
Dagger +3 1d4+1 19-20/x2
Dagger (Thrown) +4 1d4 19-20/x2 10'
Longsword +3 1d8+1 19-20/x2

New Feat: Skill Focus (Spellcraft)

Skill Points: 30 Max Ranks: 6/3
Concentration 6 +1 +0 +7
Concentration (Cast defensively)6 +1 +4 +11
Intimidate 6 +4 +0 +10
Knowledge (Arcana) 4 +0 +0 +4
Spellcraft 6 +0 +3 +9

[B]New Spells:[/B]

Sorcerer Level 1 Spells
- Sleep

[B]Level:		 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9[/B]
[B]Spells Per Day:[/B]	 5   5   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -

Int: 07 -2
HP: 6
Ref: 2 +2 +0 +4

[B]                    Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +0    +0     +2    +2    +2    +0    16
[B]Touch:[/B] 16              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 14

New Special Ability:
- Deliver touch spells

HM. Mogins' update was wrong. Also, I seemed to have the Ref Saving Throw were wrong in the Character Sheet.[/sblock][sblock=Trinham Level up to Level 4]Class: Battle Sorcerer(4)
Con: 14 (+2) = 13 (05p) + 1 (for 4th lvl)
BAB: +3
HP: 20 = 9 + Level 2 Hit Points (1d8=1) + 1 + Level 3 Hit Points (1d8+1=2) +3 (for 4 lvl Con Increase) + Level 4 Hit Points (1d8+2=4) [/url]
Grapple: +4
Fort: 1 +2 +0 +3
Ref: 4 +2 +0 +4
Crossbow, Light +5 1d8 19-20/x2 80'
Dagger +4 1d4+1 19-20/x2
Dagger (Thrown) +5 1d4 19-20/x2 10'
Longsword +4 1d8+1 19-20/x2

Skill Points: 35 Max Ranks: 7/3.5
Concentration 7 +2 +0 +9
Concentration (Cast defensively)7 +2 +4 +13
Intimidate 7 +4 +0 +11
Knowledge (Arcana) 6 +0 +0 +6
Spellcraft 7 +0 +5 +12

[B]New Spells:[/B]

Sorcerer Level 0 Spells
- Detect Magic

Sorcerer Level 0 Spells
- Protection from Arrows

[B]Level:		 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9[/B]
[B]Spells Per Day:[/B]	 5   6   3   -   -   -   -   -   -   -

HP: 10
Will:{/b] 4 +1 +0 +5
[/sblock][sblock=Trinham Level up to Level 5]Class: Battle Sorcerer(5)
Level: 5
XP: 10000
HP: 23 = 9 + Level 2 Hit Points (1d8=1) + 1 + Level 3 Hit Points (1d8+1=2) +3 (for 4 lvl Con Increase) + Level 4 Hit Points (1d8+2=4) + Level 5 Hit Points (1d8+2=3)

Skill Points: 40 Max Ranks: 8/4
Concentration 8 +2 +0 +10
- Cast defensively 8 +2 +4 +14
Intimidate 8 +4 +0 +12
Knowledge (Arcana) 8 +0 +0 +8
Spellcraft 8 +0 +5 +13

[B]New Spells:[/B]

Sorcerer Level 1 Spells
- Grease

[B]Level:         0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9[/B]
[B]Spells Per Day:[/B]     5   6   4   -   -   -   -   -   -   -

HP: ??
natural Armor Adj: +3
Int: 8
Special: Speak with Master

[sblock=HM]In line with your PM, I suggest putting Master/Familiar speech in
spoiler blocks
[/sblock][sblock=Trinham Level up to Level 6]Class: Battle Sorcerer(6)
Level: 6
XP: 15000
BAB: +4
HP: 30 = 9 + Level 2 Hit Points (1d8=1) + 1 + Level 3 Hit Points (1d8+1=2) +3 (for 4 lvl Con Increase) + Level 4 Hit Points (1d8+2=4)+ Level 5 Hit Points (1d8+2=3) + Level 6 Hit Points (1d8+2=7)

Grapple: +5
Fort: 2 +2 +0 +4
Ref: 2 +2 +0 +4
Will: 5 +0 +0 +5
Crossbow, Light +6 1d8 19-20/x2 80'
Dagger +5 1d4+1 19-20/x2
Dagger (Thrown) +6 1d4 19-20/x2 10'
Longsword +5 1d8+1 19-20/x2

New Feat: Mind Over Body

Skill Points: 45 Max Ranks: 9/4.5
Concentration 9 +2 +0 +11
Concentration (Cast defensively)9 +2 +4 +15
Hide 3 +2 +2 +7
Knowledge (Arcana) 9 +0 +0 +9
Spellcraft 9 +0 +5 +14

[B]New Spells:[/B]

Sorcerer Level 0 Spells
- Replace [i]Daze[/i] with [i]Prestidigitation[/i]
- New spell [i]Acid Splash[/i]

Sorcerer Level 3 Spells
- [i]Fireball[/i]

[B]Level:              0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9[/B]
[b]Known Spells:[/b]       6   3   1   1
[B]Spells Per Day:[/B]     5   6   5   3   -   -   -   -   -   -

Int: 8*
HP: 15
Will: 5 +1 +0 +6

* Int should have been increased at Level 5
[/sblock][sblock=Trinham Level up to Level 7]Class: Battle Sorcerer(7)
Level: 7
XP: 21000
BAB: +5
HP: 36 = 9 + Level 2 Hit Points (1d8=1) + 1 + Level 3 Hit Points (1d8+1=2) +3 (for 4 lvl Con Increase) + Level 4 Hit Points (1d8+2=4)+ Level 5 Hit Points (1d8+2=3) + Level 6 Hit Points (1d8+2=7) + Level 7 Hit Points (1d8+2=6)

Grapple: +6

Crossbow, Light +7 1d8 19-20/x2 80'
Longsword +1, Dragonbane +7 1d8+2 19-20/x2
Masterwork Dagger +7 1d4+1 19-20/x2
Masterwork Dagger (Thrown)+8 1d4 19-20/x2 10'

Skill Points: 50 Max Ranks: 10/5
Concentration 10 +2 +0 +12
Concentration (Cast defensively)10 +2 +4 +16
Diplomacy 1 +4 +0 +5
Knowledge (Arcana) 10 +0 +0 +10
Spellcraft 10 +0 +5 +15

Longsword +1, Dragonbane - 4lbs
Ring of Sustenance/ with Pearl of Power - 0lbs

[B]New Spells:[/B]

Sorcerer Level 1 Spells
- New spell [i]Feather Fall[/i]

Sorcerer Level 2 Spells
- New spell [i]Gliterdust[/i]

[B]Level:         0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9[/B]
[b]Known Spells:[/b]       6   4   2   1
[B]Spells Per Day:[/B]     5   6   6   4   -   -   -   -   -   -

Int: 9
BAB: +5
HP: 18
AC: 19
New Ability: Speak with Animals of Its Kind (Feline)

Weapon Attack Damage Critical
Claw +7 1
Bite +7 1
[/sblock][sblock=Reavers' Equipment]Armor: 10 +3 +0 +2 +0 +0 +0 15
Touch: 12 Flatfooted: 13

Crossbow Masterwork Bolts +7 1d8 19-20/x2 80'
Masterwork Dagger +6 1d4+1 19-20/x2
Masterwork Dagger (Thrown)+7 1d4 19-20/x2 10'
Magic Longsword +5+? 1d8+1+? 19-20/x2

Equipment - Removed
- Waterskin (Filled)                     1gp    2lbs
- Torch                                  1cp    2lbs
- Bolts, Crossbow (10)                   1gp    1lbs
- Dagger                                 2gp    1lbs
- Leather Armour                         10gp   15lbs
- Longsword                              15gp   4lbs

Equipment - Added
Masterwork Bolts (Crossbow/10)                  1lbs
Masterwork Dagger                               1lbs
Masterwork Studded Leather                      20lbs
Magic Longsword (Properties unknown)            15lbs
[/sblock][sblock=Trinham Reboot]HP: 43 = 9 + Level 2 Hit Points (1d8=1) + 1 + Level 3 Hit Points (1d8+1=2) +3 (for 4 lvl Con Increase) + Level 4 Hit Points (1d8+2=4)+ Level 5 Hit Points (1d8+2=3) + Level 6 Hit Points (1d8+2=7) + Level 7 Hit Points (1d8+2=6) +7 (for Toughness Feat)

Remove Feat: Mind Over Body
New Feat: Toughness (Pathfinder)[/sblock]
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First Post
Male Human Fighter 2
Lawful Good
Representing Sphyh
XP: 2015

Strength 17(+3)
Dexterity 12(+1)
Constitution 16(+3)
Intelligence 12(+1)
Wisdom 10(+0)
Charisma 10(+0)

Size: Medium
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 195 lb
Skin: Light
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark Brown; Straight; Light Beard

Total Hit Points: 23
Speed: 20 feet [armor]
Armor Class: 18(19) = 10 +4 [scale] +1 [buckler] +1 [dexterity] +1 [natural] + 1 [dodge (applicable to one enemy)] + 1 [1/2BAB bonus]
Touch AC: 12
Flat-footed: 15

Initiative modifier:+1= +1 [dexterity]
Fortitude save:+6= 3 [base] +3 [constitution]
Reflex save:+1= 0 [base] +1 [dexterity]
Will save:+0= 0 [base]

Attack (handheld):+5= 2 [base] +3 [strength]
Attack (unarmed):+5= 2 [base] +3 [strength]
Attack (missile):+3= 2 [base] +1 [dexterity]
Grapple check:+5= 2 [base] +3 [strength]

Light load: 86 lb. or less
Medium load: 87-173 lb.
Heavy load: 174-260 lb.
Lift over head: 260 lb.
Lift off ground: 520 lb.
Push or drag: 1300 lb.

Languages: Common, High Speech

Greatsword [2d6, crit 19-20/x2, 8 lb., two-handed, slashing]
+2 (BAB) + 3 (STR) + 1 (Weapon Focus) – 1 (buckler) = +5
2d6 + 4 (STR x 1.5)

Spear [1d8, crit x3, 6lb., two-handed, piercing]
+2 (BAB) + 3 (STR) - 1 (buckler) = +4 (melee)/ 1d8 + 4 (STR x 1.5)
+2 (BAB) + 1 (DEX) - 1 (buckler) = +2 (ranged)/ 1d8 + 3 (STR)

Scale Mail [medium; +4 AC; max dex +3; check penalty -4; 30 lb.]
Buckler [+1 AC; check penalty -1; hardness 10; hp 5; 5 lb.]

Total Modifier = -5

Magic Items:
Amulet of Natural Armor +1

Power Attack
Weapon Focus: Greatsword
Alertness (+2/+2 Listen/Spot)

Skills – class skills in red

(Total Modifier = Ability + Ranks + Misc)
Appraise.............. - Int 1 = 1
Balance............... - Dex* -4 = 1+0-5
Bluff................. - Cha 0 = 0
Climb................. - Str* 2 = 3+4-5
Concentration......... - Con 3 = 3
Craft_1............... - Int 1 = 1
Diplomacy............. - Cha 0 = 0
Disguise.............. - Cha 0 = 0
Escape Artist......... - Dex* -4 = 1+0-5
Forgery............... - Int 1 = 1
Gather Info........... - Cha 0 = 0
Handle Animal(^)...... - Cha 0 = 0

Heal.................. - Wis 0 = 0
Hide.................. - Dex* -4 = 1+0-5
Intimidate............ - Cha 5 = 0+5
Jump.................. - Str* 2 = 3+4-5 [speed 20]
Listen................ - Wis 2 = 0+0+2
Move Silently......... - Dex* -4 = 1+0-5
Prof: Blacksmith(^)... - Wis 5 = 0+5
Ride.................. - Dex 1 = 1
Search................ - Int 1 = 1
Sense Motive.......... - Wis 0 = 0
Spot.................. - Wis 2 = 0+2
Survival.............. - Wis 2 = 0+2
Swim.................. - Str* -2 = 3+5-10
Use Rope.............. - Dex 1 = 1
* = check penalty for wearing armor
(^) – denotes skill trade to class

49 lb - Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
2 lb - Backpack
5 lb - Bedroll
0 lb - Flint and steel
2 lb - Hammer
1 lb - Lamp (common)
1 lb - Oil flasks x1
2 lb - Rations (1 day) x2
10 lb - Rope (50', hempen) x1
1 lb - Torches x1
4 lb - Waterskins x1
1 lb - Whetstone
0 lb - Amulet
78 lb Total

Gp – 27
Sp – 1
Cp – 7


A recount of things past…

I am a slave, born a slave. A slave of a noble from Pesh named Gomar. Gomar is a somewhat pompous but wise man. Growing up in a small community of slaves on the estate of the nobleman we were treated well enough. Gomar provided a place to live and basic education for the children until they were old enough to work. He said an educated and happy slave produced better work. He allowed the slaves to work under their fathers. My father, Trayson, a blacksmith taught me the trade from the age of 13. Being a blacksmith was all I knew. Seven years later and all I have to my name are two reputations – The Blacksmith and the Defender of the weak. From an early age my Father instilled in me a keen since of morality, not religion, but a respect for my fellow man. That it was necessary to defend the weak above all else and in return somewhere down the line the favor would be returned. I found myself in the fighter’s circle on others behalf’s more than once. I learned my fair share of hand-to-hand combat and sword play (with wooden swords of course).
I am now 20 years old and the Great King is calling upon us all to serve. I’m a slave. I’m unknown and ultimately I follow Gomar’s law, for he has the whip and the Great King doesn’t know I exist – why should I fear him? Because the Great King demands so many soldiers from each estate Gomar has proposed to me a proposition. Because he is to advanced in age to fight and his son to weak to wield a sword he will offer me my freedom in return for fighting in his stead. I will earn my freedom if I survive this war. I will not die a slave.

intended prestige class
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Frozen Messiah

First Post
[sblock=Claude level 2]
Class: Paladin 2
BAB: +2
Hp: 19 (1d10+2=7)
Grapple: +1
Fort Save: +3
Will save: +2
Ref save: +2
Skills: Diplomacy +1, Knowledge(nobility) +1, Knowledge(religion) +1, Ride +1, Sense Motive +1
Class Abilities: Divine Grace, Lay on Hands

[sblock= Claude level 3]
Class: Paladin 3
BAB: +3
Hp: 29 (1d10+2=10)
Grapple: +2
Fort Save: +4
Will save: +3
Ref save: +3
Skills: Diplomacy +6, Knowledge(nobility) +6, Knowledge(religion) +6, Ride +6, Sense Motive +6
Class Abilities: Aura of Courage, Divine Health
Feat: Mounted Combat

[sblock=Rebalanced paladin]
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First Post
[sblock=Jareth Level 2 Changes]
Jareth Level-up

HP (d8+2): +10
BAB increases to +2.
Fort and Will saves increase to +3.
Gain one more 0-level spell per day (total 4/day) and one more 1st-level spell per day (total 4/day). Learn new 1st-level spell (Burning Hands).
Gain bonus feat Combat Casting. Swap Combat Casting for Combat Reflexes.
Gain 8 skill points (2 base +2 House Rule +3 INT +1 Human): Concentration +1 (total 7), Sense Motive +1 (total 5), Ride +1 (total 6), Swim +2 (total 6) Knowledge: Arcana +1 (total 8), Spell craft +1 (total 10), Tumble +1 (total 6). Skill increases grant a +2 on Spellcraft checks and a +2 bonus on Jump checks due to synergies (Know: Arcana and Tumble, respectively).

[sblock=Jareth Level 3 Changes]
Jareth Level-up

HP (d8+2): +5.
BAB increases to +3.
Reflex save increases to +1.
Gain one more 0-level spell per day (total 5/day) and one more 1st-level spell per day (total 5/day). Learn new 1st-level spell (True Strike).
Gain Arcane Channeling class feature (see main character post).
Gain Knock-Down feat.
Gain 8 skill points (2 base +2 house rule +3 INT +1 Human): Concentration +1 (total 8), Knowledge (arcane) +1 (total 9), Spellcraft +1 (total 13), Tumble +1 (total 7), Ride +1 (total 7), Sense Motive +1 (total 6), Jump +2 (total 8). Gain synergy bonus from Jump on Tumble checks, raising Tumble to 9.

[sblock=Jareth Level 4 Changes]
Jareth Level-up

Attribute Increase: +1 to STR.
HP (d8+2): +4
BAB increases to +4 (increasing AC by 1, due to HR).
Fort and Will saves increase to +4.
Gain one more 0-level spell per day (total 6/day) and one more 1st-level spell per day (total 6/day). Learn new 1st-level spell (Ray of Enfeeblement).
Gain Armored Mage (Medium) class feature, trade for Spring Attack as bonus feat.
Gain 8 skill points (2 base +2 house rule +3 INT +1 human): Climb +2 (total 7), Concentration +1 (total 9), Knowledge (arcane) +1 (total 10), Ride +1 (total 7), Sense Motive +1 (total 7), Spellcraft +1 (total 14), Tumble +1 (total 10)

A change of heart?

[sblock=Jareth Level 5 Changes]
Jareth Level-up.

HP increase in attached die roll (d8+2). +5 HP
BAB increases to +5.
Learn 1 2nd-level spell (Scorching Ray) and gain 2 base 2nd-level spell slots, with extra 1 slot for high INT.
Gain Quick Cast 1/day class feature (cast any spell known as a Swift action).
Gain 8 skill points (2 base +2 house rule +3 INT +1 human): Concentration +1 (total 10), Knowledge (arcana) +1 (total 11), Ride +3 (total 10) Sense Motive +1 (total 8), Spellcraft +1 (total 15), Tumble +1 (total 11).

[sblock=Jareth Level 6 Changes]
Jareth Level-up.

HP increase in attached die roll (d8+2). +5 HP
BAB increases to +6/+1. AC bonus increases to +3, according to HR.
Saves increase by +1 each (to +5 Fort, +2 Ref, +5 Will).
Learn 1 2nd-level spell (undecided) and gain 1 extra 1st-level and 1 extra 2nd-level spell slot.
Gain Spell Power +2, trade for Sidestep Charge feat.
Gain Power Attack as 6th-level feat.
Gain 8 skill points (2 base +2 house rule +3 INT +1 human): Climb +2 (total 9), Concentration +1 (total 11), Knowledge (arcana) +1 (total 12), Ride +1 (total 11), Sense Motive +1 (total 9), Spellcraft +1 (total 16), Tumble +1 (total 12)

A change of status

[sblock=Jareth Level 7 Changes]
HP increase in attached die roll. (d8+2). 3
BAB increases to +7/+2.
Learn 1 spell (of 2nd-level, Bull’s Strength) and gain 2 extra 2nd-level spell slots.
Gain Armored Mage (Medium), trade for Iron Will feat.
Gain 8 skill points (2 base +2 house rule +3 INT +1 human): Concentration +1 (total 12), Jump +1 (total 11), Knowledge (arcana) +1 (total 13), Ride +1 (total 12), Sense Motive +1 (total 10), Spellcraft +1 (total 17), Swim +1 (total +9), Tumble +1 (total 14)
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