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Sex with the DM


I am the mysterious professor.
Cthulhudrew said:
Vancouver, huh? Well, I've always liked the northwest, and the one time I went to Vancouver I enjoyed it. Might be a nice change from So Cal... :)
Yeah all that warmth, sunlight and chicks in bikinis can be a real drag :)

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LOL, never done this, but if somebody wants to point me to a hot gamer chick DM in Northern Virginia, I'll be happy to do some field research and report back.

It's the least I can do for ENWorld. :)


First Post
I think the polite answer is no.

drothgery said:
Hmm... I know a lot of current or former gamers who have children, which certainly suggests sex was involved somewhere :)

[Homer Simpson]
Artificial insemination? Boy, I don't know. You'd have to be pretty desperate to make it with a robot!
[/Homer Simpson]

Cthulhudrew said:
It's rough. It's something like 61 degrees out right now. Brrr! :D

I hate you.
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Silver Moon

Aeson said:
In all seriousness I have not seen it in a game. I have not played with a group that had a DM/player couple. I would be curious to see what happens when the other players find out and or get tired of it.
Well, if we're actually being serious here I'll mention that my weekly gaming group started 24.5 years ago and my wife of the last 17.5 years was and is still an active player in the game. (In fact, back in 1982 I originally invited her to join the group in the first place because the DM of her previous gaming group was privately propositioning her for favors in return for game perks, which she and I were both appalled at that. When she refused he scheduled a game without telling her and then killed off her character.)

In all that time I can say that neither she or I ever gave one another preferential treatment when we DM, nor would any of the other players stand for it if we did. We've also had a number of other couples in the group over the years who felt the same way. Once a couple joined where the guy did favor his fiance when he DM'ed and they didn't last long with the group as a result. If the DM isn't ethical, and doesn't treat all players fairly, then what's the point in playing?
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First Post
Silver Moon said:
(In fact, back in 1982 I originally invited her to join the group in the first place because the DM of her previous gaming group was privately propositioning her for favors in return for game perks, which she and I were both appalled at that. When she refused he scheduled a game without telling her and then killed off her character.)
That is seriously screwed up.


First Post
I've played in five groups with GM/SO combinations, none with GM/non-SO relationship.

In three GM/SO groups, the wife of the GM got no preferential treatment, never asked for it.

In one of the other two, she didn't get outright favoratism, but did appear to gain things such as more contacts, information and a couple of things the rest of us would have liked, but never got out of the GM. Unfortunately, she played the Spoiler, deliberately screwing up player tactics and role-play encounters while sitting back, laughing and looking sideways at the people who became upset (usually me, being the tactician). Her boyfriend GM defended her "fun", until it was made clear that four of the five other players were bothered by it.

In the other one, the GM's wife got most of the same perks as Spoiler Chick. Then she got her character in a situation she shouldn't have, and (while in her defense she was 8 months pregnant,) threatened to make his life hell if he killed her PC. In the end, two players (not me) made it known that this was not cool and her character died. Unfortunately, she came back with a 61 point PC that I'm fairly sure wasn't actually rolled. One of the players who objected left shortly thereafter and I left a short while later due to scheduling problems (my new job shift left me unable to attend half of every session).


First Post
Kamikaze Midget said:
Short answer? Stop caring about doing things right. ;)
Real answer? Never stop caring about doing things right. You want a nice girl? You want good kids? Do it right, or you won't do it at all. It's all economics, baby.

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