Scotley's Carrion Crown IC Part 1 The Haunting of Harrowstone


At your shout the figure rises and shambles away from the doorway and toward you one hand outstretched. As it steps into the light you can see that it is a zombie. The fellow is an old man dressed in his funereal finery. Worms and bits of flesh fall from the walking corpse. It charges forward and tries to hit Besharrn, but the Half-Orc is ready and avoids the blow. It's tongue lolls out hungrily and at slurs out 'brainnsssssss'.

OOC: Your turn.
attack: 1D20+4 = [15]+4 = 19

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Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger 3

Besharrn attacks the zombie with his halberd:

[sblock=stats - Besharrn Blacktusk]
Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger 3

AC:21[10+7(+1 breastplate)+3(Dex)+1(Dodge Feat)] [25 w/Shield of Swings]
T:14 [18 w/Shield of Swings]


Skills: (Ranks 7+7+7 = 21) [CS=Class Skill]
Climb 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8
Intimidate 3 ranks +2 rac'l +3 CS +0cha = +8 [Std act'n-if sucsfl give opp the Shaken condition, -2 att]
[DC to demoralize=10+target's HD+target's Wis mod] [lasts 1rnd + 1rnd for every 5 check exceeds DC]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3 ranks, +1 Int +2 Favored Terrain +3 CS = +9
Perception 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground]
PASSIVE PERCEPTION: 17 [19 underground]
Stealth 3 ranks +3 dex +3 CS = +9 [+2 underground]
Survival 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground] [+1 (half Ranger Level) to follow tracks]
Swim 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8 [-3 ACP if wearing +1 Magic Breastplate]

Saves: Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +3

Init +3, BAB +3, CMB +5, CMD 18 [22 w/ Shield of Swings]

Halberd +7, 1d10+3 dam, Short Sword +6, 1d6+2 dam, Heavy Crossbow +7, 1d10 dam

Feat: Shield of Swings - gain +4 AC and CMD but only do half damage. FULL ATTACK ONLY [APG]
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Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger 3

Besharrn attacks the zombie with his halberd:
The damage roll worked the first time, right?

[sblock=stats - Besharrn Blacktusk]
Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger 3

AC:21[10+7(+1 breastplate)+3(Dex)+1(Dodge Feat)] [25 w/Shield of Swings]
T:14 [18 w/Shield of Swings]


Skills: (Ranks 7+7+7 = 21) [CS=Class Skill]
Climb 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8
Intimidate 3 ranks +2 rac'l +3 CS +0cha = +8 [Std act'n-if sucsfl give opp the Shaken condition, -2 att]
[DC to demoralize=10+target's HD+target's Wis mod] [lasts 1rnd + 1rnd for every 5 check exceeds DC]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3 ranks, +1 Int +2 Favored Terrain +3 CS = +9
Perception 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground]
PASSIVE PERCEPTION: 17 [19 underground]
Stealth 3 ranks +3 dex +3 CS = +9 [+2 underground]
Survival 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground] [+1 (half Ranger Level) to follow tracks]
Swim 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8 [-3 ACP if wearing +1 Magic Breastplate]

Saves: Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +3

Init +3, BAB +3, CMB +5, CMD 18 [22 w/ Shield of Swings]

Halberd +7, 1d10+3 dam, Short Sword +6, 1d6+2 dam, Heavy Crossbow +7, 1d10 dam

Feat: Shield of Swings - gain +4 AC and CMD but only do half damage. FULL ATTACK ONLY [APG]


First Post
"Oh, sorry, red please - never really been a fan of that sweet white stuff. and bread and figs sound wonderful, it's been quite some time since I've had figs." As the older men's conversation drifts in their direction, Falco adds at a whisper, "And can you get those two fellows another round as well?" Falco gives the woman a gold coin to keep her happy with their business.

When all the drinks arrive Falco holds up his mug and looks to the older men and says in a clear voice. "Sirs... To our health, well being and harmonious relationships for many years to come." Falco raises his drink even higher to toast all in the establishment and drinks from his cup.

She nods, "Bread and figs then? And would you prefer the red or the white?" The two old fellows engage in a whispered conversation, but at their advanced age they have to practically shout at each other to overcome their mutual deafness. "It's two o' them furenners. You best keep a hand to your neck Otis, they could be the one's been bleedin' things and painting the monument with blood and stuff." "You're right Furd, that little en is a shifty eyed bugger. Can't trust them halfin's or outsiders says I. Should we do our drinking somewhere's else today you think?" "Oh I don't know, might be best we stay where we can keep an eye on them rather than letting them slip up behind us later."
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They woman slips the gold coin into her apron pocket with haste and then pats it a couple times to make sure it is still in there. "Right away good sirs." She bustles off to the bar to fetch your wine, bread and figs. The figs are very ripe and almost melt into the warm bread. The wine of decent quality and a semi-dry red. It does complement the sweet figs and yeasty bread reasonably well. The startled old fellows duly raise their glasses in salute and drink deeply. "To your health." They say in unison. Falco hears one say to the other. "Say what ye will bout them halfin's, but they do have manors." Taking another sip of his fresh drink the other responds. "Oh indeed, and you was right we should stay and keep an eye on them. Unless my eye deceives me that lass got a right shiny gold piece. They could be buying more drinks before the day is out." The one called Furd nods, "Yes, such activity bares watching." The serving woman soon returns. "Is it to your liking good sirs? Is there anything else I can bring you? Will you be in town long?"


Besharrn attacks the zombie with his halberd:
The damage roll worked the first time, right?

[sblock=stats - Besharrn Blacktusk]
Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger 3

AC:21[10+7(+1 breastplate)+3(Dex)+1(Dodge Feat)] [25 w/Shield of Swings]
T:14 [18 w/Shield of Swings]


Skills: (Ranks 7+7+7 = 21) [CS=Class Skill]
Climb 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8
Intimidate 3 ranks +2 rac'l +3 CS +0cha = +8 [Std act'n-if sucsfl give opp the Shaken condition, -2 att]
[DC to demoralize=10+target's HD+target's Wis mod] [lasts 1rnd + 1rnd for every 5 check exceeds DC]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3 ranks, +1 Int +2 Favored Terrain +3 CS = +9
Perception 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground]
PASSIVE PERCEPTION: 17 [19 underground]
Stealth 3 ranks +3 dex +3 CS = +9 [+2 underground]
Survival 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground] [+1 (half Ranger Level) to follow tracks]
Swim 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8 [-3 ACP if wearing +1 Magic Breastplate]

Saves: Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +3

Init +3, BAB +3, CMB +5, CMD 18 [22 w/ Shield of Swings]

Halberd +7, 1d10+3 dam, Short Sword +6, 1d6+2 dam, Heavy Crossbow +7, 1d10 dam

Feat: Shield of Swings - gain +4 AC and CMD but only do half damage. FULL ATTACK ONLY [APG]

OOC: The damage roll did indeed work the first time. No point in wasting a max roll eh? :heh: Especially when you find you have separated yourself from the rest of the group and wandered into a fight. [roll0]


The zombie takes another swing at the half-orc, but again the doughty warrior stands firm and his armor deflects it. A window opens from one of the buildings on an upper floor. A woman leans out and screams. You hear some running footsteps, but still some distance away. Besharrn is on his own for now.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

The archeologist pastes a troubled look on his face, and shakes his head slightly. "Research is expensive, as I've good cause to know . . . so expensive that I barely manage to make ends meet as I travel, looking into such odd occurrences as I come across and helping out where I can. Were it not for the generosity of the Lady Lorrimor I'd be sleeping under a hedge so I could spend my meagre funds to advance my studies. Still, I understand your need to ask a fee for use of such laboriously collected archives. Ten pieces of gold a day will put a terrible strain on my current resources. Could you see your way clear to accepting five gold a day?"

[sblock=Actions (Diplomacy Roll)]Diplomacy: 1D20+7 = [12]+7 = 19[/sblock]
Vadim Nazdravan Character Sheet


Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger 3

Besharrn calls out to the woman in the window as he continues the battle, "Haloo, Goodwife! Call the watch if you can, please?", and he again attacks the zombie with his halberd:

[sblock=stats - Besharrn Blacktusk]
Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger 3

AC:21[10+7(+1 breastplate)+3(Dex)+1(Dodge Feat)] [25 w/Shield of Swings]
T:14 [18 w/Shield of Swings]


Skills: (Ranks 7+7+7 = 21) [CS=Class Skill]
Climb 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8
Intimidate 3 ranks +2 rac'l +3 CS +0cha = +8 [Std act'n-if sucsfl give opp the Shaken condition, -2 att]
[DC to demoralize=10+target's HD+target's Wis mod] [lasts 1rnd + 1rnd for every 5 check exceeds DC]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3 ranks, +1 Int +2 Favored Terrain +3 CS = +9
Perception 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground]
PASSIVE PERCEPTION: 17 [19 underground]
Stealth 3 ranks +3 dex +3 CS = +9 [+2 underground]
Survival 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground] [+1 (half Ranger Level) to follow tracks]
Swim 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8 [-3 ACP if wearing +1 Magic Breastplate]

Saves: Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +3

Init +3, BAB +3, CMB +5, CMD 18 [22 w/ Shield of Swings]

Halberd +7, 1d10+3 dam, Short Sword +6, 1d6+2 dam, Heavy Crossbow +7, 1d10 dam

Feat: Shield of Swings - gain +4 AC and CMD but only do half damage. FULL ATTACK ONLY [APG]


The window slams and you can hear the woman screaming her way through the house, presumably on her way to a door that might lead tto help. But one more stout blow brings the zombie down. It crumples in a heep. A local deputy pounds around the corner breathing hard and takes one look at the half-orc standing over the body of the dead old man and shouts. "STOP IN THE NAME OF THE LAW. I'm arresting you for murder." The old man's innerds drip onto the cobbles from the blade of Besharrn's Halbred. The woman from the window peeks around the corner. "I seen him poleaxe ole Emmit I did."
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