RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

Hand of Vecna

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[sblock=Shoulder Daemons]Oh, no! The Minister must have come back and gotten Jim! That poor boy!

Poor boy? Yo saw what he tried to do to us!

Do? You mean 'be brainwashed by an unethical, amoral villain?'

Bah! Good riddance to him anyway, he probably would've wound up suing us for shooting him. Those actor-types, so temperamental....

Man, we really dropped the ball here. Minister got away, Jim and that Speedster, too...

Eh, we got his research, and we caught Archer, who seemed to be doing the real work anyway.

I suppose....

And we got to shoot things![/sblock]

Archeville helps make sure all the debris from the exploded force field generator is collected.

He also checks to make sure Archer's notebook and used syringe and the Minister's laptop harddrive are all still in his labcoat pockets.

Before boarding the shuttle, he asks Mr. Jones, "Zhe grenades you stored in your hat, are zhey still intact? Or did zhey go off along mit all zhe others?"

And, lastly, he also asks the soldiers/Major Sinclair the status of Archer, whether or not he's still comatose.

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Well, looks like I failed my first mission. Can't believe the minister got away... It's all my fault. Zenji walks back to the rendezvous point, silent.


"Did anyone get a guard's shoulder pad" Asks Jones, "That T didn't look like it stood for The Minister."

Hand of Vecna said:
Before boarding the shuttle, he asks Mr. Jones, "Zhe grenades you stored in your hat, are zhey still intact? Or did zhey go off along mit all zhe others?"

Mr Jones reaches into his hat rumages around and pulls out ...

[sblock=ooc]Either a nice shiney grenade or a pile of rubbish, or something else.[/sblock]


First Post
rgordona said:
Mr Jones reaches into his hat rumages around and pulls out ...

A rabbit!
Just Kidding :D

Mr. Jones pulls out a few of the grenades, they appear to still be in in working condition. Whatever signal emenated from the generator didn't (or couldn't) pirce of the mystical bonds of the Magician's hat.

"Archer is being air lifted to Sacred Heart Medical Center, he seems to be in stable condition, and EMT didn't think he injected himself with anything worse then an IV.

Archeville retains the syringe, harddrive and notebook.

Hand of Vecna

First Post
"Vell, the soldiers are rounding up zhe guards, so ve should be able to examine their shoulder pads back at--"

Archeville's eyes light up at the sight of the grenades, "Oh, Herr Jones, I shall haff to buy season passes to your shows... what secrets zhese tiny wonders may hold.... er, und I may be able to get some info on Archer's arms dealer from zhem!"

OOC: Not to make it sound like I want this to end -- I've been having a blast! -- but do we RP out the debriefing here, or is this pretty much wrapped up?


First Post
OOC: I have no objections to rping out the briefing...I am more than willing to if you're all up for it. I do have to say this has been one of the most fun games I've ever had the pleasure to participate in.


First Post
I hope you guys don't mind but I'll "abstain" from the debriefing... To be completely honest I don't know how much good I'd be, I really don't remember most of the specifics of the game... It's just been so long, y'know? No offense meant to Raylis, it was a great game, but even in a regular session I have the attention span of a fish stick.


Raylis said:
A rabbit!
Just Kidding :D

If only. :> A rabbit is probably pushing things a bit for create object even with the precise feat. Maybe Jones should spend a reward point to get Summon Minion 1 - Rabbits, Doves, etc.

"Archer is being air lifted to Sacred Heart Medical Centre, he seems to be in stable condition, and EMT didn't think he injected himself with anything worse then an IV."

Oh the joy of being treated by JD et al. And that EMT is rubbish, putting yourself in a coma with an IV how is archer supposed to have done that :>

OOC 2 - I've no problem RPing the debrief, or not. I suspect it would be mostly Dr A's show, Jones is hardly an investigative genius. (I would not mind confronting little miss "I'm a Major in the US army even if I only look 16." about her secret past.)

I guess the key point is will there be a follow up adventure, if so then it may be worth playing out the debriefing so that whoever plays the follow up need only read the debrief to get an idea of the history.

If we do stop here then a very big thanks to Raylis for running a great adventure. I've enjoyed it loads.

Hand of Vecna

First Post
I'm fine with RPing the debriefing here, or not. Rgordona is likely right, though, it would mostly be Archeville talking (his Eidetic Memory plays nicely to my own borderline obsessive/compulsive syndrome ;) ), and I don't want to be hogging the spotlight. I do agree on confronting the Major about her "daddy issue," though, which would likely best be done here.

And, yeah, if the stuff in the syringe is no worse than what's in an IV, either the EMT is a moron, under mind control, or it wasn't the injection that knocked Archer out. Or there was a big air bubble in it and he just gave himself an embolism. Or -- possibly the most likely scenario -- the syringe had a virus or somesuch suspended in a saline solution, but all the EMT could detect with his field gear was the saline.


First Post
I think you've over analyzing it a bit... I doubt Raylis is an EMT, so it's a bit much to expect him to have a working medical knowledge. Anyways, isn't an IV a medium through which pretty much anything can be administered, from morphine to saline?

On the topic of the briefing, don't feel like you'd be hogging the spot light. If you'd enjoy it, I say go for it!

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