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RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

Hand of Vecna

First Post
[sblock=OOC]Re: tips of icebergs: I was hoping there'd be more to this than one SuperCrook & some gun-mooks :) [/sblock]

Archeville continues MacGyering, using his blaster at a low setting as an impromptu soldering iron in places. Almost there... hrm, maybe I should be working on some sort of device that can cancel out Crier's sonic powers.... Archeville thinks to himself. No, no, that would take too long.

[sblock=OOC]Round 3 of 5 for kit-bashing.[/sblock]

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First Post
Hand of Vecna said:
Archeville continues MacGyering, using his blaster at a low setting as an impromptu soldering iron in places. Almost there... hrm, maybe I should be working on some sort of device that can cancel out Crier's sonic powers.... Archeville thinks to himself. No, no, that would take too long.

[sblock=OOC]The Juggler's going to give Archeville such an earful when this is done.

As soon as he's done with Zenji. ;)[/sblock]


Mr Jones seated in the police car fumbles blindly with his communicator, before he finally flicks it on. "Jack!"he shouts"How long will the thugs stay down? There are more hostages! In the left hand office!"

Meanwhile his visual senses scan the bank lobby, taking in the new machine gun toting criminals and the helpless hostages. Perhaps if the goons loved the hostages that would be better; yes they would not shoot them then.

Move: Find communicator
Free: Speak
Free: Maintain Calming field.
Standard: Emotion control 10 - Love - Criminals only - love for the hostages.

Hmm is it legal to be using the same power twice concurently, probably not!

If not forget the calming field and just go with the love. :>

GM-I am fairly sure that TAMJ can not tell if the thoughts he senses are panicked(unless he tries) the free stuff is just that they exist, not that I begrudge the extra information :>

As you can probably tell I like to keep everything ordered in my mind, but I don't wont to force that on anyone else.

HoV-One super villain and some gun toting thugs robbing a bank, would be a let down, I want to search for the Missing University, thats what I signed up for:>

Also you could probably make sound cancelling headphones and claim they already exist so it is only equipment, that should make them nice and cheap. (Diplomacy enhancer is better though.)

Rhialto-Oh yes once the criminals are dealt with Zenji is next :>
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First Post
[sblock=If the Gumball appears to disable CC, or at least seriously hinder him] With the Crier seemingly disabled, at least for the moment, Jack spins to face the new threat. With an arrogant smile he sends some sedatives at the new gunman.[/sblock][sblock=If not]Cursing the Crier’s resilience, Jack sends another almost undetectable pulse of force at the him. Undetecable to those watching that is. He fully expected the Crier to notice THIS attack. Rather then attempting to gently put a target to sleep, the bio-energy tears through the Crier’s body, hopefully rending blood vessels and inflicting some serious physical trauma.[/sblock]
As he fires, Jack hears Jones warning come over the com-link. “On my way. The paralyze won’t hold ‘em much longer. Tell the bloody cops to hurry up and get in here!” Taking to the air once again he flies right at the gunman, making himself an easy target. He zips over the gun-man’s head and comes to a stop just inside the door of the office "And where the heck is that German egghead?"
[sblock=OOC] Jack will fire at his target. Either Fatigue for a DC 20 save at the dude with the MG or DC 25 fort save with lethal damage at the Crier. Other then it being a Fort save, it is otherwise the same as a normal damage. Then I’ll take a move action to put myself where I described.
Attack AoA5. Either Fatigue at MG or Damage at Crier. (1d20+15=33)
While Jack isn't please with Zenji, I think his actions are making this to be a very... exciting session. Which is why I didn't try harder to stop him. Great fun.[/sblock]

Hand of Vecna

First Post
[sblock=OOC]Just a heads up, they're predicitng some possible bad wintry weather in my neck of the woods, with possible power outages as ice accumulates on power lines. If no one hears from me tomorrow, it's because I'm in an icy tomb.[/sblock]


Jack said:
"And where the heck is that German egghead?"
"I don't know! Ask him yourself." Replies Jones. "I'll try and keep the goons quiet."

GM - My previous actions should probably have had a free action to maintain the calming field, will edit.

Jalinth - I agree great fun.

HoV - Good luck in the icy tomb.

All and possibly other threads - I think I heard that UP introduced a rule that a failed atempt at mind control prevents further MC atempts on the same target in that encounter without use of a hero point. Anyone know if we are using that rule? Should I be submiting it as a proposal? (Not that I really want it introduced but the rational does seem reasonable.)


First Post
OOC: as far as I am aware, being stunned only lasts one round (effectivly round 1 in this case).

Juggler's Gum Ball goes off sending a sticky blue substance around the teller counter. The ski masked thug is is covered and struggles to break free. The Crier manages to avoid the majority of the ball and seems unhindered by the clown's weapon.

The gunman by the officer looks back over his shoulder at the room where the hostages are, as Jack flies over he can hear the gunman say, "My loves!"

The Crimson Criminal shrugs off whatever Jack just attempted to do to him taking a deep breath and letting loose a yell that shatters through the tellar stands, a crimson wavelengths can be seen in the cone that encompases the heroes, and the gunmen, barely missing the hostages. Juggler grits his teeth as the sound engulfs him and the thug in front of the office takes an involentary step away from the Crier, dazed.

Zenji having been shot twice and deafened all withing minutes of arriving at the bank lets out a war cry and rushes across the broken tellar stand. He brings the sword across and lands a telling blow on the Crimson Crier, leaving a horrible gash from shoulder to hip.

Outside a police officer and a medic are standing next to the car where the Amazing Mr. Jones is utilizing his powers, another watching in odd fascination as Archeville comes closer to finishing his invention.

OOC: Wow, there's some deja vu for me...round 3 actions.

HoV: if we don't see you I'll NPC you as necessary good luck with the ice storm! And if you bring in the BBQ remember to open a window!
rgordona: As far as I am aware we're not using the rule from UP, unless Salix knows different?

Hand of Vecna

First Post
[sblock=OOC]Still here, gents. Tomorrow, though, who can say?[/sblock]

Archeville continues working on his invention, nabbing a pen from the onlooking paramedic's pocket as he asks to borrow it for use as a component. The spring from the 'clicking' mechanism should serve as a sufficient conductor between these two bits.... and that wire goes there... stick that bit here... almost done.... He pauses here and there to look up over his the police cruiser cover and see what's going on inside, though he cannot see much of anything.

For a moment he considers telling his teammates to fall back, or at least stop attacking and assume defensive positions, since his invention probably won't work as well if the targets are being attacked at the time. Then he remembers that almost none of his plans/suggestions/orders have been followed anyway, and it might be pointless to ask. He continued weighing possibilities as he worked, though.

[sblock=OOC]Round 4 of 5 for Kit-Bashing. If I need to be NPCd, once Archeville gets his invention done, he's going to glide up to the edge of the barricade [with his force field active] and try to use his "Diplomacizer" to get all the crooks to calm down and stop fighting. If it doesn't seem to work at first, he'll move to the bank entrance and try again. If that still doesn't work... well, hopefully my power & such would be restored by then and I can take back over, but if not, he'll throw his invention down in disgust and start blasting at Crier.[/sblock]


Unfortunatly I don't think Jones can tell if there is anyone near his real location, what with most of his senses being elsewhere. That is unless they are talking loudly among themselves.

Mr Jones watches the action from on high. As his comrades assault the man in red, the magician continues his mental chant "We love the hostages. We must not hurt the hostages. We love the hostages." allowing it to permeate out to the minds of the criminals.

Meanwhile his physical body reaches again for the comunicator. "Herr Doktor, how is the invention going? The others are fighting a man in red. Jack has most of the perps and the hostages stunned. Ask the police to send in some men to carry the hostages out while the vilian is distracted. They need to be quick."

Free: Maintain Emotion Control - Love - Criminals only
Free: Speak
Move: Nil/more speach
Free: Nil/more speach

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