[Sealed Lands] The City of Taleas

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First Post
"Most peculiar"

ooc: Sound like a new house-rule, changing the armour bonuses to defense to damage-resistance. A pretty good idea and a lot more realistic ;).

Inez Hull

First Post
"Something here has the smell of wrongness, I will ask Aeter for guidance."

The black robed priest bows his head in prayer and when his somber chanting is finished he looks up with glowing green eyes at the scene of battle.

[casts Detect Undead and if no result then cast Deathwatch]


Your detect undead reveals nothing. Deathwatch shows 4 life forces present in the battle all wounded.
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Inez Hull

First Post
"There is an abomination here, where there appears to be two there are in fact four. There is no unlife present but my Lord whispers to me that there is more than meets our mortal eyes. Perhaps a possession or parasite exists in each warrior."


First Post
"Either that or their armour. It seem to be taking damage in a most unusual way, most suits of armour are never damaged at all in any fight with mere melee weapons."


First Post
"This fight may be strange, even if magic is involved it is quite fascinating...perhaps this magic seal leaking is causing more effect on our lands other then map changing... Aerick states while continuing to watch the 2 opponents fight.

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