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Selan- A SE Asian campaign (Critical rebuilding)

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
First Draft of the Varunastra/ "Drowned" Spiritouched up in House Rules.


Your ideas of a spiritual "gang war" seem in character for the creation myth we have at the moment. It also fits in with our concept of the Garuda "feeding" on the faith and devotion of humankind, increasing their power and influence on both the Spiritual and Material spheres.

Our Asturian spirit-touched are perhaps an even more physical aspect to the Garuda's power... the more of them there are, and the more powerful their essence... the greater Astur's power gets. Spiffy!

Yeah, I haven't been out west to Perth yet, though I would like to one day and see the Indian Ocean for myself. I always feel privileged to live in a country with such diverse places. :) In the case of Sydney, though I haven't seen any more than the airport for many years.

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questing gm

First Post
101th post for the thread ~! Should we be celebrating ?

It sucks when you've missed out so much just because your internet connection was down for a FEW days... :p

Lol, yep streamyx just sux in Sabah, even in KK, the capital ! (apa khabar orang di sana?! Xenoflare & Aikuchi)

Catched up on the reading again and pouring my mind out again of ideas to spill.... :heh:

I really liked the physical manifestation of the spirits through items. This could make a spirit-touched race (for the Garuda) unneccesary since the Selanese would probably pay homage to the items that they 'believed' holds the dead spirits of the Garuda. 'You fear what you cannot see'. It gives an emphasis on the Garuda's warning of respecting their dead.

The lazy man's way of seeing this, is that the weapons and armor possessed by these spirits are just weapons of legacy.

For the Astur, i dunno. I had them in mind as a religion that wants to spread the 'truth' of a 'one god'. I've come up with this bit for your inspection and approval (as always)

When the sea traders arrived and saw that the Selanese had fear for the spirits of the Garuda, they thought it was heresy. They preached their religion to the Selanese saying that their god is the greater one and would protect its worshippers from anyone (the Garuda). As sea traders they could bring prosperity to the Selanese and from this prospertiy, a few major cities begin to sprout out. Many converted to the Astur religion as they have more faith in a deity that gives hope, salvation and wealth rather than bounding themselves in a religion that commands fear, reverence and traditions.

As the worship for the Garuda slowly deteriorate for centuries to this day (current setting timeline) they have almost forgotten who were their saviors from the ancient Naga. The 'modern' Selanese today disregard their old practices as animism, an up-front against the Astur religion (for worshipping another god and all that) and out-dated.

However, the Selanese are beginning to witness the consequences for abandonning the Garuda. Natural disaster like typhoons (which is not much of a laughing matter in real-world SEA), volcanos (you could check out the latest news about the volcano Merapi in Indonesia) and earthquakes (like the one that just hit Indonesia recently, something-karta, damn can't remember the place).

Only those that still maintain the practice the 'animism' religion (Shanmans and Witchdoctors) forsee this as a sign that the Garuda are descending once more to fulfill what they have promised to humanity long ago for their betrayal - destruction. As a warning though to these redeemable souls, the spirit-manifested items are slowly urging heroes to gather them from the lost, sealed, protected and revered to the long lost battleground of the ultimate battle between the Garuda and the Naga to appeace the Garuda once more or all is lost. (okay, that's was just a far-fetched campaign idea so you can just ignore this part :eek: )

Okay for the Deng Hua...here's another one of my ideas about how they come into the picture... (only if you like it of course)

Reflecting them based on China, it is important to mention that SEA has been paying tribute to them and making diplomatic alliances with them for protection and trade. So...

The Deng Hua is a mighty empire and the Selanese nations have been paying tribute to them so that they would no invade their borders. However, a new emperor has risen to the thron of the Deng Hua and like all new emperors, a new tribute must be made. However, the Selanese are unable to meet the demands of this new emperor of a million (i need a more realistic figure, any help Xenoflare ?) jars of rice yearly. This is mostly because of the natural disaster that are slowly happening across the land. Instead of paying tribute to this new demanding emperor, the Selanese nations decided that if they join forces they could withstand the great army of the Deng Hua than face humiliation for all these years, like a vassal state.

War is grdually coming to the land of the Selanese. To the leaders and politicians (nobles), the demands of the Deng Hua empire has gone far enough. While the shanmans and the witchdoctors believe that this is just another manifestation of the wrath of the Garuda.

Together with the great armada of the Deng Hua comes the monks, trained in a form of combat style never seen before only using their body as the ultimate weapon. The usage of full plate armor and large brandish swords that could easily deflect the weapons and attacks of the primitive Selanese armory would be a great advantage to the Deng Hua. Finally, the sea traders may have a proposition about helping the Selanese win the war and come up with their own deals. They could sell their own 'advanced' arsenal to the Selanese to aid the war effort...or perhaps mercenaries ?

When the time comes, all man. Selanese,Deng Hua or sea-trader would fall before the mighty sweeps of the Garuda's blade and many will die. Many will die...

There you have it, a save-the-day scenario and war (some of my personal favorites in any fantasy setting so i guess i'm being kinda biased here lol). So, what do you think ? :eek:

Oh, just for the record....peluru silap mata ! (magic missile, literally). :lol:

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Appreciated, as always Questing! Might take me a while to absorb all this...! ;)

At first glance, however....

Your ideas regarding the Astur. Yeah, that was my original conception too... but then I got thinking: I have "Chinese" Deng Hua from the north, who have a kind Tao/Buddhism thing going on... and from the West, there are people who believe in one God....
...too close to reality?
That being said, implementing this concept (or a slight variation) instantly gives a strong campaign hook, and also a strong sense of urgency (but is still reasonably open ended). There's also no simple answer to how to appease the Garuda, who feel intensely wronged.

(Hey, I just got a image of a Mooncalf as a "harbinger of doom" kind of thing. Just give it some more avian features, and.... Cool beans! :) )

On the Deng Hua, I haven't really been thinking about them much, but your ideas sound plausible.

Ok, will post more later... must.... think... more!


Oh, Questing ..

I have "perisai" up.
tsk tsk, deflects your peluru.

Haha, you shall bow to my "Panah Asid Melfara!"


Play on similarities.
Don't pattern too closely to real world, if youre uncertain on not being able to capture it exactingly. For cultures that are monoesthic, there is a lot of online reference for them. Seek simiarities for those that believe in just One divine being and what they think of others.

A Dao/Buddhist philosophy isn't so much of a religion than a philosophy of how to live a better life, like Shinto-ism as being practiced in daily life (with Confucius-istic rituals and stuff).

its much much easier on your brain to collectively create your own (much simplified of course) dialectics for one-world, polyeisthic religions and philosophical tangents than thinking strongly in line of what real world practices are :D

Not sure how i'm actually helping here - but I hope I am.

just concentrate on parts of geography or people that your players will explore first with some cursory mention or brief on the rest of hte nations. As they explore, you will see scenarios emerge to enrich you nations beyond their borders ans they explore. As they learn, as will you about your own living-breathing world :D

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul

Yeah, you're probably right (I worry far too much!). Religion-wise, I kind of don't want to offend anyone (got some very anti-religious friends, and some who are extremely devout).
With my interest in the subject, I'm always wanting things to seem well-rounded and not cliched religious practices.

Y'know, people often give the advice not to create too much at once, and just worry about a small area. I hope one day I can learn to do this! :D
I really don't want to have to worry about what the lands to the north and west are like (except for a very general outline) unless the PCs will actually go there! A lot less hassle!
But... old habits die hard ;)

Almost finished Deathtouched (still considering alternate names), and variant Ranger and Barbarian/Berserker. I'll post them up in House Rules in the next day or two.

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Sound of Azure's thread, Small Undead HD 3d12

Ah, the wonders of animate thread.... :D

How's the campaign coming along? On temporary hiatus, as my players shot me down over the idea. We haven't played for a bit, so they want something more "vanilla" initially. :(

So I'm going to do a "basic" scenario set earlier in the history of the world, in Deng Hua, playing out one of their old legends during the "time of gods". Will be using the basic Oriental Adventures rules. It's not western fantasy, but it's more familiar to the players, and they can still have their magic doo-dads. It should play out over a month, maybe 6 weeks. Hopefully this will whet their appetite to know about the strange tropical lands to the south.

Of course, that means I'll have more time to plan things for the "contemporary" campaign later.

Once it's over, I'll post a Story Hour detailing what happened. I'd expect that about a month after the compaign finishes, though I'm considering a week-by-week SH as well.



ahh i've started many a "vanilla" beginning before ...

with... insidious add-ons and subtle introductions to my .. *cough cough* alterations. Like new different spells that that ... just so different and perhaps cool! - with compeltely different mechanics for working GASP!
Prestige class options that open up with discovery and exploraiont inreofucing .. GASP! more choices to enter and theyre only 1 level away from accomplishing them ...
*nudge nudge ...

(giggles tee hee) - I think they knew it was coming but weaning it slowly in ,helps add a lot of flavor.

Hmm, i guess i should be thankful it wasnt a "speak with thread". I'd get a awful lot of stares from my co-workers ...

added tee hee's
Last edited:

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
[I]Speak with thread[/I]? Alas, no vocal interface with ENworld yet....

Yeah, that's more or less the plan. My players can be a bit traditional and attached to their elves, wizards and dwarvish war-cannons so it'll have to be a gentle process. Hopefully they'll think the setting is awesome enough to want more than just a quick adventure.

But then, I'm treating as a "legend" for the backgrond of the contemporary campaign. Maybe the new characters will strive to equal these legendary PCs, or hope to avoid the tragedy of the demise? Will they learn the lessons so hard won (or lost) by the old tales?

Anyhow, it might work. Heh.

Last time I started "vanilla", we ended up with the world being ruined, Baatezu overlords and all the bells and whistles of a post-apocalyptic survival campaign. The Paladin PC wasn't very happy about it. :p

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Coming Soon:

*The City of Kalpesh, jewel of the River Ganah and gateway to mysterious lands of Selan. "Perfect City" of the realm.

*Beginnings of the overview of each of the Protectorates.

*Asturite religion

*and much much more! :p

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