Rich beyond dreams (El Jefe Judging)


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"Dammit Lookspring, settle down." Phoenix hisses at her friend. "Help me stop him bleeding to death so we have a live one to turn back over to the captain for punishment and questioning. Do you want to make them more suspicious of what we may have in here than these three already were? Speaking of which, one of them ran away. We could have company in a minute if he lied to people about us just attacking them... I KNOW you don't wanna save him, but if ALL the sailors come here to fight and we kill them all then who's gonna sail the ship and keep us all afloat? What good is what we've got if we can't get somewhere to spend it? So, PLEASE pull out that wand and help me save him so we can get home and then back to the island for more of what we've already gotten, okay?" Phoenix pleads with Lookspring while trying to stop the flow of blood on the sailor.

OOC: Phoenix tries valiently to give first aid to the sailor and stop the bleeding out in case Lookspring refuses to help with the wand. If the wand isn't used and the sailor survives that long, she finally manages to stabalize him on the 4th round of trying...
Heal check for Sailor (1d20+0=12)
Heal check for Sailor (1d20+0=7)
Heal check for Sailor (1d20+0=1)
Heal check for Sailor (1d20+0=19)

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Lookspring snarls in response and says "Fine! But once we hit port all bets are off! These filthy swine don't deserve a touch of the wand, and I plan to undo the healing once we get home." He rummages through his belongings until he produces the wand. Bending down, he pauses to whisper to the sailor before using the wand. I'm going to feather you so full of arrows you'll look like a porcupine once we get back to Orussus, if the captain doesn't throw you overboard first. He then taps the sailor once with the wand before moving to the doorway to check the other sailor for signs of life. If he is still alive, he uses another charge before attending to his own wounds and Phoenix's.

OOC - Knocking off 4 charges, 2 for sailors, 1 for Phoenix, and 1 for Lookspring


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Both sailors stabilize. The one in the hallway is still unconscious. Strangely no one comes to see what the noise is or to answer the call of the runaway attacker.


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OOC: So the one in the room is conscious then? Assuming so, Phoenix asks "What exactly were you thinking man? You invade our privacy and when I speak to you, you pull out weapons and attack? Did you not hear how we two were of the few survivors that killed a many headed hydra...AFTER killing the giant bear it was chasing? What is your name, and the name of your companions so that I can report you three to the Captain."

OOC: If he's not conscious, Phoenix will investigate the strange silence that the third one ran off into.


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Lookspring collects his bow and quiver while Phoenix wakes up and questions first the sailor. He grabs the unconscious sailor in the hallway by the shoulders and drags him into the room so that he can keep an eye on both of them. Then he takes the silk rope from his backpack and proceeds to tie up both men back to back. He turns to Phoenix and says, "You know, we only need to turn over one of them. We don't need to keep both of them alive, really. The captain's going to put them both in irons anyway, so the ship will already be shorthanded. What does it matter if he's in the brig or dead? At least dead he's not eating and drinking up our stores." He fingers the point of one of his arrows as he eyes the first sailor to see how he reacts.

OOC - Use Rope +6 to tie them up.


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The sailor in the room is indeed conscious, although not completely healed (3hp). He stares at Phoenix while she is speaking and then spits blood at her. If you had not returned unexpectedly, no harm would be done. But now you shall pay, not by my hand or my companions but what doom have you brought!


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"He's gone crazy, probably been drinking salt water or had too much sun. Listen to him, mumbling on and on about doom like a lunatic. Poking a few holes in him would be the best thing for him, put him out of his misery." Despite his bluster, Lookspring sneaks a furtive glance toward the doorway, beginning to wonder what happened to the other sailor. "We should go find out where the other one went. Maybe they're trying to mutiny! Let's kill this one, or at least knock him unconscious so he can't get into any trouble while we're gone." He bends down to check the sailors ropes and make sure he doesn't have any hidden knives with which to free himself.

OOC - Search +4 to check for daggers or whatnot.


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sailor ignores Lookspring and grins at Phoenix replying: You have interfered in business you could not begin to imagine. You will know when you are ruled by the lowliest of society. cackling laughter consumes the sailor a moment then he sits quietly smiling.


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"Lookspring, help me drag him into the hall and tie him to his unconscious friend." Phoenix says. She tries to help Lookspring tie the man to the other, but the knots are beyond her and she's better off not helping at all. Use Rope check (1d20+2=3)

Once they have the man secured as best they can, she reignites her mindblade and looks to her companion, "Well, lets head up on deck and see what is going on Lookspring." Taking the lead, she goes towards the nearest deck access.

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