[Sealed Lands] The City of Taleas


As you approach the clearing you make out two figures enganged in combat, one wearing the distinctive gold-coloured plate mail of the paladins and clerics of Photus and the other in black full plate, engraved with iron gauntlets, set off with a velvet cape, indicating he is a servant of Tyrran, the Lord of Darkness. The two seem to be engaged in their private war. The full helms covering their heads makes it impossible to identify anything more of either of them.

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ooc: Does anyone appear to have the upper hand? (players: I'm thinking the Paladin might be offended if we interfere in his duel, unless he's obviously overmatched.)

Inez Hull

First Post
"Let Aeter be the judge of this battle, if we interfere with his will his wrath will falll upon us. It seems both combatants are engaged in fair and unencumbered battle and Aeter will allow each one to exert all his worldly talent. Who are we to meddle?"


First Post
"Aye, priest, tis a duel an' we have no place tae interfere which such a matter o' honour," Argus says, settling down to watch with interest.


First Post
"Indeed, let us wait and observe. I've payed good money to see fights like this in the stadiums of the south-east. It would be a waste to walk away from this free performance."

He leans casually against some convenient object and watches the fight.
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First Post
Watching the duel, Aerick appreiciates the obvious talents each fighter has. The carefully directed blows by the paladin, countered with the fierceness the dark knight shows.

OOC: Unfortunatly I'll be out of town for a few days...be back on sunday night or monday. Kalanyr feel free to auto Aerick if you will.


As you watch the two combatants battle, you all begin to notice things that seem subtely out of place, the Paladin's longsword when striking the Iron Knight's armour is not being deflected harmlessly aside its chipping, denting and even bending the heavy fullplate and the impact of the blow is being carried through the armour inflicting damage on the knight beneath. Studying the Iron Knight's combat style you notice his bladed gauntlets are having a similar effect on his opponent's armour, and his movements are far to quick and precise for anyone in full plate.

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