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S1: Tomb of Horrors - IC


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Ungroth declines the beverage. "Concentrated sunlight is detrimental to my profession. The last thing i need is to glow in the dark." he says, scowling at the bright liquid. As he listens to the tale, his eyes glint at the mention of vast riches. "I can handle traps," he says tentatively, "might even consider it a hobby, but liches and other ghosts 'n ghoulies, that's beyond my experience."

"Now, i'd be willing to take on this job, myself, but before we make any promises, let's discuss remuneration" he says, briskly rubbing his hands together.

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Gorash Graybeard

Gorash takes the beverage happily. A dwarf that says no to alcohol is not a dwarf, he is a disguised elf walking on poles.
Turning to the Orc breed he says.
It is a deal, you'll handle the traps, leave the ghouls, ghosts, the undead and the lich to me. The Dwarf father gave me his powers to deal with such foul manifestations.


Gorash finds that the orange juice is tasty, but sadly, not alcoholic.

"While the temple has limited resources, I do realize that I am asking you to undertake considerable risks and that skilled adventurers feel a need for expensive equipment. I am willing to offer the equivalent of ten thousand gold apiece, in gems or in platinum if you request. The other loot you may find in the tomb could be worth considerably more, but of course we all know that it might not turn out that way. Most importantly, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you helped in the fight against evil. Do we have a deal?"

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"In a pinch i can call forth power and imbibe it into a weapon to make it effective against some creatures."


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Ungroth's eyes turn towards the ceiling as he does the math, then focuses once again on the priest. "Ten thousand gold on top of an unspecified 'hoard of treasure' sets my mind at ease. I for one am willing to attempt this." That said, he steps back a bit and looks at the others expressionlessly.

What in the name of…
Gorash mumbles to himself and sneers quietly as he takes a sip from the juice.
You have my faith and my axe father …The gold coins can be transferred to my temple.
He says, imagining to himself his room back at the temple after he will redecorate it with expensive gold statues and some new tapestries. He will send some money to his folks back in Irongate.


"Very good. No doubt your temple can aid many of the less fortunate with the funds."

After waiting a while longer, it becomes apparent that no more adventurers are going to show up at Pelor's temple this morning.

"The others who I sent for are no doubt away on quests of their own. If they return soon, I will likely try to recruit them for the raid on the tomb. But it could take days or weeks before that happens. The bad guys are unlikely to hold off that long, so it's best to just proceed with the three of you. I chose you because of your experience and reputations. If anyone can succeed in this quest, I think you can."

"I'll give you a map that shows how to get to the island within the swamp where the tomb is said to be. There is a guide, Mark Hinter, who will accompany you most of the way - but he will not set foot on the island. I don't blame him; I wouldn't either. He simply doesn't have the kind of experience fighting monsters that you three have."

You are given the map and introduced to Mark Hinter, a large, bald human man who looks to be in his early 30's.

"Hello, guys. I'll be taking you into the swamp.

You'll be given the use of a small barge. More of a raft, really. I don't know if you have magic for rapid transportation, but if you do, feel free to forget the boat and use your magic to get back here once you're ready to do that. If not, well, I'll show you how to paddle. Shouldn't be too hard to retrace the route.

The swamp alone has its dangers. Tribes of bullywugs are the most common real threat, but I can think we can avoid them by skirting their territory. Marsh giants are tough as hell and you never know where they'll be. Sometimes you see gators, or giant frogs, or well, sometimes you see any kind of monster. If I see a big monster, or signs of one, I head the other way as fast as I can. That's why I'm still alive. Doesn't hurt to carry some extra food to drop overboard in case of a pursuit, either."

ooc: Any last minute preparations? Also, I am going to need to know your spell selections. You will not arrive the same day, so you can pick your spells for the arrival at the island. That will be the next IC scene unless you want to do something else first.


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"Do we need to aquire any special equipment to get us there beyond what is being provided, Mr. Hinter?" Ungroth queries, weighing his purse.

Do we get the 10k up front or after we succeed the mission, cause if we get it first, i'll need to revisit the SRD before we go. :)


"Not that I can think of. Don't ask me what you might need once you are there."

ooc: If you specifically request it, a loan for the purchase of equipment can be arranged up to the amount of the 10k fee. If you don't intend to go through with the mission you'll need to bluff Father Jared, but I don't think that's an issue.

All mundane and alchemical equipment is available (within reason).

The temple either has on hand or can arrange fairly quickly (calling in favors from people in town) the following magic items:

cleric scrolls or wands (I'll allow any that you request)
cleric potions and oils (any)

oil of mirror image (300 gp, CL 3; 5 doses are available)
ring of sustenance (2,500 gp; 2 are available)
cloaks of resistance (+1, +2, +3)
ring of protection +1 (2,000 gp)
ring of protection +2 (8,000 gp)
ring of feather falling (2,200 gp)
scroll of mad monkeys (375 gp)
aegis of recovery (1,500 gp; 2 are available)
wand of invisibility (4,500 gp)
wand of false life (4,500 gp)
wand of rope trick (4,500 gp)
+1 magic weapons (various)

Other items might be available upon request.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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